
Dark Strange With a Chat Group

A Chinese Translated Fanfic Read it at Your Own Risk It's not Edited.If you Have Nothing to Read Them Only Read This Crap. Anhe traveled through time and came to the daily world of Zongman, but he had no choice but to load the [Xeon Template]Starting from the multiverse level, the Dark Doctor Strange template, the most powerful Thanos template, the Ultra God Noah template, the God-killer Iron Man template, etc…..To this.An He, who wants to live a peaceful life, naturally chooses to ignore it. After all, how does this thing, Taima, look like something that should be part of daily life in a variety show? ? ?It’s just that God doesn’t fulfill people’s wishes.An He was still pulled into a group chat called Wanjie Chat Group.…God Killer – Athena: “No! Your God Killer Iron Man armor can destroy a million gods in one blow??? Is this the same thing as the God Killer I understand???”Stealth Chaos – Nayako: “Wait! How come your dark Doctor Strange template can even swallow the evil god?! Wait! I can’t eat it!”Beng Tie – Silver Wolf: “All things are united by Thanos? Can he wipe out the Star God and edit the existence of the entire universe at will? Is this really the kind of combat power that an everyday world should have???”

Ron_Blackwood · Anime et bandes dessinées
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106 Chs


[The author is still understanding the settings of the Little Garden, please be patient]

Black hole!

In fact, humans have not yet observed how big a black hole is. but…

As for the huge black hole created casually in Anhe, it is not enough to see its full picture with just the eyes.

But Anhe has absolute control over this black hole. therefore.

He can also try to roughly feel the size of the black hole in front of him, as well as its terrifying mass!

A full mass of about four million suns!

Four million!

That's the mass of four million stars!

Who knows what the black hole was doing when we were in the world of God Killer?!

It actually expanded to such an outrageous size!


"What if I swallowed the energy in this black hole?…..What will happen?"

An He's eyes flickered.

As he has engraved the tradition of swallowing Dr. Dark Strange into his bones.

In fact, when he saw this giant black hole, he already had this seemingly ridiculous idea!

And it seems…..

It can also be implemented….


Try it?

Just do it.

An He looked at Bai Yaksha opposite him and raised his hand slightly.

"Hold on"

"Let me try something first."

An He said.

Then he rushed directly towards the huge black hole.

Bai Yaksha didn't move at all.

She just looked at the huge black hole with interest, a little thoughtful.

As a former two-digit number The existence of a single universe, Shiro Yaksha is not too surprised by the appearance of this black hole.

After all, these black holes with the mass of 400 stars just sound a bit scary.

In fact, compared with the vast and infinite universe, it is like A drop in the ocean. Bai Yaksha has even seen black holes bigger than this, bigger than galaxy clusters.

Therefore, after Bai Yaksha finished observing the black hole, he also looked at Anhe rushing into the black hole.

She was even more curious.

What is this young man with unknown origins and abilities going to do?

Compared with this black hole,

Bai Yaksha is still more curious about Anhe.

At the same time, in the Wanjie chat group that has been opened in the live broadcast room, a group of friends I was also stunned to see 173.

A courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"..."

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"no…..How long has it been?…..An He has grown to the level where he can summon such a big black hole with his hand?"

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"Although the size of the black hole cannot be clearly seen, from the perspective of this chat group, I can peek into the solar system, but I cannot peek into the black hole….."

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"This black hole is the smallest and definitely exceeds the size of the solar system!"

The number one working girl in Tianhe City (level 7.9):"...I remember Boss Anhe's ability, it seems he can control these celestial bodies to hit people, right?"

The number one working girl in Tianhe City (level 7.9):"Outrageous….If a black hole of this level were used to hit someone, and coupled with the black hole's absolute gravity, would the other party be able to escape?"

The old bones in the empty nest are lonely and cold (level 1.8):"nb….."

Empty Nest Lao Gu Lonely (Level 1.8):"If we can create such a black hole that transcends small galaxies, then Anhe will not be far away from reaching the point where he once used the experience card to swallow the entire Styx galaxy, right?"

Silver Wolf Not a rabbit, not a duck (Level 8.1):"Abnormal…."

Silver Wolf is neither a rabbit nor a duck (Level 8.1):"This kind of strength has definitely surpassed some extermination kings...."

Contemporary Miss Tushan (Level 1.3):"Wait a minute, An He doesn't seem to be directly hitting people with planets….."

Contemporary Miss Tushan (Level 1.3):"He seemed to go directly to that…Into a black hole?"

For a moment, everyone who was originally discussing the extent of An He's current strength seemed to have been interrupted. They all looked at the tiny figure flying towards the giant black hole again. superior...

In the Hakoba universe.

As An He approached the black hole.

He manipulated the black hole's absolute gravity to draw him closer. a moment later

"Um...It should be almost done here…."

(ace) An He looked at the darkness around him, standing on the edge of a black hole. Although he could control the gravity of the black hole to avoid any harm to him.

But the light scattered around the black hole cannot escape the gravitational pull of the black hole.

This makes the world appear dark.

Immediately afterwards.

After briefly observing the scene at the edge of the black hole, An He got down to business!

Swallowing black hole energy

"Although I don't know how much more I can devour now….."

"But try to swallow it as much as possible, and see the current swallowing limit of Dr. Dark Strange!"

An He took a deep breath.

The next moment


Accompanied by a tremor.

The mass in this huge black hole began to pour into An He's body at an extremely strange speed! at the same time.

The strongest template was also the moment when the black hole energy poured into An He's body.

Just sent out a pop-up window

[A large amount of swallowable substances are being absorbed]

[Please be prepared]

[The progress of the Dark Doctor Strange template has begun to increase——]


[The Dark Doctor Strange template successfully advanced to the eighth stage – 45%]

[Congratulations on getting the Dimension Demon——Status Reward]

[Congratulations on obtaining a special existence from the dimension – Planet Godzilla]


[The Dark Doctor Strange template successfully advanced to the eighth stage – 50%]

[Congratulations on getting the Dimension Demon——Status Reward]

[Congratulations on obtaining the special existence of the dimension – the Devourer of the Universe – Rugoset]

[Energy continues to pour in]

[To reach the current physical limit, the remaining energy is being collected]

[Detected—Dark Doctor Strange template progress exceeded 50%——Opening a new Xeon template]

[The new Xeon template is opening]

[The new Xeon template was successfully opened——]

[The selected template is——Superman]

[Xeon Template——Superman]

[Superman template is bein

g initialized]

[Superman template initialization completed——]


[Name: Anhe]

[Template: Bronze Superman – Dark Doctor Strange]

[Showing the current Superman template ability]

[Bronze Superman Template Progress: 1%]

[to unlock abilities——]

[Super Defense: Can completely ignore bullet attacks]

[Super hearing: you can hear the sounds of lovemaking at the other end of the street] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Super Breath: You can use it to blow out ice-cold Coke in summer]

[Super strength: You can try lifting weights on a motorcycle]

[Super Speed: You can now easily surpass human limits and fall as easily as those running gold medalists]

[Super flying: unable to fly, at most it can float in the air, and cannot even expand its biological stance]

[Super self-healing: If you get a scratch now, it will heal itself within a minute.]

[Energy absorption: You can absorb sunlight to slowly enhance the template progress and your strength, but it will be very slow.~]

[Super Intelligence: You can now have photographic memory, but nothing else]

[Super vision: combined with super hearing, you can watch a live battle from a distance]

[A large amount of energy is detected that can be absorbed]

[Superman template progress – starting to improve]


[The Superman template is frantically absorbing stored energy – template progress +1%]


[The Superman template is frantically absorbing stored energy – template progress +1%][]


[The Superman template is frantically absorbing stored energy – template progress +1%]


[The Superman template is frantically absorbing stored energy – the template progress has been increased to 30%]

[The Superman template undergoes staged growth]


[Start the second phase of Superman – Silver Superman]

[Tip: The superman stage is not a level, but the acquisition of stronger power and foundation, so it is divided into bronze superman, silver superman, gold superman and thinking superman.]

[Updating your Superman template]

[update completed]

[Name: Anhe]

[Template: Silver Superman – Dark Doctor Strange]

[Showing the current Superman template ability]

[Bronze Superman Template Progress: 30%]

[to unlock abilities——]

[Super defense: You can try to take a bath in a pile of star explosions, and you may even feel that star explosions are not exciting enough]

[Super hearing: You can try to listen to the sounds of the entire large galaxy. You may be able to hear the sweet words of alien love.]

[Super Breath: You can easily blow out stars and freeze entire large galaxies]

[Super Strength: You can play with an entire galaxy of planets as basketballs and even push them around]

[Super speed: Your speed has exceeded the speed of light. Although you cannot break the rules of the universe and go back to the past, you can still escape from the black hole at will and surpass the galaxy in an instant.]

[Super Flying: Fly as you wish, and you can try to increase your super speed again]

[Super self-healing: Your self-healing ability has reached a terrifying level. Although it has not reached the concept, as long as there is a trace left, you can be reborn instantly and ignore the law of cause and effect.]

[Energy absorption: You can slowly enhance the template progress by absorbing sunlight. Now you can try to eat the sun directly.]

[Super Intelligence: Your intelligence allows you to process everything you see]

[Super Vision: Combined with super hearing and super speed, everything in the entire galaxy is under your control]


"And it's the one that directly crossed over from the Bronze Age to the Silver Age?!"


An He swallowed.

He really never thought that by absorbing the energy of a giant black hole, he could unlock a new powerful template!

An He originally thought that it would be great to see if he could increase the template progress of Dr. Dark Strange by 10%.

Didn't expect that….

This actually created a new Xeon template!

And he is actually a more perverted Superman! (Superman's setting is a bit messy, and the author tries to keep it as close to the original setting as possible.....)

"Superman during the Silver Super era could already be regarded as the top of the galaxy at the beginning. After that, he could grow up and reach the top of the single universe!"

"And the Golden Super League is definitely a multi-level one! It will definitely be able to reach a single universe initially, and then it will probably be just a matter of time to upgrade to a multidimensional universe."

"As for the final thinking superman…."

"That is basically at the conceptual level…."

Anhe murmured.

Maybe you can upgrade the Silver Super to the later stage, and then combine it with the power of the Gold Super and the Thinking Super...

You should be able to feel a little more at ease about the Foundation's containment…..

And higher containment….

Then we have to continue to improve our strength….


"The foundation's affairs are too huge, there's no rush now"

"But for now, I can fight Shiroyasha first and experience the terrifying power from the early days of the Silver Super League!"

An He breathed out slowly.

Feeling the explosive power coming from his body.

He felt like he wanted to just put on his underwear and take a nice walk around the Blue Star!

Ahem!….. certainly….We'll talk about this later. next moment.

An He's figure disappeared instantly.

When waiting for him to appear again, he was already in front of Bai Yaksha.

At this time, the giant black hole has been completely sucked dry and annihilated.

And the true God among men. born from this…

Daily request for customization.

The author suddenly realized.

While this improves the dark and strange template, it seems that other templates can also be opened and experienced, right?

It just so happens that playing Dark and Strange all the time is a bit monotonous, but it's refreshing to be able to experience Superman~

Of course.

The dark and strange strength is still there and can still be improved, which is equivalent to loading two templates.

And the template of Grandpa Rick will also appear later.

Forget about combat power!

That's right!.

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