
X-Ray Vision

ShiLong market.. it's the biggest market in White city where sea of people never ends 24/7 ....i came in disguise here... I sat down on a bench ... ready to try my X-Ray vision abilities...

today morning.. EVA told me to use this vision less cause slow process will help in faster adaptation for my eyes...

i command the particles to function....

cold sensation grew stronger in my iris.. .

if someone notice closely they can see... his eyes change black to slightly red...

when EVA told me about this effect... she said it's cause of blood... and every time I use my vision..it turns black with slightly red...

i scan my surroundings and stunned .... everything is in rainbow like color...

then EVA told me try to control the vision as my imagination... I listen to her... and after another second.. everything returns to normal..

I again try to look at ground... slowly surface became transparent and I can see pebelles.. plastic garbage....and water pipes... inside it ..

I extremely impressed... after I try to see into stores... cars... everything is clear to me...

now it's time to rock n roll baby...

I saw some school girls walking in groups...

I use my ability.. .. ohh SHIT.. I don't want to see your internal organs... zoom out.. zoom out..

now I can see... their colorful lace undergarments. ... their beautiful figures is clear to my eyes as they are already naked..

round ass... perky ass.... bubble butt... big booty.... hehe...i can see everything babes.. you can escape my heavenly vision...

time passed by.. almost whole morning... I spent my time to.. see various figures.. with different sizes...

what the FUCK.. . madam can't you clean your hairs... it's blocking the view..

holy SHIT.. . there an egg vibrator in her immortal cave...

geez... looking so beautiful.. but your cave is looking like a residence of my dragons ..

fuck there's. a tattoo on her butt...

why some women likes to pierce their clit...

wow... what a sexy underwear...




it's look like I found a whole new hidden world ..

[ warning: advice to stop using vision.. or backlash will have to suffer ]

' wait.. a little more EVA I am at the apex of reaching immortality.... hahaha... '

well let's look at some boys... whose is a crossdresser....

what a lousy dick... even a dog can beat you..

whoa... what a big muscle but.. small dragon.. hahaha...

oh my god.. here comes panty lover...

what man... seriously. Pink... at least wear some dark... even if you are crossdresser




until the noon.. I never leave my spot... I get up and start walking to villa.. while still looking at various beauties..


" hey what happened... ? "

" don't know I also just came "

" it's seems like fight is going on "..


suddenly various loud noises came into my ear... I turn my face to look where everyone pointing.

i saw a heavy make up women quarreling with a macular man...

" babe... I am sorry I never see anyone.. except you " that man said .... " oh really I saw you look very interesting by looking at her.... you think I am fool.. don't know what kind of thoughts playing into your mind.. it's already happened many times.... " she said angrily..

" babe trust I promise..." ... " ENOUGH... i don't want to listen to your nonsense... now never come to me again... or you spend your remaining years in hospital " she left with a threat ....

" what a jerk... seeing others while his girlfriend with him.. "

" this kind of scums should deserve such treatmen "

" *sigh* I think everyone deserve another chance.. but it seems like its not his 1st time flirting with others "




some women start cursing... some sympathise...


that man also left after listening to such remarks...


I while seeing all this... think... aren't I am same like than man... I think I should don't fall in relationships in future... no girlfriends.. no betrays.. no cheating...

suddenly.. purple hair beauty came into my mind... what if she became my girlfriend... she is absolutely my type....

well... i should try making love on her if we meet again...

having such thoughts I get excited...

I stop the taxi... and tell him where to drive...

huh... is look likes.. I have to buy my own car... for transportation....

I reached the villa.. change my clothes and.. get ready to go to clear entrance exam...

I take out my books.. I look at every page slowly..

like EVA said... I only need to look at once... and. everything is in my mind clear as sky..


I lookes at all books...

.... and take my fountain pen...

it's a gift from grandpa... for my new school...

I went downstairs where Mr.lin waiting for me..

we get on car... and start going to White Leaf International...

it's a very famous school in surrounding cities... it's opened for more than 60 years...

a big business found it for better advancement for students.... but all in all its a school for basically for rich kids...

it's situated near a mountain...

we reach the school in 20 mins of fast driving....

afte we reach... I saw a big Arc shaped building.... of 5 floors... there are French windows on the wall ... and in front a large fountain... and a silver man statue which looks rather scholar....

at side there is a big green playground... many parents and students can be seen around...

Mr.lin parked at a distance place... before we go inside...

at a big counter there is blonde women is busty with lots of work... I think..

Mr Lin go to her... and submit my papers....

she look at me with her blue eyes... she is really cute lady... but it's seems like she is married thou after seeing her ring finger...

'gosh . what a handsome man.. maybe most handsome in while school... * sigh * of my husband also a bit more... but nevermind I shouldn't ask for more...

" here this is your serial no. and room card... please wait for a little bit... someone came to bring all students to examination hall " she give me a slim card and a paper...

I sat down on the near bench... and use my vision to enjoy myself...

after I while I stand up and went outside to see the surroundings...

there are many people are around...

' EVA can you count the numbers of students are present here '

after a second sme a voice came...

[ 567 people with same room card are present here ]

' 567 it seems like competition is very big... '

then I saw many people standing surround a board...

I came near it.. where ever I walk.. people.. give me way.. with some uneasiness....

it's not a first time thou...

" Damn.. there are only 160 seats are left .. how can I get admission "

" you are not the only one here to get admission.. "

" look where you are before speaking... it's White Leaf International... only top stusers can get here.. "

" FUCK it's look like we don't have any chance "

" if we get scholarship "..

" only top 5 students can get scolorship "

" more than 300 are here to get scholarship thou "..

listening to their discussion I get to know.. how fierce is competition here.... well it's not work in my case.. even if I fail... some money will do...

again I start walking to the school gate... and buy a Coke from nearby vending machine..

i stand by the wall while drinking... and seeing parents motivating their children.. and telling try hard to set a seat in school...