

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 6 - Angry mom.

Sally used her last strength to climb the freaking long stairs. She was surprised at what she saw when she entered her room. Her children were sleeping , holding hands and looking as though they were saved from drowning or they were having nightmares ,besides only Nora cried in her sleep when having nightmares.

She remembered she had a strange feeling when she was at the restaurant but was too occupied to worry about it,so she took a closer look at her children. Iris was looking fine but Mia's neck was kinda red and swollen while Nora looked like she had been crying,maybe she was having a nightmare at least she had an explanation for Nora's swollen eyes but she was finding it difficult to put a finger to why Mia's neck was red. Well ,she would out when they woke up.

After taking a quick shower she Sally went down to the kitchen to heat up the food she bought.she didn't care if Cisco was starving to death,he could take care of himself or his precious wife could do it for him.

If only things could go back to the way they were,she missed how Cisco and her cooked together with their children and all the happy moments they spent together.If only she could turn back the hands of time.She was jolted back to reality when she heard Nora's voice.

"Mummy you're back,did you get ice cream for me?"

"I'm sorry sweetie I totally forgot,but I brought something even better".

"There's nothing better than strawberry ice cream ".

" ohh..there is,I bought fried rice,pancakes,African salad and sandwiches." Sally said with a wide smile on her face as she brought the food from the bag .Nora's eyes widened at the delicacies in front of her eyes

"Wow ,they are yummy but still not better than ice cream."

"Whatever ,get your sisters to come down."

Sally noticed the long face on Nora when she said those words and then she remembered Mia's swollen neck.

"What's wrong ?She asked."did you fight with your sisters or did you have a nightmare?".

"I slept in the afternoon so I don't think a bad dream in the afternoon is called a nightmare"

" So what is it called then".

" Maybe a aftemare, afternoonmare or daymare. I think daymare is the word."

Sally chuckled ." there are no such words as that. Tell me what this daymare is all about".

" I didn't have a night....daymare."

"Then why do you look as if you've been crying".

" I heard Mia scream and when I got to your room they were both crying,the sweet little girl that I am couldn't let them cry alone so I joined them".Nora said grinning.

"Why were they crying".

"I don't know maybe they fought"

"They fought and Mia ended up with a red swollen neck.

"You ask them yourself I'm sure they will tell you". Sally marched into to her room to question her children on why they fought and ended up getting hurt .She entered the room and saw that they were both on the bed but not sure if they were asleep.

" Iris are you awake?". she whispered touching her arm.

"I am now ". Iris said stretching her arms.

"You must be very hungry,come on you should eat ."

"Mia wake up it's time for dinner".


"Wake up sleepyhead ".

" Ngnmmmmg".

"Alright .. we'll just eat all the pancakes".

On hearing pancakes Mia jumped off the bed .

" Good ,now off to the table you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Nora told you right ". iris asked lazily.

"Yep and you are going to explain in details all that happen between you two." She said point at iris and Mia.

Both girls exchange knowing looks as they got closer to the dining room.After they were done eating they all sat on the bed facing their mother ready to confess their sins.

" So Mia why is your neck red,where you doing your gymnastics stuff and fell almost breaking your neck." Sally questioned.

"It was dad".

Silence. Really long silence lingered in the room

"Your dad??". Sally asked again just to make sure she heard them right. She had a feeling she was not going to like what she was going to hear.

" I'll explain mum". iris said holding her mother's hand tight,seeing how angry she was ,she needed to calm her down.

"I and Mia went to dads room to ask for help for Mia's homework but on getting there I heard him talking to someone on the phone.Accidentally her books fell to the floor which made a loud noise that dad heard,we ran here hoping he didn't hear a thing".Tears were already threatening to fall as she recalled the whole scene." He followed us here and started banging the door.he...he ...he." And she started crying.

"Calm down iris , talk to me ". Sally was already worried she already knew where this was heading.

"He grabbed Mia by the neck and started strangling her,I tried to stop him but he didn't untill I started screaming. This is not the first time he is doing something like this".She was really scared of her father,he was supposed to love and protect them not do the complete opposite.

"It's okay ,stop crying I'll deal with him".If only they had a court wedding,she would have divorced him immediately and half his possession or rather all since what he has was actually not his in the first place would go to her . If she were to divorce him now ,Cisco would get the bigger share of her possession; that was the problem with African tradition. She could not afford to lose everything she had work hard for to that man .Even her father would agree to it and wouldn't complain about how cisco hurt his own children because according to him 'spare the rod ,spoil the child'.A child needs to be disciplined so that he would not go astray.

Never would she lay a finger on her children, if they did something wrong ,there were other ways to correct them than beating them .This was one of the reason she refused to leave England and go back to her hometown,in Nigeria beating a child for a wrongdoing was very common phenomenon but other countries won't allow it ,so to save her children from the hands of their father she refused to take them to Nigeria,yet Cisco still laid his filthy hands on them and got away with it.

This was not the first time he was doing this .He had spanked ,flogged and punished them so many times without Pity.There were times Sally had to report the problem to the authorities but only God knew how Cisco managed to twist the whole thing and put the blame on her.Sometimes he would bribe and give various excuses to the police,infact there were already a regular customer at the station. The police were of no help in this matter since they had not done anything to stop Cisco, finally she gave up and took matters into her own hands. She wasn't a fan of social media , although she was famous and stinking rich you would never see her in interviews , conferences ,parties etc..she left all that for Cisco to handle, she preferred living a low and quiet life .The domestic violence was supposed to be a huge scandal but since no one knew much about her private life it all blew away as time passed.

If by any chance word goes out no one would dare use it as a scandal because she was a very well respected woman and loved by all because of her kind and humble attitude.She just preferred living a simple and normal life.

"Mom please just let him be you will only make things worse if you confront him and we could end up in the police station again."

"Don't worry I'm not reporting to the police I'll handle this my self ,I can't sit and watch him hurt you anymore ".

" But mum....".

Sally had already left the room before she could finish talking.she thought for a while as she walked out of her room in the direction of Cisco's room and then decided to never let her children stay alone in their rooms again. Her room was big enough for all of them if not more.All she had to do was buy another king sized bed ,adjust the closet and shelf and voila , everything was set. She needed to keep them away and safe from their father.


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