
Thoughtful Gifts

Athena's eyes diligently scanned Aiden's report for the second time, her heart weighing heavy with the troubling findings. She wasn't pleased, not at all.

Fiona, the elusive figure at the center of this web, couldn't be traced back to either the murder of the chief waiter or her own kidnapping.

True, Fiona had left signs—clues that suggested her involvement—but they were mere whispers, not shouts demanding attention. To the outside world, those whispers were not enough to label Fiona as evil.

The investigation team, having entered her city just two days after her abduction, had come up empty-handed. They were unable to find any CCTV footage from the hotel on the night of the waiter's murder, nor did they find the CCTV footage of the exact time she had been taken.

Even if some footage had surfaced, Athena doubted it would point directly to Fiona. How could they possibly connect the dots?