

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chaoter 8 - Kitchen drama

Sally woke up very early in the morning with pains allover her body,it must have  been the stress from work and the recent problems at home.

"I'll have to take this week off from work". she told herself and then proceeded to lay out her plans for the day.

   First she would do a little work around the house and then take her children to school.  After which she would visit Liz to have a serious talk with her cousin,and then finally go shopping as she had to redecorate her room to her children's liking . Another very long and busy day ahead.

Getting up from her bed she went to check on her children in their rooms. only Mia was awake and was already preparing her books.  She went to iris's and Nora's room to make sure the alarm clock was on so that they would wake up exactly 6am.


         After stretching for a while ,she went to do some cleaning around the huge mansion. It wasn't really hard to clean despite how big the house was since their house was not always messy and the house chores were equally shared amongst her children . She wanted her children to be very hardworking and not depend on maids or servants to do every single thing for them .This was one of the reasons she refused to hire a maid.

The only person who helped her in cleaning the guest room , basement and garden was an old lady who willingly offered to be a nanny to her children when they were younger .Nanny Ellie had been with them since  Iris was two , although she didn't live with them; she came every Friday and sometimes on Saturdays.

         Nanny Ellie was one of those people who asked for charity from Sally,she was poor at the time she met Sally and needed help for her only daughter who was seriously sick. Sally took pity on her and sent the woman's daughter abroad to one of the best hospitals where she would be taken proper care of.

Nanny Ellie out of gratitude offered to be a maid to her and help her take care of her child because she would never be able to repay Sally due to her poor state.

At first Sally refused but with time and constant visits from the old lady she saw that Iris was growing fond of the old woman and it was then she discovered that the old lady had a granddaughter who was born out of wedlock and of the same age as iris

The two kids became friends and so they became very close to their family. Sally finally agreed to give the old woman a job to work as a nanny and so that Ellie's granddaughter and her daughter could see each other more often,but they agreed that she would  do minor works only on Fridays and Saturdays with a very huge pay because of her old age and she could always visit anytime she wanted.

  Sally even went as far as sponsoring her granddaughter through school and in the same school as iris.As time flew by nanny Ellie and her granddaughter became closer to the family and Sally saw her as a mother and grandmother to her children after her mother died.

When nanny Ellie heard Cisco married again, she rushed down to their house to question him. She even hit him on the head so many times and kept cursing him for what he did. Sally would have laughed if not that the situation wasn't funny.

The work would not be easy and very boring as Nanny Ellie wasn't around to brighten her mood for her and Friday was still two days ahead. She had been waiting for their arrival since on Monday.They usually visited more often when the children were on holidays,and the children had only one more week before they went on holiday so she should be expecting them soon. After cleaning the dinning room she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself and children only.

She was busy cutting carrots and vegetables when she felt strong hands around her waist.The hand was hard and soft at the same time which seemed familiar.she was reminded of how Cisco used to hold her and how they used to cook together.

Her eyes widened as the realization hit her.

No no no no. Cisco wasn't the one holding her right now,it couldn't be,he hadn't come close to her ever since he married again .she was proven wrong when she heard his deep voice.

"Good morning sweetheart ,did you sleep well?".he said in his sweetest voice."

Sally wanted to stab him with the knife she was holding . After all he had done to her and their children ,he had the audacity to call her sweetheart. She clutched the knife hard as she tried to stop her self from stabbing his eyes.

"What..do ..you want? " Sally said coldly.

"Ouch ,that was harsh." He replied.

Sally forced her way out of his hold" If you don't have something meaningful to say ,Get out of my kitchen" .She said .

"Come on ,I wanna be with you ,I want to spend time with you".

Sally's eyes widened in disgust."You can't be serious,leave me alone".

"Darling you know I love you,I want to spend the rest of today with you".he shamelessly said moved closer to hold her,but Sally pushed his hands away.

"Oh so now you love me?? "She shouted angrily ."I'm perfectly fine without you,I'm content with the way I'm living my life with my children ,I don't care if you're there or not so you can go be with your wife,I don't give a damn."

"If this is about what happened yesterday ,then I am sorry . I'm sorry for what I did".

"You're sorry!!! You think sorry will change anything ??" If only looks could kill then cisco would have been six feet below with the way Sally was staring at him .

"You're are my wife Sally and you will always be ,you...."

"No Cisco ,the last time I checked ,I stopped being your wife the moment Pamela stepped into this house. So why don't you do your thing and I do mine ...okay,like we never knew each other". she blurted out before stomping out of the kitchen.

Cisco stared at her back with a furrowed brow .He turn to looked at the food she had been cooking.

"Another wasted dish".He sighed and then left the kitchen.


Next chapter coming soon !