

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 3 - Pink lady

" So what do we do now ?" Sally asked.

" I don't know what to do " . Pam said.

"Okay why don't you find a way to contact your fiancee and tell him about your situation".Sally suggested since the dumb ass doesn't know how to think.

" I can't do that ".

" And why is that ?"

" Because Cisco threatened to harm him if I tired to seek his help". Pam said with anguish.

" Are you trying to say that your fiancee hasn't called you for the past one week". Sally was already getting tired of Pam's dull, sickly not smart attitude.

" Well.... he has".she finally replied reasonably.

" Soo....??what did you tell him about your whereabouts?"

" Cisco made me lie to him the first time he called,I told him that I was attending a distant relative's funeral in Asia and I would be back before our wedding".

" Wow !!..... I have to hand it to him, he's really good at lying".

"Sally you have to help me soon." She took hold of Sally's hand again and squeezed it . "I have to get back to Nigeria for my wedding,he was already really mad at me for not informing him before I left the country ...I can't afford to lose him" . Tears flowed her cheeks as she pleaded with her.

" It's ok, I'll help you after you tell me how you met my husband".

Pam hesitated for a while before she spoke.

" I came to England to buy my wedding dress and I ...". She paused and sniffed ,she then stood straight and wiped the tears on her face.

" I saw him outside the shop...his car had just broken down , his driver was finding it hard to repair and it seemed like he was running late for something . I felt pity and since my hotel was not far from the shop I offered the taxi I hired and he gladly accepted,we ended up exchanging phone numbers and he called me later to thank me for the help I offered him" .

You dared collected my husband's phone number you bitch, Sally cursed silently.

she would have scolded Pamela for collecting a total strangers phone number but thought twice,instead she allowed her to continue her story.

" That was the last time we talked until he showed up in Nigeria, demanding that I become his wife ".

Sally was confused not knowing whether to believe her or not. It just doesn't make any sense to her.

"How did he know you live in Nigeria? Why did he beg you to marry him?how did he even know where to find you in Nigeria ? how did he know the exact place to find you ?" Sally asked bewildered.

" To all your questions ....I ..don't ..know."

Cisco is a very cunning man,even Sally's mother didn't approve their marriage,she said there's something fishy about him.He must have something up his sleeve ,she once told Sally before their wedding . Who knows what he might do after the wedding,she had warned Sally about him and tried to separate them but it didn't work. Freya never Trusted Poor people especially Cisco.

To her they were all gold diggers,Freya had noticed the look in his eyes when he was dating Sally.That look showed nothing but greediness ,

hunger and thirst for wealth. She was able to distinguish between love and selfish love due to her past relationships . All her past boyfriend's we're all about money ,money and money. They all had eyes on her wealth since she came from a very wealthy family,so as soon as she saw Cisco's motive she did her best to end the relationship without hurting Sally but she didn't succeed.

All are efforts prove futile ,Sally never paid attention to her so she laid the matter to rest and let the future decide.

Sally is beginning to see her mother's words come true. Was Cisco trying to dupe her?or did he marry Pamela so he can kick her out later and take over her wealth?Sally had no idea how to answer that question. He must have been following pam or sent someone to keep track of her every move,cause that's the only way he'll know where she lives.

No one knew the reason why he asked Pamela to marry her,someone he didn't even know , except he had been planning this for a very long time ,but no matter what she would get to the bottom of this sally .

"Pamela we will have to work together if we want to find out Cisco's plan and if you want to return to Nigeria for your wedding. I also don't think it's safe for us to talk here ". She paused and rubbed her forehead ,she was starting to have a headache.

" Okay here's what we'll do....we will go somewhere safe to talk properly,who knows he might have cameras around to keep an eye on you". Sally continued as she looked around instinctively.

" You think he has a plan??" Pam asked with big round eyes staring at her.

" Dumb ass off course he has something up his sleeve,why else would he follow you to Nigeria and force you to marry him " . From the tone of her voice ,one could tell that she was irritated by Pam's attitude.Not only was she dumb but also very dumb.

She was getting tired and was about to dismiss Pamela when she saw Cisco heading towards their direction. She blinked multiple times to make sure her eyes were not playing tricks on her.She made up her mind to go into her room and just ignore him but changed her mind and decided to see What would happen. And so she stood there and stared at the man she once loved who had betrayed her.

'Whatever you are hiding and whatever your motive is I will find out ' Sally said in her mind with anger visible on her face.

"Ohh.....you two are getting along already " Cisco asked as he got closer to where they were standing.

There was no response.

" Pamela do you need anything".he asked.

" Uhh..... No .. am fine."she replied blushing.

Sally saw the red spot on her cheeks ,she started getting suspicious, she was supposed to be angry not blushing, what was there to even blush about, Or was she already falling for her husband .Her face turned dark at her last thought,but then she remembered what pam told her earlier then she relaxed but that did not completely relieve the tension she felt inside.

" if you need anything or if anyone is making you feel uncomfortable just let me know ,okay?" Cisco said while looking at Sally in a nasty way before walking away.

That didn't go down well with Sally,. She would have exploded in front of him but didn't to keep her sanity and because of what Liz told her.What Cisco said hurt her to the core of her bones,hot tears almost ran down her soft cheeks but she was quick to pull it in for the sake of her dignity.She told Pam that they will talk tomorrow and banged her room door.

Pam sighed and went down the stairs. A Few more steps to the huge sitting room she saw a girl of about five wearing a pink gown, pink lips ,pink slippers,and pink ribbon tied to her hair, everything about her was pink.She was indeed very very cute.Not very slim though ,a little plump , at her age she already has small breastz.All Sally's children looked well feed if not overly feed.Iris was the only slim one,but not that slim as her body had already started taking shape.

'This must be Sally's youngest daughter '.pam thought.

Nora looked at Pamela from head to toe with her cute green eyes.

'This must be my so called stepmother ,hmm..... very skinny like my boney toy fish and as ugly as Cinderella's stepmother 'she thought.

"Bonjour madam, je m'appelle Nora. Pouvez-vous parler francais?" Nora asked with her eyes widely open.

Pamela was astonished ,she didn't know that Sally's children could speak French .

"I'm sorry sweetie,I can't speak french " Pam said quiet amused.

Nora grasped ." You can't speak french ?" Her sisters and mother were fluent in french so she expected her stepmother to be too. Even her father understood some words.

" Well I know Nora is a name Soo I'm guessing that's your name..am I right?" Pam grinned.

"Oui, peut-être que vous pourriez utiliser de l'aide." replied Nora.

" Okay... I have no idea what you just said". Pam chuckled.

" I said maybe you could use some help"

" Umm...okayyy ".

"Allons-y "Nora screamed in excitement while walking away. She had Soo much enthusiasm,

She noticed that pam wasn't following her ,she turned back and said"that means ' let's go' ".

" Ohhh....yeah ...sorry ,there goes my first lesson" pam ginned and followed Nora up the stairs

******** ********* *********

Nora's room was a small paradise to behold.Very beautiful indeed.The room was painted pink and white,the beautiful drawings of butterfly and flowers added beauty to the painting . Her bed had a pink blanket ,the closet was white,the colours blended perfectly well together.In the middle of the room was a bright blue round mat decorated with pink it was obvious that pink was her favorite colour,no wonder her sisters Called her pink lady .

" Bienvenue à paradise ".Nora said with pride on her face.

" Translate please. "pam said embarrassed.

"Welcome to my paradise"Nora translated.we will start simple general conservation and greetings in french "

Nora pulled out a small box from her closet and brought out a pen ,marker and some books.she then pulled out a small white board.

" Here .... you'll have to take down notes if you want to learn faster" she said as she handed Pamela a small note book. "so listen very carefully .

"Bonjour" means good morning.

"Bon nuit "means good night.

"Enchantè" means nice to meet you.

"Ça fait longtemps" means it's been a while.

Blah blah blah.....pam wasn't really paying attention anymore,she just kept staring at the little girl. She looked so cute and that earned a smile from her.They were finally interrupted by Sally as she entered the room.

"Nora avez-vous fait vos devoirs? "Sally asked without blinking an eye.

"Non je le ferai plus tard". Nora absentmindedly replied.

"Vas faire vos devoirs mentenant."sally ordered.

"Oui maman."Nora said looking down.

"à propos de ce que Pamela fait dans votre chambre ."

" Oh l'enseigne à parler français"

"Nora je ne vous ai pas dit de ne pas aller prés de Elle".

"Mais Elle est joli".

"Faites-le laisser votre chambre,je ne veux pas rappeler à nouveau."

"Oui maman".

Pamela was quite the whole time , wondering what they were talking about . whatever they're saying ,it must involve her because she heard them say her name .

" I'm sorry Pamela but our lesson will end here" Nora said sulking .

" No problem". Pam said and left the room immediately.She had almost died of boredom .

After making sure that pam was ear short Sally walked up to Nora and patted her on the back .

"We've talked about this Nora" sally said with the sweetest voice.

" why don't you want me to be friends with her " Nora asked.

" Because I don't fully trust her and she's a stranger....we don't trust strangers".

" Fine..... I won't talk to her ever again".

" That's my girl" .Sally smiled

" And one more thing,if you want to talk to me in front of Pamela don't use English ,And make sure to tell your sisters okay??"

Nora only nodded and sally got up to leave .

" Would you care to join me to make lunch". She asked .

"Yes!!" Nora jumped with excitement and Soo much enthusiasm.


Thank you Soo much for reading and I'm sorry if the foreign language caused you any discomfort that's why I left the translation below.

Thanks again for your support.

Love y'all ❤️



*je m'appelle - my name is

*Pouvez-vousparler francais - can you speak french

*avez-vous fait vos devoirs - have you done your homework.

*Non je le ferai plus tard - No I will do it later.

*Vas faire vos devoirs mentenant - Go and do your homework now.

*Oui maman - yes mum

*à propos de ce que Pamela fait dans votre chambre - by the way ,what's Pamela doing in your room.

*Oh l'enseigne à parler français - oh am teaching her to speak french.

*je ne vous ai pas dit de ne pas aller prés de Elle - I don't want you going close to her

*Mais Elle est joli - but she's nice.

*Faites-le laisser votre chambre,je ne veux pas rappeler à nouveau - make her leave your room,I don't want to tell you again.

*Oui maman - yes mum.
