
Dark Matter (boyxboy)

Nicholas Brown, a 28 year-old man reborned into the land of wolves were the weak are looked down and the strong succeed. His life ended when he was stalked and kill by a mysterious man. Told by the gods that his life was a waste, he is forced to start a new in the body of a baby in the world of wolves. A world in were 16 year olds are tested for powers and then forced to attend Mooncreek Academy to train and fight against The Espionanza. Disadvantaged by his body size his chances of survival in the new world are slim but Nicholas is ready to show this new world what he is capable off. Join Nicholas in the adventure to find why he was killed in his previous life as well as taming a cold, dominant, overbearing Alpha.

Victoria_Cooper · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Being a 28-year-old soul in the body of a 6 months old baby was surely very hard.

As I was being carried in the arms of my beautiful mother I had no control over my bladder, so when it was time to do my business I felt like a mess. The humidity of my diaper was too much for me to bear.

I had to swallow my pride as a man and cry out for my mother to change me. It took a few minutes for her to understand what I wanted but in the end, my point came across.

I was very uncomfortable with her changing me, after all, I had the consensus of a man and I hardly knew her at all.

I keep having to remind myself that she was my mother and I was her son.

After taking me up from the changing table I had the chance to look around as she took me to the other side of the room.

Everything looked normal just like in Earth.

We seemed to be in a bedroom, the was a large bed in the far corner and on the opposite side of the room was my crib, as well as the changing table and what I guessed to be other baby things. There were two chairs next to the bed probably for when I had to wake up at night. There was a large mirror in between, in it, I could see my reflection.

I had guessed correctly, I seemed to be around six months. I had bright big blue eyes that complimented my short brown hair. My light skin was flawless and my big cheeks were rosy.

I was a very cute baby.

My mother sat with me on her arms playing with me and making funny faces. I smiled and laughed at her making her coo at me.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," she said looking at me lovingly "Bright blue, just like your father's."

Just like that she started rambling on about my father, I have not seen him yet so didn't have an opinion of him.

I could see my self getting hungry. Hunger like this was normal when I was older but as a baby, I felt like I been starved for 3 days. Impatiently I started making noises until I settled in a cry.

"Your father will come back soon" she continued absentmindedly.

I don't care! I want food!

"He left to buy a few groceries" she explained.

Just give me food!

I felt like to get anything I had to cry

It took a few minutes of my cries for my mother to understand what a wanted.

She quickly carried me to the kitchen and sat me down on the sofa, When she neared the fridge I slowly stopped my cries.

She must have misunderstood my quietness for sleep because she quickly tried to carry me to my crib.

Oh, for the love of God!

I refused to stop my cries until I could taste the food in my tongue.

It was a struggle but in the end, I was sitting happily on my mother's arms drink warm milk from my bottle while she looked really tired.

As I was eating, a man with black long hair approaches us. His eyes, just like my mother said, were bright. The appeared really icy but they would turn warm when they looked at my mother or me.

"Rose" he smiled as he planted his lips into my mother's. He wore his hair down, so all the hair went to my face when he kissed her, making me sneeze and disturbing me from eating my meal. When he moved to kiss my forehead I quickly latched my hand into his black looks pulling with all my strength.

"Hello to you too, Briley" He chuckled and carried me from my mother arms. I couldn't help but become distracted by his silky black hair. It was beautiful, a pure black colour.

It was hard to imagen that they were my parents, they both looked like models on their twenties.

"I hope you didn't cause too much trouble for your mom when I was working." He said as he lifted me up into the air.

"Of course not, I've been a very good boy" I tried to say but only gibberish nonsense was coming out of my mouth.

In my past life, I had been a very mischievous child, I had seemed to grown out of it as I grew up and had to think about my responsibilities.

In this lifetime I wanted to make sure that I was a child that my parent would be able to brag about and be proud of. I wanted to make sure that would not be committing the same mistakes as in my previous life.

However, mischief is in the genes of every child.

I laughed as I pulled his hair harder.

His smile never wavered, he only pulled my hand away from his hair and started swinging me up and down.

I was happy, my previous parents never showed me this kind of affection for as long as I could remember.

At that moment I vowed to make these parents as happy as I would be able to.


Years passed and I turned five last winter.

Over the time I had to research on my own; discovering differences from my previous world and the world that I had been reincarnated into. Giving that the Moon Goddess did not bother to give me an explanation.

Just like my previous world was called Earth this world was called The World of the Wolf; TWW is what I liked to call it.

Similarities could be seen in the thought of the beginning of the world. While Earth religions were varied, people in TWW only believed in the Moon Goddess, the believed that she created this planet because she was bored, she created two humans with the ability to turn into wolves. She ordered them to multiply and promised that she would protect their children and their generations to come. The legends said that she only came down to The World of the Wolf when it was a full moon, which was only once a month here.

However, my knowledge was limited. Even if I had the soul of a 33-year-old, my mind was still one of a 5-year-old child. I could understand information but it would take a while for the information to settle in.

I still didn't understand why I had memories of my previous life. No one else seemed to have them so why did I have them?


Did the Moon Goddes think that if I have the constant reminder of the mistakes in my former life would not turn to such a waste in this lifetime?


Was my previous life really that bad?

"Briley!" My thoughts were cut short by the voice of my mother. I could feel that she been calling me for a few minutes but I was too immersed in my thought to hear her.

"Yes, mom" I answered as I closed the book that I had stopped reading.

"How long do plan on reading?" She asked as she took the book from my hand an put it on my bookcase.

In my previous life books had always been an escape from the loneliness of the world, I could be reading for ages without worrying about a single thing. My parents found it weird that a kid my age had such a fascination with books but never did anything to stop me, instead, the allowed me to have the library as my second home.

"Did you forget what day it's today?" she asked as she picked me up from my bed.

"Is it not the 7th Cycle"

It took me a while to understand how the date was known as, in here weeks was referred to as Cycle; Monday was 1st cycle, Tuesday was 2nd cycle, and so on. Months was referred to as Revolution and a year as Rotation. If I wanted to say my birthdate which was the 27th of December in earthling terms, I would say the 27th of the 12th Revolution.

"And what do we do on the 7th Cycles?" She asked.

Immediately my smile turned into a frown. Refusing to answer her question I rested my head on her neck.

She sighed and answered her question seeing that I was not planning on taking part in this conversation.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this but we are doing this for you," she said ruffling my head.

Pouting I pushed her hand away and looked the other way.

My parents insisted on carrying me along with them to the weekly runs it was necessary in order to keep the relationship with our inner wolves stable. Well with their wolf, we are supposed to hear their voice in our mind when we are in our mother's womb and by are 2 or 3-year-olds we should be able to change into our wolf form. I was five and no matter how I tried I could not change into my wolf form, I couldn't even hear him.

So when they carried me to their weekly runs, I basically had to keep up with two grown wolves who loved to run for hours.

When we step out of the house my mother released me and went to lock the door. My father was already in his wolf form, his black fur shined in the sunlight, we normally went when it was dark but I was starting school tomorrow and I had to get to bed earlier.

My father walked to me and lowered his head to give a sloppy lick on the cheek, my mother, who had already transformed into her wolf form, did the same.

My mother, even though was a bit smaller than my father, towered over me; I was only up to her legs.

"Yuck," I said wiping my checks with my sleeves.

If wolves were able to laugh, I'm pretty sure that they would have done that already.

My father pushed to the thick woods with his head when he saw that I was not moving.

At first, we started at a slow pace, later on, their increased their pace and I was starting to get tired, not wanting to be left behind I pushed my tiny legs further. We ran for like 30 minutes before I started to slow down. I was started to get used to the runs but it did not make the processes any easier.

My heart was beating like crazy and I didn't think that my legs could go any further.

Too tired to move, I sat down near a tree. My parents were already too far for me to reach. I sighed and lay my head on the ground; closing my eyes I starting to think about the weird things about this world.

I was woken by the wetness of a tongue on my cheek.

They gotta stop doing that.

Wiping my check I stood up and stretched and we made our way home. Running.

I just hoped that I could change to my wolf soon. If not, life was just going to be a hot mess.

Hello, thank you again for reading :)

It might seem a little slow now but it will get better, I just wanted to get a few things out the way.

Anyway, what do you think of Briley parent? Would you like to live in The World of the Wolf?

Victoria_Coopercreators' thoughts