

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 9 - she lied

Sally had to order food for her children as she had lost interest in cooking because of Cisco.

He had the nerves to act like what happened yesterday was a small incident.

An hour later there were all ready to leave the house. Sally dropped her children off at school and drove speedily to Liz's house.she really needed to talk to Liz,things were getting strange .

What Cisco did and said this morning kept ringing in her head. She knew her husband so well . He couldn't just walk up to her and start acting extra sweet.He must have forgotten she was a smart woman.

Liz was sitting on the stairs outside her house when she saw Sally's car from afar.

Sally sighted Liz from the balcony of her house ,she was waving at her like a mad Zulu woman. Sally drove into the compound and parked her car in the parking lot. She hadn't even gotten halfway out of her car when Liz pounced on her.

"Oh you fluffy teddy chubby bear " Liz said hugging Sally tightly.

"I'm not fluffy ,you're the fluffy one here". Sally said smiling widely.

"Oh shut up , I'm trying to forget that I'm fat ".she said squeezing her best friend tightly.

" Urghh....I can't breathe".

"Oh ,sorry .let's go inside". she said and led Sally into her house.

"You know ,you should watch your diet if you want to lose weight". Sally chuckled.

"I tried, I honestly tried ,but the food is so tempting.Food is my life ." Liz said with huge eyes that looks like she had just won a golden medal.

Sally slumped on the couch in Liz's living room looking frustrating and confused after getting inside Liz's home. Liz was leaving alone, according to her ,she didn't want to experience the troubles in marriage.

"So what's up?".Liz asked handing Sally the coffee she just made.

"Urghh..!!.. ,Liz everything is up. I don't even know where to start."

"Just start from somewhere ,say anything".

"This morning something happened ".Sally sighed.

"What happened??". Liz questioned.

"Cisco was acting really sweet".

"Well that's expected, he's probably doing it to make you jealous".

"No ,I mean to me. He's acting sweet and caring towards me".

Liz looked up from her mug with wide eyes at Sally." " Whoa.... looks like he has changed".

"Ha...,Cisco can't change. Few weeks ago he acted like we were never married,he treated me like a stranger. Only yesterday he hurt his own daughter and now all of a sudden he changed. Liz I know my husband,he is up to something".

"Okay ,maybe he wants something from you that's why he is pretending to care " . Liz added .

"I feel like throwing up when I thinking about what he said to me."

"What did he say?."

"He said he loves me and he always will and he wants to spend more time with me, blah blah blah .Can't remember all of it."

"Seriously ,that man has no shame."

"I don't know what to do anymore" .Sally sighed.

"Do you have any clue what he wants or did anything suspicious happen ever since Pam arrived".

"Yep ,I think Pam's acting strange . She came up to me saying she wanted to talk. She said Cisco forced her to marry him."

"What??? Are you serious? " .Liz shouted almost spilling her coffee.

" yep" .she sighed again.

"How do you know she's not lying??."

"I don't know , it all sounds real and that's not all. She told me she had a fiancee in Nigeria and they were supposed to get marriage next month".

"Tell me I'm not hearing this ". Liz said surprised.

"Although I have a bad feeling about this ,I think Pam might be lying because she was talking like she was forced to say what she told me.".

"Wait , wait ,there's more??"

"I don't think I need to do much talking".Sally said before bringing out her phone and playing all she had recorded."

"Wow ,smart move Sally ".please tell me you recorded all she said.

"Yep I did, just incase she denies saying it in the future."

They both smiled at each other and played the recorded audio .when they were done listening to the recorder Liz folded her arms across her chest and lean backwards on her chair.

"I think she is lying". Liz pointed out.

"I have no choice but to go with that for now. I'm gonna call Christopher to find out whoever Steve odije and Gary Harwood is .And then he'll check the company's report if any important meeting was held when Cisco left for Nigeria."

"Ohh, so you two have another company in Nigeria ?"Liz asked.

"Yeah ,we do. Like a branch or something."

" So he went to represent the two of you? "

" Yes and he said there was an emergency,a serious meeting which he must attend".

"Hold on a minute, if there was an emergency in your company you should be the first to know right?? Then how come you didn't know about this??"

"You're right ,but I think Cisco mentioned something like that some weeks before he left,I just can't remember .And my secretary didn't inform me about any board meeting." Sally replied.

"This only means two things either there was no meeting which he didn't want you to know about or there was a meeting he didn't want you to attend" .Liz said while rubbing her chin like a detective.

"If there was a meeting which he didn't want me to know about ,then why tell me in the first place??".

"Umm ....cause your husband is stupid ,no offence though."

Sally chuckled " that might be an answer, We'll have to stick with the little information we have now." sally added then placed her legs on the huge glass table in the sitting room and spread her whole body on the sofa.

"You do realize you are in my house right so you ought to be polite". Liz said glaring at Sally's foot that was almost suffocating her very expensive table . She could almost hear the table screaming for freedom.

"Yeah so what, to hell with politeness..!! Since I am the visitor here you'll have to treat me nicely. Now go get me a nice cold cup of apple juice and blueberry muffins."

Liz picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it at Sally's face " " you...,have you ever treated me nice whenever I visit you??"

