
Dark Entity

This is the story of a young man named Kotaro Nueno, He is 18 years old and his dream is to become a detective. But one day, a serial killer murders his father in a room so Kotaro is determined to avenge his dead father. The task gets complicated when he meets an entity that calls itself the mystery demon. the mystery demon is in search of the ultimate mystery and makes a pact with Kotaro, both of them will solve the mystery. the two of them will solve investigations that are quite supernatural and disturbing.

satorulinx · Histoire
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10 Chs

The power of vocal waves part 2

Tomorrow, after Kotaro's investigation. Megumi had received a shocking package, it was a box with Megumi's picture inside and a bleeding dead cat. Megumi reports this horror scene to Kotaro, who hurries to join Megumi. On the spot were already the commissioner fuji, and his assistant maki without forgetting hita. Hita started to explain that Megumi had a lot of fanatical admirers, that she already received aberrant packages. But that she was getting sick, Hita also claimed that these fanatics in large numbers were waiting behind the office exit on Trash Day to rummage through Megumi's belongings. this did not stop fans from destroying the windows, despite tight security. For Hita, it was as if the latter was making fun of them. The mysterious demon told Kotaro that Megumi's sheer strength attracted those cranks. Commissioner Fuji therefore asks Maki to keep the harassment packages as evidence and put them in the car. Kotaro questions Commissioner Fuji, if the latter had in him the detailed documents regarding the suicide of Megumi's friends. Commissioner Fuji then replies that at the time he was not in charge of this case and asks Kotaro if he wanted to look into it. Fuji reminds Kotaro that despite everything, the investigation was already over and there was nothing more he could do about it. Kotaro then reassures Fuji that he shouldn't care. The mysterious demon then said this to kotaro:

"We're going to have to start all over again... If it can bring peace to Megumi."

Kotaro then repeats to Fuji and Megumi, everything the demon just told him. Megumi at this moment found Kotaro highly motivated. So fuji agrees to deliver the official documents by fax, Kotaro thanks Fuji saying that it could probably help him. Instantly, Fuji receives documents concerning the reports of suicides of his colleagues. Photos, places and activities of their loved ones at the time of their death.

Fuji: "As you see... The time of death is specified in both cases".

Fuji: "And from their death until the first discovery... Nobody intervened in the chambers".

Fuji: "Also no individual was noticed".

Fuji: "So we can only think of suicide".

Kotaro: "I'm not so sure".

So he asks the mysterious demon what he thinks about it. The mystery demon was very interested in megumi, it was completely normal. Megumi possessed both the absolute fame he craved and power beyond even the demon's comprehension. Kotaro wanted to know when Megumi realized her music had such power.

Megumi: "When you listen to my songs... Do you feel something that resonates directly in your brain?"

Kotaro: "Hmm... I bought a record and I like it".

Kotaro: "But I don't know if it resonates directly or not".

Megumi: "I talked about those who feel alone in the world".

Megumi: "If I make music for them... It's because I feel so alone in the world".

Megumi: "I think... You grew up liked by everyone."

Kotaro: "Not really but brief".

So, the mysterious demon asked Kotaro's opinion on this. And the demon told him that he had spotted who had done what, and that this mystery was already on the tip of his tongue. But the demon had an idea, he told Kotaro that he should wait before eating him. And the mystery demon foresees that he must first get rid of a stupid insect that was attracted to a light. Indeed these precognitive qualities had allowed him to see in advance what should have happened with Megumi.

In the parking lot where Megumi's car was parked, the latter was about to leave the place by car. When a strange man with a hoodie appears, she then tells Megumi that there's no point in telling the police. Because this mysterious individual knew everything around Megumi by heart, including all those blind spots. He later claims that no amount of vigilance from Megumi will allow him to escape. to be a masochist, because the latter strangled himself with a thread and he found pleasure in doing that, for him he felt good and his mind was awake. The man suddenly comes out of nowhere with hundreds of handcuffs and cannonballs. This man said that for megumi:

"It's true that... it didn't make you progress, you are stupid, but stupid colleagues".

"I can evolve you again. I prepared a room for you".

"There I will strangle you with all my might. And we can create a wonderful song together."

After making all these threats against Megumi, the man tries to handcuff Megumi. But the hand was seized by an individual it was Kotaro accompanied by the police. The demon's powers had indeed foreseen that Megumi would be attacked and Kotaro had the good idea to go to the parking lot with Fuji and Maki. .Fuji was blown away by the intuition Kotaro possessed at the time. Kotaro then addressed the strange man.

"You like to place yourself... Where the risk is the greatest".

"But, we have dissected all your bad deeds".

"Whenever you choose strictly guarded places".

"So it was simple to take the right steps."

"You must be even more excited about the 'tightening up' of the police response."

"We also felt that... You would soon appear spying on a surveillance blind spot."

"But I didn't think we would have the chance to see you on the first day!".

After he finishes, the strange man becomes violent and forces Megumi to leave with him but the latter is restrained by Fuji who prevents him from attacking Megumi. Fuji got fed up and violently kicked the man, propelling him towards something above the ground. For Fuji, men like him must be neutralized as soon as possible. Because it was bad for Megumi's sanity, seeing him talk too long. the demon found Fuji impressive for a human to perform lightning-fast moves. The mystery demon was still surprised at the level to which the music of a simple woman could lead a person to commit these acts. The mystery demon then spoke to the strange man telepathically:

"But you, you are disturbing us. If you had intervened in the full elucidation of the mystery... You would have spoiled my precious meal".

"I'm going to take the young lady as a model... And console you with music".

"But... Instead of his songs...".

Then the mystery demon, will invoke one of these 666 powers of the demonic world against the strange man.

-666 powers of the demon world demonic music strings:

this power that the demon of mystery uses, parasitizes all beings, whether they are physical or not, because they have no cords in them, to compensate... It brings out the nerves of its host with an invisible tool that pierces the latter's skull, and uses these nerves to play macabre music.

So; Kotaro who was the only one who knew what the demon had done to this strange man. Fuji and Megumi didn't understand why the strange man was getting excited on his own. So after undergoing the torture caused by the demon, the strange man loses consciousness and Fuji decides to bring this individual to the station for questioning. Because for him by listening to the aggressor, he thinks he has something to do with the story of suicide. So, the demon tells Kotaro that the geneurs are gone.

Basically, Kotaro's thoughts were confused but what was sure for him was that this arrest was far from solving this case. The demon's reaction and Kotaro's words, their intertwined thoughts and deep down... The riddle was waiting for them with their mouths hanging open.