
Daring Girl

S_subhrasuchi · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

National award for bravery

One night zoya dreams to going to school but she can not . because her mother was so poor no money for the school fee.However she has faith in hard work and God.she is always smiling and helpful.she always helps her mother to work in house.In the evening going to watch the sunset in the river. she loves to see the twinkling of stars and changing the shape of moon. In the next day she was trying to finish her work quickly before sunset . from time to time she would laughed at the funny action.of the six young children playing near by. sometimes they chased each other shouting and streaming.

sometimes they around a wooden vegetable cart with wheels. when they got tied of chasing each other. they climbed upto the cart and started jumping and dancing it. the cart was standing on a candy shape. The jumping and dancing of the children on the cart rocked it dangerously. Suddenly the wheels of the cart slipped . The cart with the six children still on it started rolling down the slope towards the river . the cart fall into the water with a loud throat , The children starting screeming with fear. they didn't know how to swim zoya heard of their screems and race to the spot. many people quickly gathered kn the bank of river. but no one try to save the children. it was zoya who jumped into river and brought two children safe bank to the river. then she jumped water into again and save more two children. as she go to ready to jump into river a third time. a man came to help her and they save to remaining children.

The brave little girl had saved six children from the death in the water. suddenly a little zoya was a heroine . a news reporter wrote about bravery in the news paper. he asked zoya mother to send her name for the national bravery award. she got national award and many award too.