
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


The wolf infront of him seemed to have sensed his gaze as it turned it's back to look at him. The wolf started transforming back to it's human form as the hairs on it's body started disappearing instantly. Theo stood up in his birthday suit wiggling his little, well let's say big brother at Raquel.

"Geez, you should get something to dress." Theo just looked at him a small smirk appearing on his face.

"Bear with it I forgot my clothes." He said nonchalantly as he walked towards the other wolf. His butt was wiggling as he walked his back facing Raquel. Raquel held the bridge of his nose and sighed at this guy's shameless ness. As he was about to touch the wolf Raquel held his hands to stop.

"Don't tell me you can't even smell the wolfs bane?" Raquel asked him as he raised one of his eyebrow.

"Aww so you do care and here i thought you wanted me dead." Theo said as he puffed up his cheeks.

"I would really like you dead but only in my hands." He said as he retrieved his hands. Theo shrugged his shoulders while completely ignoring him.

"Thanks for helping her anyway."

"What was she doing so far away from it's pack."

"She us not from around here. Her is scent is new."

"You better get her out of here before she dies from the wolfsbane." Theo looked at Raquel like he had just grown another head.

"Did you forget that she is on heat? Her pheromones are still lingering around here." Theo said as he covered his nose. Raquel rolled his eyes as he walked towards the wolf and carried on his shoulders. When he turned his back he found out that Theo had already turned back to his werewolf form. Theo used his head to point at the direction he was to follow so that they could get the werewolf some help.

Not very many people knew that Theo was a werewolf since he was very good at concealing his scent. Raquel found out by chance while he was in one of his escapade in the forest. Since then they have always been arguing about who is stronger than the other. Causing a lot of fights at school.

As they neared the city Theo stopped in his tracks. Raquel knew it would be dangerous to enter the place in their wolf form and so he laid the brown wolf on the ground. Theo tugged on his trousers. Although Raquel could not understand what he was saying, he knew that he was urging him to hurry up.

Raquel ran using his vampire speed into the city. He knew that Zia would be a lot of help and so he ran towards the direction of the her house.

'She just had to build her house in the middle of the city.' Raquel thought to himself as he continued running. Although Zia happened to be a vampiress, one of her parents was a witch thus she contained very many portions and magic too.

Sometimes he just wondered how she managed to conceal herself at times like this. He knocked at the door and impatiently waited for her to open the door, to which she took her time with no care in the world. He expected to meet those peculiar eyes but what he saw was something he did not expect of.

"Oh my goodness what happened in here." Raquel said as he stared at the mess infront of his sight. It looked as if a stampede had just passed through her house. A young blonde lady with black eyes that turned dark red after noticing him stared at him with a thin smile on her lips.

"Long story. What brought you here? Didn't you here the number of witches in the city has increased?"

"Rufus told me. But what the heck are you doing. If a human came and found you in this state it would be another long story."

"I can handle such a small issue. Why are your clothes smelling human blood." She used her fingers to show how small the issue would be by bringing them closer to each other.

"Don't worry about this. It belongs to the hunters." He said while pointing at his clothes. Zia nodded in agreement and continued with whatever spell she was trying. Being half witch and half vampire had a lot of it's own advantages. You will see them later ^×^.

"I need some of that wolfs bane antidote." Raquel said going straight to the point. Zia paused what she was doing and went to the nearby drawer and removed two doses of the antidote and a syringe. She handed them to Raquel seemingly understanding what happened.

"If the wolf is in critical condition inject both of them."

"Cool." Raquel said as he headed towards the door. Before he could open the door a knock resounded at the door. They both stared at the door, while Raquel was throwing Zia that 'I told you so' look. Zia prevented her eyes from rolling as she stopped him from opening the door.

Zia noticed the pattern of the knocks and let out a relieved sigh. She waved her hands towards the door and a black vapor formed. She pointed it towards the door and it flung open revealing our handsome prince, ehm I mean Shun. The two men stared at each other like those scientists who study other creatures. They scrutinized each other from head to toe . Zia knew that if she did not stop them, the would her house into a war field. She looked at Shun who seemed intrigued by the bloody clothes that Raquel wore.

"Ehm, Raquel shouldn't you be on your way." He stared at him one last time before walking out of the house and locking the door behind him.


Shun stared at the mess infront of his sight. The was a drawing at the center of the room and spell books were lying everywhere.

"I can see that you are not afraid of being caught."

"Whoever will find me like this would just have to say goodbye to his future."

"What are you summoning." Shun inquired as he stared at the drawing.

"A gream reaper." Zia said as she started murmuring some spells.

"Who is dying?"

"You, if you don't shut up."

"..... "
