
Dark magician

Panaderouaja · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 29

When they collected the glass, the boys returned to the village informing the mayor about the mission, thus concluding it.

The curiosity of the group was great, they went that same night to the academy, however, there was a small problem, there were no boats available for passengers, so Levi had to summon the turtle again with no other choice.

--- Jorhaf Academy ---

The group was coming down from the turtle in the port of the academy. They quickly divided into three parts, to go to their respective bedrooms.

Levi was left alone in the port, he was exhausted from using a lot of magic constantly, adding the problem of potions that lost effectiveness due to their excessive consumption. Slowly walking to her teacher's house—they didn't even have the decency to wait for me or say thank you for the transportation—Her eyes begin to slowly squint as she walks. In one of the steps he takes, he steps the ground, unfortunately his foot sinks causing him to fall into a pool of water. The cold water helped keep him awake—I hate this school—Levi gets up with a lot of effort, shuffles around.

It takes me an hour to arrive with his teacher, he sighs with relief at last seeing the house in front of him. Enter the house. Arriving at the house caused him to calm down, causing him to fall asleep in the hallway.

The next day .

Levi opens his eyes, sees that he is in a bed – She must have brought me – He gets up with a lot of effort, notices how he still does not recover, walks to the kitchen slowly. When she gets to the kitchen, she looks at her teacher preparing breakfast, "I see you've woken up," says Madelin.

Levi sits in a chair quietly waiting for food — You shouldn't consume too many potions," Madelin says to break the silence.

Levi — It's not like I wanted to do it, there was just no choice.

Madelin —If there were, they could come on a boat the next day, it's that simple.

Levi thought it would be a long morning, listening to his teacher's repression.

Noon arrives. Everyone gathered in front of the main building at Levi's request.

Carl did not attend, he had told Levi that he would leave the group. Levi was about to tell them, but is unexpectedly interrupted by another of his companions.

Simon—I will not continue with the group. I know it's only been a day, but with that I understood that there is no future with you. Sorry—He leaves after speaking.

Levi interrupts him —By the way, Carl also left the group— His gaze runs over the others — I won't force them to stay, make your decision — Levi stopped talking waiting for the response of his companions.

The others didn't think much, Wensy was already determined, Lucas thought he fit into the group, Frederick needed allies for some matters in his hometown, everyone had decided to stay even Susan who surprised everyone by his choice.

After they gave their answer, the group remained silent for a moment, until Wensy reminded them of the crystal they found.

Levi folds his arms — Since you mention it. I was thinking what to do with the egg. Any ideas? —.

Wensy —We could incubate it and keep it as a pet.

Susan: I agree. As Wensy found it, she should make the decision—Lucas and Frederick agreed with Susan.

But Wensy had a doubt—are you sure it's an egg and not an ordinary crystal? — She questioned her partner's knowledge.

Levi responds confidently—Very confident.

Wensy —I don't know. Something tells me I didn't trust you.

Levi—If you don't trust my knowledge, then look for an encyclopedia about beasts, you'll find it in the aquatic section—He said confidently.

Susan joins the discussion — I have several encyclopedias.

Luke — Why? - Think it's unnecessary to have a lot of books.

Susan: Knowledge is necessary for a magician. It is basic knowledge in the world.

Luke—I understand—actually sees it as unnecessary.

Frederick — Then let's find out which species it belongs to.

Having decided what to do, the group headed to the school library.


The initial excitement was waning. The group was getting bored by not discovering the egg species. They had already searched several books.

Levi gets up from the place — Wensy let's go get more books — She gets up with no questions asked. Both went to an aside away from their companions, at that moment Wensy began to wonder if there was a problem since they were moving far away from others. Levi could see the doubts on his partner's face—I have to tell you something, but I didn't want to say it in front of others.

Wensy begins to blush, Levi's words caused a misunderstanding in his mind.

Levi —It's on the glass you found. Actually, it's not an egg.

Wensy — So what is it?—there was a bit of disappointment in his tone of voice.

Levi answers him truthfully – It is a water crystal, capable of improving the control of water magic and also makes it possible for the consumer to breathe underwater.

Wensy was a little surprised—aren't you lying to me this time ?— I didn't know whether to trust his words.

Levi: This time I tell the truth. I couldn't tell you in front of others because I know the value of this crystal and I didn't think others would give you the freedom to decide what to do with it.

Wensy couldn't understand Levi's way of thinking—so what should I do with him?—.

Levi: It's obvious what you should do. Lying to others and telling them that you exchanged the egg for a water-attribute crystal so it won't seem suspicious that you can breathe underwater.

Wensy : I think it's easier to tell others the truth.

Levi — It's not as simple as you think.

Wensy — Then tell me—.

The two were silent, Wensy understood that Levi did not trust her, this infuriated her — It would put you in danger if I told you — She hoped this sentence would reassure her, however, it did not work, she had to tell them her reasons for not telling him, which were just an excuse on her part.

It took a long time for Levi to reassure her and convince her to lie, however, she left before creating an excuse for being gone for a while. He does not chase her when he sees that she was still a little upset, instead he stayed to review some books out of curiosity.

The one that caught his attention the most was a book which talked about necromancy.

The book spoke with this was an efficient and cruel magic for using the dead as tools. Levi was not interested in the parts where they talked about the cruelty of it and the destruction it caused throughout history. From experience he understood very well the efficiency of necromancy in group combat.

Reading the book was a waste of time for Levi, there was nothing written about how to perform necromancy, only some historical data of how it was used – let's look in another book – Having a small army available and never objecting to their orders besides not giving them explanations for their actions, was the main reason why Levi wanted to learn necromancy.

There were few books that talked about the subject, some gave advice on how to use it, military strategies, but none said how to do it, this disappointed him a lot.

He returns to the place in the library where his classmates were supposed to be, but when he arrives he looks at others occupying the place, "I guess I was reading for a long time."

Having nothing else to do, he leaves the library.

At the entrance were Lucas and Frederick waiting for Levi.

They both approach him, put their hands on Levi's shoulders, this surprised him a little —Calm everything will be fine— This sentence confused him —We know what happened, you have our support—.

Levi with a dubious tone asks both of them, "And what happened?"

Frederick —Quiet. You had no luck this time—Levi was slowly beginning to understand their attitude.

Luke — They still don't know each other well enough — With these words, the situation became clear.

Levi realized they were both trying to comfort him because they think he was rejected. He did not know whether to be grateful or upset with Wensy for this situation, but since she did not tell them about the glass, he decided to act for the moment putting the saddest face possible.

The pair seemed to believe him.

The trio began to move to another place, Levi asked them where they were going, they told him that it would be a place where he could forget his rejection, something difficult to do if both continued to mention it constantly.

Levi stood silent all the way, with a sad expression on his face, letting the duo speak without restraint.

Upon arriving at the place Levi was surprised, changing his feigned expression to one of expectation. The place they arrived at is an arena where students have battles with other students and with monsters.

The duo is happy to see how their plan changed the expression of their partner.

They entered the arena. The arena was like a coliseum with an ever-changing battlefield. Levi admitted it was a high-tech coliseum as he saw how the terrain changes.

The arena at this time was not crowded, there were hardly any spectators in the stands. The trio patiently await the fight.

It took an hour for a fight to begin.

Levi was surprised to see how a well-defined hologram came out of the middle of the battlefield, showing the participants of the next encounter. Which would be between a fourth-year student and a category 2 monster, also showed the record of fights and a graph that showed the statistics of both.

The few spectators including the trio began to laugh at the participating student when they saw that his statistics in intelligence were lower than that of the monster.

Both competitors entered the arena, the student entered through a door, when the spectators look at him their laughter increases. On the other side of the arena appeared a platform on which there was a cage with a monster.

The monster was fearsome, resembling a lion with thorns on its back.

The cage opens giving rise to combat.

The student with a gloomy look at the teasing pulls a sword out of his storage. From the materials of the sword it could be inferred that it was special for warriors.

The boys looked seriously at the fight, after a few minutes the seriousness in the arena changed to a big mockery.

Lucas—I don't think so—.

The monster jumps to dodge an attack.

Frederick —Not me—.

The monster crouches down to prevent another attack

Levi: It's certainly not fake.

The monster beckons its paw to the student to get serious.

Everyone in the arena watched as the monster could dodge the attacks with ease and also as it mocked the student.

The student who was fighting was furious performing more and more wide attacks exposing his body. The fight did not have great suspense, the monster dominated the fight with ease. Luckily for the student he was rescued before the monster killed him.

Levi — He was good while I was hard — He wanted to keep watching the fight more, it bothered him that he had to wait a long time to see one.

Frederick, "I was surprised to see how the monster predicted the movements.

Levi: It's not as surprising as it sounds, the warrior's attacks were predictable.

Lucas —Right, just by seeing his face I already knew what attack he would use— I speak as if I were an expert.

Levi: Now we know why he had such low intelligence statistics.

Frederick —But perhaps he was not the only thing he was inferior to, otherwise he surpassed the monster by a large margin, with his strength he should not have ended like that.

Levi "He's just an idiot."

Lucas, I agree.

Levi —There will be more fighting.

Frederick: Well, we have to wait until someone else decides to fight.

Levi: What, he thought the meetings were scheduled.

Luke says without thinking—Someday I'll try—The other two look at him with an expectant look. The looks of his companions were not enough to convince him.

Levi gets up—Where do I have to go to ask for a fight? - He thought it would be interesting to have a fight.

His classmates thought he wanted a way to vent.

Frederick—I will guide you—Both leave Lucas alone.

The place to ask for a match was at the entrance, Levi had no problem asking for a match, there was no restriction on participations. They gave him a list with the opponents available, currently there were only monsters, Levi chose the monster he fought previously, however, as it was his first fight they had to scan his body for presentation and he makes a basic test for his statistics.

Frederick left him alone and went with Lucas. Both talked until holograms appeared presenting the fighters.

Levi looked at his stats on the hologram, he was surprised that they were too low, but the arena managers explained that this would change depending on his combat and performance.

Levi enters the arena, on the other side appears the same monster that recently won a victory.

The cage does not take long to disappear starting the meeting.

End of chapter.