
The Exiled Prince

I was always struck by his eyes. They say that even as a child the servants feared him... For if you were so unfortunate as to displease him... you would see it.

In moments of rage, his eyes would change. They would.. morph. They seemed to deepen.. sinking back into his skull until two black holes remained- capable of searing the soul of anyone brave enough to look up into them. For all my years at court, I have never seen anyone that brave. Not even his father, the king.

I remember the first day I heard of him. I was five years old, living in my family's manor house.

"Yes, banished." my father was saying quietly to one of his council men.

"Something about the death of a noble man's daughter apparently... or so goes the rumor at court. The king has agreed to send the prince away to the Dark Lands as recompense.. his only son and heir.. exiled.. and at such a young age. What is this world coming to?"

"I did not know King Elric had a son..." I said in a small voice, peeping around the corner.

"What did I tell you about eavesdropping?" My father said, suddenly standing up from his chair. He stalked towards me and I shrunk back in fear. He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me down the corridor.

"HILDETH! HILDETH!" he bellowed.

"Where is that damned woman... HILDETH!"

Hildeth came running from the west side of the manor, her maid's cap fluttering in the wind.

"My lord, the Duke! A thousand apologies!" she said breathless, stopping in front of him and bowing low.

"How many times to I have to tell you to keep this WRETCH," he threw me towards her, "away from me."

Hildeth caught me and I clung to her skirts, terrified.

"So sorry, my lord. It will not happen again."

"See that it doesn't!" he snarled,

"Or I will have the skin taken off your back!" He glared down at me, turned and stalked away.

"Yes, my lord." Hildeth said, still bowing,

"So sorry, my lord..."

She waited until he was out of sight. We did not move for a long moment. The sunlight spilled through the stained glass windows lining the hallway and illuminated the many paintings that hung on the opposite wall. A bird outside was singing. I peeked up at her through her skirts.

"You'd best be taking care, young misses.." Hildeth warned solemnly.

"I can not protect you."

Tears spilled down my face as I looked up at her. She had been my wet-nurse from the very moment my mother died giving birth to me. In my child's mind, she was my mother.

She reached down and smoothed my brown hair away from my face.

"I don't know why I bother fixing your hair so pretty. You always manage to muss it."

Hildeth smiled, wiping a tear from my cheek.

"Come, my lady. Let's resume your studies."

That was fifteen years ago... now it is close to my twentieth birthday. At the age of ten my father was elevated to dukedom and we were moved into the castle. It has been ten years living in the castle now and I find it far more tolerable then living in the manor with the wretched man that is my father, or I should say 'the honorable Grand Duke Garrick Wolfe' that he is now referred to as.. Hildeth is still with me, thank the Lord, as well as a small entourage of ladies maids and personal guards.

Ever since I have come of age, I am now expected to study the importance of becoming the perfect wife. I am Lady Arrabella Wolfe, daughter of Grand Duke Garrick Wolfe.. eligible to marry the man who offers my father the most money or power.. so I am to be sold like a goat.

With my father now keen on a powerful marriage alliance, he visits me more frequently to oversee my lessons on becoming the most desirable noble woman in the castle.

"Even a peasant can dance better than she does.."

"She is too tall..."

"She will do her duty as a daughter..."

"Cinch her corset tighter.."

My father is severe on what does and does not make a nobel woman. I wish I were free of him, but with his position at court growing.. and with King Elric even taking notice.. escape is no longer possible. Many eyes of the court are on me now.

Days and weeks pass and become a blur of lessons and tea and curtsying and reciting... some days I want to rip my hair out.. at least I have Hildeth.. she is always with me- a calming and supportive presence.

A few weeks pass and my father the Duke suddenly informs me that the king's son, Prince Severin, was to return at long last. What? The king's son had been banished from castle and exiled fifteen years ago.. Even here in the castle, I have heard relatively nothing about the young prince who was sent to the dark side of the country at the age of ten.. for whatever rumored reasons. What I did know, however, was that nearly all people who traveled there did not return. Perhaps what my father said was nothing more than idle court gossip. Surely no one could survive for one year, let alone FIFTEEN years in those savage lands! I do not believe him.

But then one day, the trumpets sound.

A squire outside is shouting,

"Make way! Make way! The prince has returned! Make way!"

Standing up from my embroidery, I catch up my heavy skirts and run to the balcony. Looking down, I see a man in black riding the largest Friesian (black draft) horse I had ever seen. The horse was slowed to a trot, and threw its head angrily in protest, stomping its massive hooves against the cobblestone street. A peasant woman snatched her child back just in time to keep him from being trampled. The man never once turned his head to acknowledge the cheering crowd. He disappeared below me into the courtyard. I did not see him for the rest of that day.

The next morning my ladies maids came to dress me and offer me tea. One of the newest and youngest additions to my entourage, Gisella, was acting oddly.

"Gisella, what's wrong?"

Gisella poured my tea, her hand unsteady on the handle. She set it down.

"Sir Severin arrived yesterday.."

"Yes, I know. I watched his arrival."

"Last night.. something happened.."

She glanced up at Hildeth who was straightening the bed on the other side of my chamber. Hildeth nodded.

"Sir Severin... arrived in his chambers and... one of the maids went to serve him." Gisella paused, looking down.

"The maid.. she.. she... she did not return for the rest of the evening."

My brows furrowed together, not understanding.

"And when she did return this morning.. her face... it was bruised.. and she.. couldn't... "

Gisella's voice began to quiver, tears coming to her eyes.

"It appears that Sir Severin used her until morning." Hildeth finished softly, walking over to where I sat.

"What?" I said in shock.

"How is that possible? Where were the guards?"

"My lady, Sir Severin is the crown prince. Yes, he has been away for a long time, but his status dictates that whatever he deems appropriate the guards cannot interfere with." Hildeth said.

I am still reeling when there is a knock on the door. A sentry enters.

"Lady Arrabella, your presence is requested tonight at a feast held in honor of crown prince Severin's return. It will begin at sunset. Your father the duke has requested you wear your finest gown and jewels."

The sentry exits.

"I don't want to eat with that monster." I say brutally, "I'm not going to attend."

"You must, my lady." Hildeth says, her brown eyes somber.

"You know what your father will do if you disobey his order."

I sigh deeply, remembering the marks on my legs. I slump in my chair, looking bitterly at my untouched cup of tea.

"If I must."

Like it? I'll be writing more!

Carrie_Blyckercreators' thoughts