
Dark Forest: secrets lie in darkness

It's about darkness and relief hidden in its a story of Jade and how she overcome all of it. There are so many mysteries in the world And there are consequences for every action some are done by Destiny and some are done by choices...... ——— ps. can't tell story plotting but must read it once and I am a little lazy and busy person so please forgive me if it is a little late update but I will really try my best and it is also my first novel

LaVieExtraordi1 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Reunion with Friends

"Morning Jade I missed you too much" Ginny said while approaching her as she entered the school premises

"Morning to you too and seriously Ginny we met yesterday and spent all day together so why the hell are you missing me? "Jade said to her annoying friend with an eye roll

"Oh! Come on lady can't you just say it for cause of say 'in and why are you in such a bad mood; well come on its been so long it feels so nice to come to school after 2 months off when you literary didn't go for an outing" Ginny said cheerfully to which Jade smiled and agreed with nodding her head in agreement

"Well its nothing just had an argument with mom and yes it's been a while; as for vacation, well I spent time with my grandparents in Paris and we did loads of shopping as my granny would've bought the whole store if not for grandpa stopping her and my mother wanted me to wear my dress today from that wardrobe but we had an argument and the rest you know" said Jade recounting the events

"Yeah lady I just envy you so much I mean my parents were so busy and Glenn also had his classes so we can't go out whole vacation and I mean even if they were not so busy it would have been still in California well may be Los Angeles or anywhere but not abroad because my dad is a patriotic man and well he hates European countries the most and it's not like we can go because its expensive and my father is not allowed to leave the country without special permeation as he is a police officer ; say why did he had to choose this profession and why did mom choose that man "she said enviously and frustrated

"Well you should be happy at least he stays with you not like my father who lives in Switzerland and I am not even allowed to visit him as well he doesn't come by often to see me "Jade said missing her father quiet a lot while thinking about the talk with her mother in car this morning

"Just let it be…I mean we can't have everything so let's just see what surprises life has stored for us in the future" said Ginny while hooking her arm around her neck in order to cheer her friend but failed as she was too short and Jade was quiet tall for her so in defeat she could only hook Jade's left arm

"O well look at my small teddy bear short and cute just meant for cuddles "Jade grinned while hugging her best friend obviously in better mood to which Ginny is quiet relieved and at same time irritated as her best friend is teasing her but didn't resort as she looked like a teddy bear with light brown hair and eye shade and her cute features and short height whereas Jade looked like a diva standing in the crowd even in an common dress.

"Look here who is cheating obviously hugging and not calling me it isn't fair" said Mia pouting as they approached the school building 'S.F.High' written on the side wall as they entered the building passing through the garden.

This high school is San Francisco's elite school where all highly educated teachers teach and Jade is finishing her last year would graduate in September with Mia and Ginny her two best girlfriends

"Who told you to be not present and where were you all Christmas vacation?" Asked Jade

"And did not even answered my calls "added Jade

"Well I was with Henry to New York and there we had lots of fun and it just happens I lost my phone along with my sim card and he didn't had any of your numbers and please don't expect me to remember all the numbers because you know how bad I am at it so please forgive me and pass me your numbers too" said Mia nonchalantly

"Oh did aunt allow you a lone vacation with your boyfriend?" asked Ginny while raising her eye brow

"Well my mother surly would if I had one though" added Jade

"Well no she wouldn't because she is not so advanced yet but with my cousins going then obviously she didn't deny" stated Mia

"well so both my friends went out of town leaving me aside I can understand Jade as she was abroad that too with her grandparents but Mia you could have taken me with you; you had no idea how board I was while sitting at home and no one hangout with" said Ginny winningly

"OH! Jade you had no such plan before vacation as far as I know and Ginny girl I was always with Henry and you don't know any of my cousins so it would have been awkward and darling I couldn't leave you with them at ease as they are not responsible; what would have happen if you were lost" she stated

"Well it was sudden plan as my birthday is here and I didn't had a special dress to wear so granny planed this surprise for me and took me to Paris for that as it is my 18th birthday and we purchased other things as well and I even brought gifts for both of you" said Jade

"Oh I also brought souvenirs for both of you as well" said Mia

"Okay so leave this and I have a juicy gossip for guys Stella was caught making out with Jose, Katy's boyfriend" Ginny shared gossip with her friends

To which Jade shrugged her shoulders and Mia said" isn't it that girl who is quite jealous of you and Mark's admirer then her affair?"

"Why do all people think that Mark has something to do with me when I don't even bother to look at him and have nothing to do with him" Jade questioned and looked quiet annoyed which she herself can't figure out that what was affecting her when suddenly Ginny screamed making her come out of her retrieve and she saw a weird phenomenon as a huge group of bats coming inside school.