
Dark Desires:Fangs in love

Once bitten, forever sorry

Juliet_Titi · Urbain
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8 Chs

Trouble for me

Deuce(waving): Hey what's up?

Ari: I'm ok,what about you

Deuce: I'm good

Ari: I forgot to ask you something yesterday

Deuce: What is that?

Ari: What is your mission?

Deuce: Um,some evil spirits are in the guise of humans creating havoc and distorting balance. So some power angels and I have spread on Earth to catch them

Ari: Oh okay,but that sounds too much of a hassle for you right?

Deuce: Hehe I can handle it,you don't wanna try me

Ari: Haha as if you're you could, we're in the human world remember? You can't just stand up and flaunt your powers

Deuce: You're right. So what are your plans?

Ari: I will look for the voice that put me in this shit

Deuce: Are you crazy? How are you gonna do that?

Ari: I don't know but somehow I will find it. Besides he asked me to look for the most expensive human treasure. That's my password back home. This is so ridiculous,if dad wants human treasures so much,why won't he come down here himself?

Deuce: C'mon we'll find a way out, don't worry

Teacher (clearing her throat): Cough cough,hey Deuce I see you're very nice to our newbie here. But the thing is you're distracting him. Come and sit in front. Right now I'm teaching, when you have break then you can continue your chit chatting

Deuce: Ok Ma'am

Ari and Deuce were not able to talk because Deuce sat in front the whole day. It was time for lunch break but the Deuce had to go to the staff room because the Maths teacher had ask him to come. So Ari would have to go to the cafeteria alone. On his way towards the cafeteria,he saw a bunch of boys bully a girl. Ari couldn't stand it so he walked up to them.

Ari: Um hello,can I talk to her? (Pulling the girl by her wrist)

Bully: Are you blind or something? Can't you see we're talking to her?

Ari: She's my sister and I want to talk to her no matter who she's talking to. Family comes first

Bully: Oh I see, family comes first. Then take this,I was going to give her one

All of a sudden,a punch landed on Ari's face that he just fell on the floor. Then they kicked him on the floor afterwards. The girl tried to stop them but all to no avail. The beating stopped when a teacher came around. Then the girl took Ari to the school's sick bay for treatment because he had a lot of bruises.