
Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Vishwa found himself reborn in an anime world known as "The Rising of the Shield Hero" as a Morsan. At the tender age of six, he was bestowed with a cursed weapon called the Great Sword Tizona, a weapon of legendary status crafted by unknown beings. Due to his deep-rooted mistrust in others and the fear of meeting the same fate as his father, who was betrayed by his supposed friends, Vishwa chose to live as a lone wolf. As he grew stronger, he formed a team of slaves to accompany him and together they embarked on a journey to slay ferocious beasts. Along the way, he even lent a helping hand to the shield hero. *** Author's Note: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my initial Fanfic with all of you, as it marks the beginning of my journey towards becoming a proficient writer. Crafting an engaging story is no easy task, but with your support and encouragement, I am determined to improve and create something truly captivating. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Andew, who generously sponsored this fanfic through his Patreon ID: Sir_dood134. Your belief in my writing abilities means the world to me, and I am honored to have your support. Once again, thank you to people with Patreon ID: Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in helping me improve my skills and continue creating content that you all enjoy. Please note that my profile picture would be same as the pic of MC's first slave similar to the girl in this fanfic's profile. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Your belief in my abilities as a writer means more to me than words can express. I am truly humbled by your kindness, and I promise to work tirelessly to deliver stories that captivate and entertain you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thot_Slaughterer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs

Continuous Level Up (7)

Morsan was baffled by Tizona's words and couldn't help but gasp in confusion. He couldn't understand how altering emotions could sever the soul from the body.

Tizona continued, ignoring his puzzled expression.

"Do you recall what I said about the connection between the soul and body, and how emotions play a crucial role in it? Every person expresses different levels of emotional wavelengths from birth, and the soul adapts to that particular sequence. By injecting different wavelengths other than their own, demons can temporarily change their connection with their soul and body. Each foreign emotion produces a different effect. For instance, by injecting intense positive emotions, they can improve the harmony of soul and body to an extreme degree, which could even cure terminally ill people and improve their lifespan. Conversely, injecting intense negative emotions could ruin the harmony between the body and soul. That is exactly what you experienced. In that peculiar state, if you had a pact with him, he could have easily severed our soul bond. In forming a pact, you would've known his real name, which would have made his real body aware of our existence. This whole process of influencing someone's emotions by injecting demonic Mana is what we usually call 'Mana Corruption.'"

As Tizona spoke, Morsan's body shook, and he couldn't help but feel goosebumps rising on his skin.

He couldn't help but ask 'Then how did I escape from it?!'

"Ahh. That part was confusing even for me!!... Instead of rejecting those negative emotions, your soul has accepted them as its own. Your body didn't repel his Mana but devoured it. Normally, it would be impossible to do that. You created the perfect balance between your sanity and insanity, I don't know how you did that. As a result, your Mana pool increased by four times that before. Look at your status, your [MP] capacity crossed twenty thousand." 

Morsan temporarily forgot his intense mental tiredness, as he heard Tizona, and realized that he didn't see his status even once after he woke up. With some difficulty, he opened his eyes and focused on the icon that was shown at the corner of his vision to his status. His heart trembled with excitement while doing it.

[Name: Morsan 

Class: Blood Berserker LV 38 EXP (768/24500) 

Equipment: Great Sword - Tizona (Mythical Weapon <Cursed >), Dagger (Uncommon), Chainmail Armor (Destroyed - Cannot be used) 

Title: Newborn Predator 

Skills: [Berserk (Max)], [Heavy Slash (Max)], [Brute Charge (Max)], [Basic Sword Art], [Basic Hand to hand combat], [Intimidate (Max)], [Danger Sense (Max)], [Basic Trap Detection], [Basic Cooking], [Taunt (Max)], [Parry], [Basic Dismantling], [Haggling], [Guard Break (Max)], [Predatory Aura (Max)], [Counter Flash (Max)], [Muscle Strengthening (Max)] 

Magic affinity: Blood magic 

Magic: [Blood Carnival] 

HP: 15000 

MP: 28000 

ATK.P (Attack Power): 54 

STR: 52 

DEF: 51 

M.DEF (Magic Defense): 8 

AGI: 49 

STA (Stamina): 47 

INT: 50 

Status Points: 144 

Skill Points: 16 

Level Cap: Lv.45 


"What the... hell?!" Morsan was shocked when he saw his status.

Not only did his MP increase to 28,000 as Tizona had said, but his level went up from 2 to 38 straight.

He also gained new skills which were all maxed out, making him regret wasting so many skill points. Morsan had been in a frenzy of killing monsters and wasn't thinking clearly. His new skills, such as Guard Break, Predatory Aura, Counter Flash, and Muscle Strengthening, opened up endless possibilities for his fighting style. He now understood why Usapils had avoided him before, especially after seeing the details of his new skill, Predatory Aura. This passive skill allowed Morsan to gain additional damage boost and weaken the enemy considerably when he killed a certain number of the same monster kind. The more he killed, the more he could intimidate that monster's kin passively with his aura.

Morsan was heartbroken when he realized he had lost his treasured chainmail armor, but he was pleasantly surprised at the bonus status points he had acquired. He calculated that he had acquired four status points for each level up after his bloodline fused, which was two points more than before. However, his old armor, which provided him with two points of magic defense, was now shattered into pieces.

After the crazy level-up, only his magic defense stats remained in a single digit.

He realized that he needed a new armor to improve these stats since they couldn't be improved just by leveling up. His remaining skill points were also important, especially since he had maxed out a lot of his class-related skills in his skill tree but still had sixteen points remaining to use.

He was unsure about how many points he received from each level-up, but he was happy to have them. Additionally, he received a new title called "Newborn Predator," which surprised him since he had never heard of it before in this world. The title function itself was unheard of in this world. Morsan noticed that his skill trees had expanded dramatically compared to the last time he saw them.

There were three separate skill trees: the first was his class-related skill tree, which helped him acquire and improve class-related skills.

He could also acquire these skills by training in training centers where class skills were taught by masters. However, joining those training centers was expensive, especially for Morsan, who was dirt poor. Money was an important part of power everywhere, no matter what world it was. Morsan always felt sad that he couldn't help but waste his skill points on every skill he wanted to use. But after seeing the number of skill points, he acquired, he was relieved that he didn't have to worry about improving his skills anymore.

The second skill tree was related to his daily life skills, such as Trap Detection, Cooking, and Dismantling, which he could improve by practicing and learning daily without using his skill points. Improving these skills was not as hard as improving class-related skills.

His third skill tree was related to Tizona, and he saw that he had already extracted the bloodlines of hundreds of monsters.

The third skill tree was the largest compared to others, and he felt dizzy just by reading those bloodline details.