
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Chapter 64 - Dimensional Rift

Jareth's heart quickened as he delved into the contents of the blue envelope. His eyes scanned the document, absorbing the words that described the discovery of a Dimensional Rift. The mere mention of such a phenomenon stirred a mixture of excitement and trepidation within him.

"This is fucking important !"

Jareth thought as his face changed and showed clear excitement.

As he read, his mind began to envision the possibilities that lay within the rift.

"Who knows what is hidden in dimensional rift !"

He knew that exploring a Dimensional Rift held the potential to unlock incredible power and knowledge, but he also understood the inherent dangers that lurked within.

The document detailed how the rift had been located in a remote region of the continent, its exact location carefully noted.

"If we know about this other bigger and maybe medium-level organizations too know about this."

"I believe there will be a council of Dark Mages to decide on what should organizations want to join to expedition do."

Jareth's eyes lingered on the description, imagining the mysterious landscape that awaited him. He knew that stepping through the rift would transport him into uncharted territories, where the laws of magic and reality could be vastly different.

As he closed the envelope and placed it aside, Jareth found his thoughts consumed by the possibilities that awaited him.

The Dimensional Rift presented an opportunity for both personal growth and the acquisition of valuable resources that could benefit the Tower of Black Sun.

"But, still in the end, I knew and remember that about twenty years ago, more than five thousand mages had been lost or death in the Dimensional Rift - Ember, it was not the best journey."

"Of course, one has to know that even in such cases, things have been good for some."

"Nightmare Ember, a high-level organization picked up a Fire God Stone from that dimesion on because of that artifact of mystery, they were able to join the top ten most powerful dark magic organizations."

As Jareth pondered his next course of action, he realized that embarking on a journey into a Dimensional Rift would be a significant undertaking. It would require assembling a team of skilled mages, ensuring they were well-equipped and prepared for the unknown challenges that awaited them.

"I wonder, what would Skalain would think about this."

With determination burning in his eyes, Jareth made a silent vow to himself. He would seize this opportunity, harnessing the power and knowledge that lay within the Dimensional Rift.

"I guess, I can tell Layla and others via using telepathic fire to tell them about this and see what he wants to do."

"If he wants to join, I would like his help even more."

As Jareth's mind buzzed with plans and possibilities, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

"I feel like I am back to my first magic learning years, it was such an excitement and fun at those times, before it all went too complex and hard to understand as well as progress."

For mages like Jareth who do not have assistance of a powerful soul like Skalain as well as help of the system, improving and leveling up is a hard thing to do. It takes too much time and hardwork to just to reach the level of Skalain in just five to seven years.

But Skalain only did in so less than one month.