
Dark Insight

Sasha Rostova, a young girl, who was later adopted by the Vasiliev family in Russia. But there was something she didn't knew about. In search of it, she was engulfed in a never ending darkness... Jason Evans, a top detective, even in the world. He is in search of a mass murderer, who no one knows that he is a murderer. A psycho who was roaming free in the world. Because of some personal issues in Jason's family, he had to resign his job, but he didn't stop his pursuit of the man. His curiosity was growing bigger day by day as he comes across many mysteries and the truth about that man. Now all there lies are betrayal, confusion and a monster who is not a monster... Guys I'm the author, Ad_Leeus. This is my first novel, so it's going to be a bit slow at pace but I promise it'll later keep it's track and get more interesting. It updates 7 chapters per week, or sometimes 14 chapters, unless I'm sick or my exams are near. I hope you'll like to read it. It's a mystery and tragedy based story with a bit of romance, so I'm sure you all are gonna love it once you read it and get to understanding about the story more. .... power stones and golden tickets are most appreciated. .... Check out my other novel 'Yuvan'.

Ad_Leeus · Horreur
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29 Chs

Obsession (2)

October 9th, 2018

20:12 (8:12 p.m)

Ding! Dong!

A man rang the doorbell of an apartment room. He had black hair and brown eyes, wearing a white hoodie with blue jeans. He was carrying a black bag.


A man opened the door.

"Oh! Marcel, what's up man?"

"Doing good, brother. What about you?"

"Well same old."

"I see. Anyways man, can I stay at your place for some days? You see some renovation has been going on in my neighbor's room, so it's getting hard to study and do stuff."

Marcel told Joshua about his problem.

"Don't worry brother, come inside..." He went inside Joshua's apartment room."...Stay as long you like, don't worry about anything man." Joshua told Marcel.

"Appreciate it brother..."

Marcel replied."...but man your room sure is luxurious. I didn't know you were living such a life huh! Getting rich?"

"Nah! Just doing youtube and making some money from it. Other things are just mom's doing. You know her."

"Rich kid!"

Marcel put his bag in a cabinet.

"The bathroom's there, you can wash up." He told Marcel.

"Got it!" He replied.

Joshua had ordered some pizza and drinks. After Marcel washed up, he came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

"Sigh! Damn bro, looks like we'll be having a party tonight!"

"It's on me." Joshua replied.


"Hoho! This pizza is good." Marcel told Joshua with amazement.

"Right! I always order this pizza only. The cheese just overflows and the taste is just impeccable." He told Marcel about it.

As they were drinking beer, Marcel asked Joshua, "How did your date go?"

"Oh! The date? It was amazing bro. Nathalie is such a kind hearted girl. She is just like an angel for me."

Marcel looked towards Joshua and asked him, "Bro! Will you go to the class celebration tomorrow?"

"Yes, will you not go?"

"No, I will of course go. It's just that there's this girl that I like and I want you to be the wingman, you see."

"Wait you have a crush? Man I always thought you only play games all day. Also don't worry about it, I will be the best wingman you could ask for!"


"Hey Joshua, are getting this weird feeling? I feel like someone is watching us!"

"Sigh! Bro, you are talking like Nathalie now. She also said that she was feeling weird in our date. I don't know man, get your senses checked. I guess your brain is playing with you." Joshua told Marcel with a face of disbelief.

"...Ok if you say so."


October 10th, 2018

21:47 (9:47 p.m)

That night was the class party. They had reserved a private room in a large fancy restaurant. Everyone were there enjoying the night.


"Woah! We didn't knew Sasha was such a heavy drinker!"

"Haha! Is that so." She told Nathalie.

"Hmm...what happened Marcel? Feeling tired?"

"Oh! Nothing it's just that...nevermind."

"What...happened to him!" Nathalie thought.

"Guys I'll be back after a minute." Joshua told them and went to the restroom.


"Sigh! Why is the restroom so dark. I mean there is a tube light, but it is not giving much light. Looks like this restaurant doesn't care much about these stuff."




"Huh! W...what!"


A person stabbed in his abdomen and took his body to a toilet and locked it's door.


"Hey don't you think Joshua is taking a bit long?" Nathalie asked in a confusion.

"Hmm... I'll go call him."

Marcel went to the restroom to call Joshua.


"Hmm...what? He is not here? Where did that prick go?" As he was in a deep thought he saw a middle-aged, fat looking man with a beard who was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans in a rather unusual way come out of a toilet room.

He asked him, "Excuse me Mr, Have you seen a tall boy of around 5'11" wearing a white shirt and black chinos?"

The man looked at his eyes, making a strong eye contact and slowly continued, "N-No! I don't think I have seen anyone here when I came."

"Hmm...is that so, anyways thank you Mr."

"Where could he have gone?"

As Marcel thought about it the man went past him and he smelled a rather abnormal smell.

It was just like the smell of blood. Something like rotten flesh.