
Amara is Unimpressed and grand Meeting.

Once both dragons flew from Blight Town the return trip was fast like always. It was why Adrian wanted to learn to fly on his own if needed, but for now, he had dragons for that. He was also enjoying that Priscilla sat on his lap, so Seraphine leaned on his shoulder.

Now Priscilla asked the question that was on her mind.

"Uncle, how did you know he was down there?"

Adrian looked next to them as Eeuwigdurend flew along. He had small stone scales, but most of them were missing. Plus he had fur in some places which were mutations caused by his soul.

"I told you, I heard a rumor of a dragon that controlled a covenant to turn undead into dragons."

Not it was Seraphine to ask the question she had wanted to ask.

"So care to tell me who were the Ring Knight? Also, what is with this skull?"

She brought out the demon-like skull from her inventory and handed it to Adrian. When he held it he shrugged as it looked weird.

"I think it is a demon's skull, but Ash Lake is from before demons. I have zero clue what it could be, but the Ring Knights are a sad story of Gwyn's paranoia. You know how all humans are the result of the Dark Soul correct?"

Both women nodded. Seraphine would know as she was alive only because of the curse of undeath. As they both knew about it continued the story with Artorias, Ciaran, and the Fume Knights telling parts of it. They were all there after all.

"Well, Ring Knights were humans who allied with the gods to fight the Everlasting Dragons. They died all for the service of the gods, but they forged their weapons in the dark of the Abyss. The fear of the gods so Gwyn branded them with a ring of fire over their armor."

He circled his own armor as a sign, which made August shake his head in shame.

"He is right, it was wrong and Gwyn would use them as sacrificial pawns. No one members their name as he made sure of it. They were 'awarded' with the Ring City. A place they could be safe, but it was more of a prison. It is supposedly at the end of the world which I have no idea about."

Adrian knew that it meant to a pocket of time, but he would not say that. Artorias clenched his teeth so hard that it began to sound like they would crack. The murky darkness of the Abyss was in his eyes, but it calmed down as Ciaran hugged him.

"Relax my love."

He sighed as he held his head as some of them trusted him with their lives.

"I felt terrible watching them die. They believed it was for a good cause, but it was lies. Gwyn only cared about ruling and nothing more. A shame brave men and women they were who gave their lives for the war."

Seraphine sighed as she learned what her ancestors went through.

"Don't blame yourself. Blame Gwyn who I will be sticking my sword into his anus."

They all broke out laughing as they looked on at Anor Londo. They had arrived and Amara rose to her feet as she looked at her master who had returned. As for Eeuwigdurend, seeing one of his ancestors alive and well moved him well.

Not only was one alive she was extremely powerful. He landed in front of her which made her look down at him with squinted eyes. His eyes were full of respect and reverence as dragons respect blood purity above all else.

The closer they were to the Everlasting Dragons the better so a real one would hold status beyond measure.

"One of my ancestors is alive."

She looked down at him and lost interest. As she lacked a true soul she struggled to speak, she still tried to form words. From the sound of it, she said something along the lines of, 'It does not matter.' It was hard to understand as she did not have genuine vocal cords of Eeuwigdurend to speak.

At least Adrian knew she was capable of it so once Devastator landed on the ground they all jumped off. Everyone walked next to Eeuwigdurend who was still happy to see her. Still why was her loyalty so great to Adrian?

She lowered her head and gazed at Adrian with a lot of care in her gaze. He placed his hand on her snout and smiled.

"Thank you for waiting. I am also sorry for what we did to you."

She remembered her capture, but they made sure she did not suffer. Plus ever since then she had been treated like a queen by Adrian which was enough for her. Adrian turned to look at Eeuwigdurend with a smirk.

"So what are you going to do now? She is mine."

The Stone Dragon thought about it as he looked at Amara.

"I have made my decision. I will follow her as a servant."

She squinted her eyes as she once again spoke in her strange way.

'Serve me, serve my master.'

That was what it sounded like which showed how loyal she was to Adrian. The dragon turned to Adrian and agreed.

"I guess she is more loyal to you than I expected."

Most of the Fume Knights laughed at him. August shook his head at this dragon's thoughts.

"Amara is more loyal to the captain than anyone could be."

Seraphine and Priscilla as women in love felt that Amara saw Adrian as a secret crush. It was easy to see in her eyes when she looked at him, but they thought it was impossible. They looked at Adrian to see if he noticed and from the look of it he had not.

They shook their heads at his obliviousness, but Adrian was no fool. Of course, he could see it, but he was just waiting for when they left for DxD. Dragons could take human form so all he had to do was wait.

<Binding Eeuwigdurend.>

The dragon felt something odd, but he did not know what. He looked at Adrian as he felt a slight connexion to him.

"What did you do?"

Adrian did not elaborate much.

"It is something that happens when a dragon is bonded to my soul. It means that the stronger I get the stronger the dragons do and vice versa."

This was not a lie, but it only affected dragons. Plus at the moment it was a small increase, but the moment they got out and they started learning DxD dragon magic it would skyrocket. The Stone Dragon squinted his eyes, but he did not see many lies.

He deiced to let it slide so Adrian turned to look at all of his people.

"We will have a meeting in a few hours. Once we have time to relax it is time to plan our next move."

All of them went into Anor Londo which was still clear of enemies. No one had rested at a bonfire as if they did not need them they would not use them. It was just annoying to cause enemies to be brought back with no one to clear them.

Gough was strong sure, but he was more an archer than a warrior and the knights of Theobald were human. They stuck to where the enemies did not appear, but now that they were back it was time to prepare to leave.

First Adrian called a major meeting in the main throne room which used to belong to a Gwyn. After 30 minutes everyone had met up in the room beside the dragons who would not fit.

Everyone was here, Cough, Gough, Andre, Theobald, Logan, Quellag and Eignyi, Ciaran, Artorias, Sif, Seraphine, Priscilla, Vamos, the Fume Knights, and Adrian. Solaire and Carnage were still not back so they all decided to start without them.

Everyone looked at Adrian expecting him to sit on the throne of Gwyn which they would not mind at all. They felt it was only fair for him to do so, but he hated the throne. It was golden along with many other shiny materials and not edgy enough for him.

He had a reputation to uphold, where were the skulls? What would Khorne say looking at such a throne?

<Khorne is laughing at your stolen throne. He considered it shameful for a throne to not have a single skull.>

Adrian grit his teeth as he did not sit in it. He did not look the least bit happy. He sighed as he looked at the small group of people. Now that everyone was here Adrian started the meeting.

"Alright, we have murdered two of the Lords and claimed their souls. Currently, I am in ownership in the Witch of Izalith's soul along with the soul of Manus a large part of the Dark Soul. Seraphine is currently in possession of Nito's soul."

August nodded.

"We also have two of the shard fragments of Gwyn's soul. However, we still need the soul of Gwyn himself. What will we do with them?"

Adrian pointed at him.

"You will take them. Unlike Solaire, you inherited our ancestor's power innate control of lightning. No one is better for it than you. Now, what is keeping this word in this decayed state?"

Artorias answered as he knew it.


"Correct, the Lord of Cinder keeping this world in its cursed state. Once he is dead and no fuel is offered to the fire it will begin dying at a rapid rate. However, we can give ourselves more time by leaving him alive."

Harold was confused about that.

"There a reason, captain?"

Adrian nodded.

"Well as most of you are aware we are still figuring out more about this world so I say we explore it a bit. We are still only thinking of Lordran which is why I sent Carnage and Solaire out. To see what is left of the world. We need more time than a month or two."

Seraphine thought about it as she looked at Theobald.

"You wish to recruit more humans?"

"Yes, even if they are not very strong with good training they can be. The Ring Knights were after all only human and not undead. I believe in their potential. How goes the training of your knights Theobald?"

The older man explained what had occurred recently.

"I personally offered myself to try the meat of Seath and I can say the benefits were great. I feel stronger overall and smarter if I should say so. However, I could only eat a small steak worth as the power was much too great to eat at once."

Everyone looked at him with interest. Logan as a researcher has been hard at work deciphering the spells made by Seath and he had not gone insane yet. He was being checked on every day to make sure he was fine.

"Are you saying eating him increases intellect and magic potential? Have you tried sorceries to see if there was a change?"

The man shook his head.

"No, not that I know off. We were knights, not sorcerers."

Logan was not ready to give up as he started to take notes.

"You must come to my laboratory to partake in my search."

August nodded as it was a good idea.

"I would appreciate it if you would sir Theobald. You can reject it if his research becomes mad."

That made him feel better as he was not going to be dissected. Adrian looked at everyone else in case they had something to add. Andre raised his hand as he thought of something.

"If we is leaving. When?"

Adrian thought of a timeline and made up his mind.

"The longest is one year. Any more than that and we are just wasting time."

Quellag was confused at what they meant by leaving. As such, they filled her in on the truth of the world and she was shocked, to say the least. She brought up the argument about if abandoning this world was the right decision.

Seraphine and Priscilla both had heard Adrian's explanations which sounded logical. They believed and trusted him everyone did.

"It is for the best. Besides, in some ways, the world we are going to is not bad at all. We don't have to worry about the world being caught in a time loop like now."

Priscilla had to agree.

"She is right, if we stay eventually the fire will return, but when. It might be in a million years or more. How long ago was the Great War?"

Those who were alive at that time thought about it. August was the one to answer.

"I would say the war itself lasted 150 years and the age of Fire lasted about 100,000 years. However, who knows how long the age of ancient lasted so it might take thousands of years, it might be millions. We don't know which is why we are leaving?"

Hearing how old Adrian really was made Seraphine feel younger which was all good for her. It also made Priscilla feel much younger than she was really was. Adrian stood up as he did not want to sit on the throne for longer.

Quellag sighed as she decided to follow them. If they all left she would be stuck in the age of dark which was confusing as it was different. Seeing how she had agreed made Adrian smile.

"Well now that is settled it is time for us to prepare. Hunt for souls, find people, do what we need to prepare for this year. No longer than that."

Everyone was in full agreement and now began to process of making sure all loose ends were resolved. After that, they would kill Gwyn and finally, it was time to get out.


I might have lowballed Priscilla's age. I will edit it on earlier chapters to make her at least a few thousand.

BlackSwordman1234creators' thoughts