
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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60 Chs

Uncle and Niece Reunite. 100 Years Promise.

Seraphine and Solaire looked at the rickety bridge they were standing on which looked like it was about to fall apart. They did not have a dragon available so they would fall down if they put too much weight down.

They were more worried for Sif, Adrian, and August who were very heavy with all of their gear. They could even hear the bridge already groaning with the weight so Adrian and August so looked at each other.


Adrian grabbed Seraphine while August grabbed Solaire as they run with all they had. Sif was running right behind them as the bridge started to fall apart as they ran. Finally, they jumped before it crumbled apart with all of them finally being on firm land.

Solaire and Seraphine sighed in relief as they looked at the seemingly bottomless chasm. Solaire threw a rock down and there was no splash or even the sound of rocks.

"Glad we made it."

Adrian nodded.

"While we would not die permanently, it would not be good to lose some of our minds for it."

They saw a Bonefire so Adrian lit it up as a revive spot in case they did die. From here they walked inside of the castle which Adrian felt would be a really good place for an armory or hidden base.

They rose up toward the crumbled fortress waiting for an ambush as this world was full of danger at all times. They saw several hollows inside who charged at them like the mindless monsters they were.

All it took was a single swing from Solaire's sword so they kept going. However, they ended up stopping when they saw the bloated poison-sacked-filled hollows. Adrian at the moment still did not use sorceries, but the team in Sen's fortress should save Big hat Logan.

That man would be the perfect one to teach him sorceries and for pyromancy, he wanted to see if he could not get Quelag to teach him. That is if she was actually sane and not a mindless monster.

"August, take out those bloated ones."

"Got it.

August raised his Swordspear in the air and a bolt of lightning came down killing it in an explosion of poison and puss. They all had to agree that those were disgusting, but no one said hollows were pleasant.

Seraphine looked at her giant greatsword and did not want to get close. She placed it on her back and grabbed a crossbow.

"You know what, not a good idea to get close to them."

Solaire nodded as he placed his sword in his sheath.

"I agree, miracles will do for now."

Adrian and August both had the same idea as they kept going forward. They either used firebombs, arrows, or lightning to deal with those to not get poisoned. As they continued to move forward they finally arrived at the Undead Dragon.

Looking at it made Adrian and August feel pity for the creature as such a noble creature looked so pitiful. Solaire removed his helmet as he gazed at the dragon that was slumped looking like a corpse.

"It is alive right?"

Adrian nodded.

"Not alive, but undead."

August looked at how it was barely moving, so he did something only a Fume Knight would do. He walked right toward it and seeing someone approaching the Dragon forced itself up, with its front legs.

It forced itself to move forward and it showed that its lower half was not even connected to the body anymore. It charged dragged itself to August, but the knight did not flinch.

He stood unmoving like a mountain as the Undead Dragon roared right in his face. August reached out and placed his hand on the dragon's decayed flesh.

"You did not deserve this at all."

The dragon raised a clawed hand to squash him, but when it looked into the golden black eyes of the Fume Knight it stopped. Solaire and Seraphine had to say watching how Fume Knights could handle dragons with a glance was impressive.

August smiled at the dragon as it brought its head down to look at him. The empty sockets where its eyes once were swarmed with maggots. It smelled of decay and just from a look it was obvious that it was only a shell of its former self.

Adrian walked next to him as he stood right in front of the dragon.

"Well, you need a lot of help. Maybe reattach your lower half and help with those maggots. You want him August?"

He nodded as he pets the zombie dragon.

"Well it will be hard, but maybe enough Estus will help him out. We will find out if you can take to the skies again one-day buddy."

The dragon nudged August with its snout and it got Adrian a signal from the system.

<Knight August has tamed a undead Dragon. Binding to August.>

August felt the connection to the dragon and he could feel its thoughts. They were not good as the poor thing was clinging to this sliver of unlife. It made him pity it more, but it meant he had quite a bit of work to do.

Solaire and Seraphine walked up to the poor thing as they looked at its burned and decayed flesh. Solaire noticed at a glance what had happed to it and it was not good.

"He was hit by lightning and a lot of it. Who did this?"

August noticed some more wounds that looked like spear wounds and he knew something.

"This is from the hunts. After the Everlasting dragons were all but hunted down, the more pure-blooded dragons like this one followed. Kingdoms would hunt them down for prestige, and this guy was one of the 'lucky' ones."

Adrian decided this was a good chance to use his reward for getting his three dragons back. It was called the Dragon Realm and it allowed him to store away his dragons within his soul.

He placed his hand on the dragon and transported it to the dragon realm which currently was just a vast open field of grass. As for the back legs he placed that with the Undead Dragon as he would try to reattach them together.

They all looked at him a little surprised as they did not know that you can store living creatures.

"Well as a reward for making the alter to Khorne, he gave me the ability to store dragons away in a small space contained in my soul. He will be fine, now wait here. I got to find my niece."

Adrian ran in full sprint and jumps off the bridge where the legs of the dragon were. He landed on the other side with a heavy thud and he looked up.

"Come on down Sif."

Sif jumped down and landed right next to him which made Adrian run his hands on the wolf's fur.

"We will take this path, I want you to go see if you can find anything else around this area. Sif and I got this area."

August looked down and nodded.

"Good luck Captain. Will you two follow me or go with him?"

Seraphine and Solaire looked at Adrian and yelled out to him.

"Let's meet up at the Bonefire."

Adrian nodded.

"Alright, August, be careful. That is an order."

Finally, Adrian walked forward down the path with Sif. All of the hollows in his way were killed easily as they were weak ones. As they walked forward down the stone bridge Sif already smelled Pricilla who did not expect to see anyone anymore.

Adrian removed his helmet and held it in the crook of his arm as he kept walking. The path was completely straight so they made it not long after to her prison.

She was sitting at the ledge as she was dangling her legs off the ledge. She did not even hear him as she was more focused on looking out at the small world that was her prison.

Adrian remembered something and took a quite deep breath. He started to whislte a very different tune that only he would know. It was the one Master Mirror gave Geralt at the end of Heart of Stone DLC.

He just knew she would recognize and from the look of it, he was right.

(Gaunter O'Dim whistle. Look it up I guarantee you will not regret it.)

When the calm and slightly eerie whistle came from his lips it froze her stiff. She had only ever heard one person make that whistle with that particular tone. Only her uncle could do it and he had died long ago.

She did not want to turn around and she refuse to look back. What if it was just a sick dream of her isolation. Adrian kept up the eerie yet calming whislte as he also enjoyed doing it. It was one close to his heart after all and it made him feel like Master Mirror.

She finally looked behind her and she saw the familiar face her eyes filled with tears. She stood up from the ledge with pure shock. She had never forgotten Adrian who she treated like her uncle. One of the few people who accepted her and did not fear her ability.


Adrian chuckled as he walked in-front of her. She was shorter than him by two whole feet, but she still did not look like the little girl he saw in his memory. Not only was she not a little girl anymore, but a total beauty.

"You look like you just saw a ghost. Still, who knew that little crybaby would become a pretty lady. Making me feel like an old man. Do you still want to marry me though? I doubt it."

He broke out laughing as he got that memory just now. In that memory, he appeared in one of the feasting halls surrounded by all the Fume Knights. It was another one of their crazy feasts as little Priscilla walked up to Adrian in the middle of the whole group.

She pulled on his hand which made him and all the knights look at her. Her little face was bright red as she looked up at him. She looked resolute and she took a deep breath.

"Uncle Blake, MARRY ME!"

It got so quiet as everyone looked at her face full of tears and expectations. Adrian was frozen stiff as he had no clue how to answer. Finally, all the knights broke out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Come on captain, don't break her heart now."

"Yeah, how cruel to say no."

"You tell him, little lady. He will say yes won't you?"

"Yeah, look how serious her face is. You wouldn't dare to reject a maiden right captain?"

Even August who was looking on was barely holding his laugh. Adrian kneeled in front of her with a bitter expression. He came up with a excuse he felt would work.

"How about when you reach 100 years old?"

She looked down before she nodded. He was pretty much telling her to become an adult first as in this scenario they lived for nearly forever. The memory ended and Pricilla's face was in his chest as she cried her eyes out.

She hugged him tight and patted her pack to soothe her and let her cry it out. She looked up at his face before she wiped her tears.

"How are you alive?"

Adrian thought about it and stuck to his first excuse.

"I got brought back by a powerful being. Come on, time to leave this prison."

Sif barked as he agreed.

Priscilla backed away from him as she shook her head.

"I can't. I belong here. I am an abom-"

Adrian frowned before he scolded her like she was a child.

"I don't want to hear that word leave your mouth young lady."

She frowned as she gently pushed him back.

"I am not young anymore. I am 873 years old, uncle."

"Only that? Well if you don't want to leave you can stay here then. Come on Sif, let's leave."

Both of them started to walk back before she ran after them. She hugged Adrian from behind and shook her head with a panicked expression.

"Don't leave me alone again. You also promised me when I reached 100 you would marry me. That date passed uncle, Blake."

Adrian froze and looked behind him.

"You know that is an excuse adults say to kids so they don't get sad right? You were supposed to grow out of it."

She shook her head wiht a stubborn expression.

"Well, I didn't. Now deal with it, Blake."

He sighed as he now had something else to deal with. Even though she was adorable, it felt so criminal. He had just seen her as a kid a few seconds ago and now he had the current her.

He coughed as he looked at Sif for help. The giant wolf had no idea what he was asking for so he tilted his head.

"We can talk about it later. We need to regroup with August and the others."

She perked up when she heard that name.

"August is alive?"

He nodded.

"Out of the 200 of us, only 12 remain. Me included."

She looked down as all of the Fume Knights were like family to her. They all treated her like a real child and protected her from the hazing of the people of Anor Londo.

She grabbed her scythe as she was no longer going to stay here. It was the only thing she had, but Adrian notice one thing. Her tail would not stop wagging with how happy she was to be back with him.

He and Priscilla got on Sif's back who leaped back up where the Undead Dragon used to be. Sif grew back to his full size as he began to run toward August, Seraphine, and Solaire. One benefit of having one of the best noses in this world.

All the while she wrapped her arms around his waist to not fall off. All the while she was finally smiling that she finally was back with people who cared for her.