
Prologue: Introduction

Debris crashed and collided along each other, smashing into the muddy floorsand spoiled with charred buildings. A crowd of 6 well-equipped bandits chatted amongst each other, surrounding the burning bonfire with smoke that blended into the abyssal night sky.

"Haha, they were so fucking pathetic how they screamed for their parents, especially that one cunt." One of the bandits exclaimed before digging into a piece of meat smoked from the bonfire. Ensuring chaos, all the bandits laughed and wheezed, whilst keeping a slothful eye on the food roasting over the fire.

"Whoosh" in mere seconds, the wind cried. weeping breezes that nudged the shoulders of the laughing bandits. Their shadows flickered and continued to stretch, shaping double-horned creatures with sickly longed bodies.

Rain dropped from the sky.

"What the..at this hour?" One of the bandits questioned, before slowly drawing out the dagger sheathed in his pocket.

"Fire enchantment: Ember's wisp" The bandit chanted as a blood red aura coated the dagger. Soon transforming into a voracious flame-shaped dagger that craved for blood.

"Wind enchantment: Blessing of sylph.."

"Glass creation: crystal ball"

Following his lead, other spells were chanted and as they quickly raised their guards towards any fights that may pursue.

Still on guard, the bandits turned their back towards the cremated campfire that died from the rain. They kept their eyes ahead, occasionally to their peers beside them.

Somehow their somewhat disfigured shadows continued to live, despite the extinguished fire.

"DAMMIT, WHO IS IT!" One bandit shouted, waving his fiery dagger across to provide light.

Unfortunately, the wind howled again, slightly comforting the bandits with careless whispers of dread.




In mere milliseconds the flames of the daggers died, the blessings of winds disappeared and the glass ball vanished from existence. Protruding through each silhouette corresponding to the bandits, obsidian black hands grasped their ankles and began hauling them into their shadow.

"LIGHT MAGI-" Attempting to chant, pitch black hands extended from his mouth and sprouted like a bonsai tree. Blood dribbled down around his disfigured face as a muffled pained groan escaped through the tiny crevices of his mouth that weren't covered.

"ELIJAH-" watching his companion suffer, the abyssal hands tighten their grasp on all bandits until loud cracks echoed the forest

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" With disfigured joints and rivers of blood painting the earth the bandits screamed in unison before receiving the mercy of death as the jet-black hands dragged the bandits into their own shadow.

The rain continued to cry, washing down the streams of blood dirtying the area.

"Drip drop."