
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Livres et littérature
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288 Chs

New Moon Profound Palace (2)

Yang Tian was standing right in front of Murong Ye. A serious look appeared on his face as he started gathering Profound Energy within his hand.

"Flaring Star Crushes the World."

This was a move created by Xisu. Xisu used this move to even defeat someone at a higher realm than him.

And at this time, Yang Tian was using this fist attack against Murong Ye.

A purple glow solidified on Yang Tian's fist as he suddenly moved. His speed was so fast that although Murong Ye saw his movements, he had no time to react.

Murong Ye was enforcing his entire body using the Profound Energy, but just as he saw the purple fist approaching his body, he unconsciously thought.

'I will die! If it hits me… I will definitely die!'

Yet… even though Murong Ye had realised the terror from Yang Tian's fist, he couldn't move from his spot.

Frozen with fear, he closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact.

Sure enough, Yang Tian's fist hits his body.

The audience which had been eager to see Yang Tian embarrass himself was shocked when Murong Ye suddenly flew away after the impact of Yang Tian's fist attack.

The attack was so strong that even as Murong Ye's body touched the ground, it still dragged back by nearly 20 or so meters.

He crashed into a large tree before Murong Ye's body finally stopped.

The audience was utterly shocked and couldn't respond for some moments.

Yang Tian let out a sigh as he saw this. 2nd Level of 'Great War of the Buddha' was indeed a significant boost to his physical strength.

He had held back nearly 90% of his power, and it was still enough to throw away Murong Ye with such force. If he had used his entire strength, wouldn't he have butchered him?

Some disciples from New Moon Profound Palace went to check up on Murong Ye. They shook him up and noticed that Murong Ye was unconscious. His ribs had cracked from the force of Yang Tian's punch…

As Yang Tian started walking towards the entrance of the New Moon Profound Palace, not a single disciple stopped him.

They all were aware that Murong Ye was stronger than them. Considering what had happened to him just after taking a single blow, it meant that Yang Tian was even stronger than him.

An elder also arrived as he witnessed the commotion. He was precisely the Sikong Han. He was surprised to see so many disciples gathering around Murong Ye's unconsciously body.

"What happened?" He asked with a hint of surprise over his face.

A disciple stepped forward and explained the entire scene to Sikong Han. Sikong Han raised his brow upon hearing that Murong Ye was defeated by a new disciple of the New Moon Profound Palace. Moreover, this person was only a 4th Level of the Nascent Soul Realm person.

This was indeed surprising to hear that.

Sometime later, Yang Tian met up with Sikong Han and was assigned to the Profound Department's Class One.

Upon entering the Class One, he attended a few classes and nearly yawned as it was pretty dull. If not for the fact that he couldn't go to the Blue Wind Profound Palace right now, he really didn't want to waste his time here.

As all the classes ended, he was about to leave this New Moon Profound Palace when he looked within the classroom and noticed a few disciples surrounding Xia Yuanba.

Yang Tian raised his brow and slowly approached Xia Yuanba.

Upon seeing Yang Tian coming, the disciples around Xia Yuanba immediately ran away while speaking, "Oh no! It's Senior Brother Yang. He is coming towards us!"

The seniority within the Class One depended upon strength. Considering that Yang Tian had defeated the strongest disciple of the New Moon Profound Palace, all the disciples naturally considered him the senior-most disciple even if it hadn't been a day since he joined the New Moon Profound Palace.

Xia Yuanba stood up and was about to leave when Yang Tian asked him, "Were they bullying you?"

Xia Yuanba didn't know why this person was talking to him. He was somewhat muddled and looked around. Those disciples were giving him a nasty look.

He was about to shake his head when Yang Tian said, "Don't worry about them so much. If they dare to bully you again, inform me about it. I will help you out."

It wasn't just to inform Xia Yuanba about this information. He was also scaring the other disciples who were bullying Xia Yuanba.

Yang Tian gave these disciples a glare.

The disciples were confused. Just why would this new disciple help out Xia Yuanba? Was it just because he hated bullying? Or did he have some sort of special connection with Xia Yuanba?

In reality, it was neither. The reason Yang Tian helped out Xia Yuanba was that he knew that Xia Yuanba's presence was going to be useful in the future.

Just gonna inform you that the timeline is gonna follow canon for a bit. I mean... Why should mc change these events when its gonna favour him?

Changing things just for the sake of changing would be stupid.

But yeah... The story is gonna diverge from the canon soon enough.

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