
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


His eyes closed he saw a picture in his head, one of grandfather sitting down on a brown couch. It was tough to imagine the image from how everything around him looked. Though the picture of his grandfather sitting on the couch was perfect. The sunlight was bouncing off of his face, he was looking at his hands seeing that he was now a boy in that dream. His feet walked closer to his grandpa and when he had reached him his hand brushed over his black hair.

"Kotsu," His grandfather spoke in a low but comforting voice, "You were born with great power, stronger than most. I won't tell you what you should do with it, though I hope you will help the ones that are weaker."


Opening his eyes Kotsu looked at the view of the city as his stood tall on a large building. Wind blowing pass him making his jacket fly, "I wonder if you would be proud. Gramps."

Smiling he pushed himself off of the ledge jumping from building to building. His ears perked up when he heard a faint yell. When hearing it Kotsu was in mid-air, but it didn't matter to him, turning himself around pushed himself off of the air and in a second his hand was on crushed car.

"You, ok?" Kotsu turned his head looking at the pink haired girl , "Hey I know you! You're from the ceremony!"

"You're the guy in the final battle too!"

Still smiling he lifted his hand from the car then put it out to her, she took his hand and Kotsu helped Hako up, "Wanna do the honors?"

"Sure." Hako walked over and opened the car door.

Seeing Hako slowly walk to the door, something inside Kotsu rang. Kotsu put his guard up and walked closer to Hako. When she opened the door, Hako looked at Kotsu saying there was nothing there but that sting in his neck came again. Kotsu reached out his hand by instinct pulling back Hako but a silver blade appeared cutting the edges of his hand. Soon after someone popped and started to run away with terrified eyes.

A blue streak left his eye and he whispered, "I'll be back."

Kotsu simply gave himself a small little push but that push let out a burst of wind along cracking the concrete. It wasn't even a second till Kotsu had caught up to the person. Kotsu kicked the side of the person's knee tripping them on the ground. Still smiling, he picked up the person and rushed back to where Hako was. It wasn't long till the police came. The two stood there for awhile but when Kotsu heard something else come to his ear, he waved and jumped in the air once more.

Landing on top of a building he started to search where he had heard that scream. Jumping down, he looked around only to find himself in a allyway. Out from the shadows where people covered in black, "Hey you guys don't mind if I ask where that scream is right?"

They pulled out small daggers and a phone playing a faint sound of someone screaming. Sighing from seeing the knifes, Kotsu just sighed and put his arms behind his head, "So it's like this huh? Okay!"

Someone started to walk pass the ally way and noticed what was happening. What she had saw was just a pile of bodies stacked on top of each other, "Hey what are you doing to them!!"

"Nothing, just teaching a lesson." Kotsu said whipping his hands on the clothes of the others.

Before he jumped away the girl with brown hair and a school uniform, probably around his age, yelled out, "Nuh huh! You're not leaving! You have to stay here because you hurt them all!"

"But they are the ones that-." Kotsu stopped when one of the people that on the floor shot up.

Having a dagger to her neck he still didn't say a thing. Sighing, Kotsu didn't worry although the girl in the uniform was crying out. Eyes closed she still cried but Kotsu voice came over, "Hey you're fine now you don't gotta yell anymore."

The girl opened his eyes seeing that the dagger was gone and so was the person, Wha-what?"

Kotsu was on the other side of the ally and the person was laying down on the floor, "Told you, your fine."

The girl twidled her thumbs, "Oh I'm…I'm sorry.

"Nah don't be." He said.

Right before he left, she yelled out, "Hey let me pay you back!"

"Thanks, but I'm good!" Then Kotsu left.