
Dark Strange With a Chat Group

A Chinese Translated Fanfic Read it at Your Own Risk It's not Edited.If you Have Nothing to Read Them Only Read This Crap. Anhe traveled through time and came to the daily world of Zongman, but he had no choice but to load the [Xeon Template]Starting from the multiverse level, the Dark Doctor Strange template, the most powerful Thanos template, the Ultra God Noah template, the God-killer Iron Man template, etc…..To this.An He, who wants to live a peaceful life, naturally chooses to ignore it. After all, how does this thing, Taima, look like something that should be part of daily life in a variety show? ? ?It’s just that God doesn’t fulfill people’s wishes.An He was still pulled into a group chat called Wanjie Chat Group.…God Killer – Athena: “No! Your God Killer Iron Man armor can destroy a million gods in one blow??? Is this the same thing as the God Killer I understand???”Stealth Chaos – Nayako: “Wait! How come your dark Doctor Strange template can even swallow the evil god?! Wait! I can’t eat it!”Beng Tie – Silver Wolf: “All things are united by Thanos? Can he wipe out the Star God and edit the existence of the entire universe at will? Is this really the kind of combat power that an everyday world should have???”

Ron_Blackwood · Anime et bandes dessinées
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106 Chs


After An He sent the photo of Athena to the Wanjie chat group.


The first person to talk in the group chat is Shen Xiaoxiao, who has the most people in the group every day and almost always lives in the group.

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"Morning cleanup! Let me see what's going on? "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"….."

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"This one is defective. I suggest you throw it on the roadside. Please tell me where you dropped it. "

The number one working girl in Tianhe City (level 7.9): "Wow! Administrator, your abacus has jumped into my face from across the world! "

The lonely and lonely man in the empty nest (level 1.8): "That's it! Did you want to suggest that? You are greedy for other people's bodies! "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"What words! What words is this? ! "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"So now that you have met Athena, what are you going to do next? Hacked to death? "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"It is recommended to kill him! Otherwise I will be jealous! "

Travelers (level 8 and above) who want a salty life: "Cut it off! "

A time traveler (level 8 and above) who wants a salty life: "I just experienced the Death Word Spirit, it was really good! "

A traveler who wants a salty life (level 8 and above): "Besides, such a cute and bold Sanwu Loli, with white hair, wouldn't it be nice to keep her by your side? ! "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"I knew it! ! ! "

The courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"You guys definitely tricked innocent Athena into using that thing! "817

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"Pooh! Deceive loli! "

The lonely old man in the empty nest is lonely and cold (level 1.8): "What's going on? Come carefully, I want to hear it! "

Tianhe City's number one working girl (level 7.9): "Can the spirit of death be experienced? He is worthy of being the boss of Anhe! "

The number one working girl in Tianhe City (level 7.9): "In short, it's the white-haired lolita in the photo. To release the spirit of death, you need to release it mouth to mouth, and if you want to release it well, Maybe a wet kiss..."

Empty nest old bones, lonely and cold (level 1.8):"!!!"

The lonely old man in the empty nest (level 1.8): "Bah! Deceive a lolita!" The time

traveler who wants to live a salty life (level 8 and above): "Jie Jie Jie, this Athena's age is faster than The combined ages of your two ancestors are too old!"

A time-traveler (level 8 and above) who wants to live a salty life: "You still call her Loli?"

A time-traveler (level 8 and above) who wants a salty life: "Originally, I thought that the overall strength of our group was a little underwhelming, and I was going to see if I could wholesale some gods in this world of God-killers." A time traveler (level 8 and above) who wants to live a salty life:

" Now it's almost certain! Shen Xiaoxiao, Suzuki Satoru, you two are gone!"

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"!!!"

Empty nest old bones, lonely and cold (level 1.8):"!!!"

The old man in the empty nest is lonely and cold (Level 1.8): "Bah! Dog management! You and I are at odds with each other!" The old man in the empty nest is

lonely and cold (level 1.8): "The traveler who wants to live a salty life"

The old man in the empty nest is lonely Loneliness and coldness (Level 1.8): "Bu has been wandering for half his life. He only regrets that he has never met his father. If he doesn't give up, Bu is willing to be his adoptive father!" A

courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]]:"..."

Travelers who want a salty life (level 8 and above):"..."

Courier who can go anywhere (Level 0.5) [Administrator]:"You beast! "

For a while,

the atmosphere in the group became lively again.

An He also said a few words and then withdrew.

Of course.

This was mainly because the hotel booked by Red Copper Black Cross arrived, and Luo Hao and Huanye Hong Xu and Erica are all here.

There's no need to look for them one by one..

"Is this Athena?"

"Because I lost part of my power, I was deprived of my identity, and I tampered with history..."

"really…..Very weak. "

After Luo Hao nodded with An He,

he took a closer look at the little white-haired lolita Athena looking

over his shoulder.

She already understood the plot of God Killer, and at this time she also clearly knew Athena's various characteristics. Condition.


"But even if we return to the Trinity, it doesn't seem to be much better.."

"I really don't know where the obsession comes from, I keep looking for the Gorgon Stone. "

An He nodded.

He put the little Athena on his shoulders on the sofa.


he looked at Erica on the other side, who seemed to have recovered..

"Erica, please go and bring the Gorgon Stone here.."

"This is also a promise I promised. "

Erica was stunned.

There was a trace of confusion in her eyes..


What she is worried about is Princess Alice's prophecy about Athena.

When Athena retrieves the Gorgon Stone, the world will plunge into darkness and destruction..

"go ahead."

"Believe in my power. "

An He shook his head.

He didn't explain too much.

Anyway, the plot of the God Killer can't be explained to Erica for a while.

It's better to just let him get it..

"good! "

Erica wanted to say something.

But after seeing An He's unquestionable expression,

she decisively shut her mouth, turned around and rushed towards the location where the Gorgon (ccdc) stone was stored..

"okay. " (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then let's go to Neon and kill that embarrassing monkey.."


Anhe said.

He looked at Hanano Hongxu, who was waiting quietly at the side..


"Since you are using the power of Onmyoji, then go to the Neon Queen."

"How about killing that Amaterasu?"

"How about it? "

After all, you are choosing a god to kill for the other party.

You still have to respect the other party's wishes..



Huano Hongxu didn't know what to say for a moment.

Although he knew that Anhe was very strong, he still had this attitude of treating the gods as goods and letting him choose at will.

It's still a bit nerve-wracking!


When I think about it, I will use the power of the neon supreme god Amaterasu to fight against filth...

This is really it…..

Dimensionality reduction attack…[]

"What about you, Luo Hao? Any ideas? "

Hearing Huaye Hongxu's agreement,

Anhe also looked at Luo Hao on the other side..

"No, I've been to Neon before, and I wanted to kill the monkey, but it was blocked by some disgusting things.."

"But now with your strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to directly forcefully break the barrier. "

Luo Hao said there was no problem, and he was even very satisfied with An He's arrangement.

But after finishing speaking, she seemed to have remembered something again, and added an extra sentence.


"Then what percentage of the power of the gods I have now is the original body of the gods? "

Luo Hao can also vaguely guess it.

It's just that because of the immortal realm and Pandora's sixth brother erasing his memory, he still can't find the answer..


"But don't worry, after I finish going to Neon, I will go to the God Realm, and I will just practice for a while~" An He

waved his hands.

After that, he chatted with Luo Hao about the confirmed location of the Eastern God, and then he said slightly I took a rest

and booked a first-class flight to Neon.

After all,

there is no rush at the moment, so there is no need to open the dimensional door directly. Just

enjoy it~


Anhe, the seventh demon king The news of the arrival

reached the ears of all magic associations in Neon almost instantly.

This news was almost as terrifying as when the two mushroom eggs were about to arrive in Neon!

After all,

they were God-killers!

The devil on the ground is a god walking on the ground in the true sense!

And the most important thing is that I heard that this devil is an oriental, and he also brought along another oriental martial arts king Luo Hao…..

And what this represents is naturally self-evident.

For a while.

All the people on the mysterious side of Neon became panicked…

at the same time.

They also began to secretly discuss how to deal with An He's arrival next.


Just when all the mysterious sides of Neon are discussing.

The Ise Shrine, which was dedicated to worshiping Amaterasu, suddenly exploded!


this day.

Almost all the neon people saw Amaterasu's huge clay head flying straight over the neon sky...

Very devilish!


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