
Danmachi: Wolf of Orario

Different take on Danmachi from Bete Loga's perspective if he joined the Loki Familia a few years early. (Bete is only two years older than Aiz in this fic, i.e. Aiz joins when she is 7 so Bete would be 9)

noveler132 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


North West Streets of Orario

"So, Bete, do you have some thoughts for your equipment?" Riveria asked, her voice mature and elegant as always.

He didn't know what she and Rose were talking about in the Pantheon, but whatever happened seemed to put her on edge, not that it would ever show on her royal visage. The only reason he could tell was his [Beastial Senses] that smelled a whiff of clear unease and conflict. However, there wouldn't be much use in confronting her now.

"Yeah. I don't think I'll use a weapon as my main method of attacking but I wanted to get a few knives or a dagger as an alternative if I can't use my fists. As for other equipment, I wanted to get some armored boots and armguards."

The Elf's eyes twinkled in approval.

"Very nice. I half expected you to ask for a magic sword or something similar."

". . . Do I really look like that type?"


"Yes," Ais chimed in.

"Yes. In fact, you look like you would beat someone up in an alley and take their lunch money. You know that stereotypical gangster look in comic books?"


"But you made a prudent choice. You measured your own strengths well and didn't ask for something you couldn't handle. Can I offer you some other options?"


"This may not apply in the short term, but you will most likely need some kind of long range attacking means. Since bows require a lot of effort to learn and are cumbersome to carry, I recommend throwing knives since you at least have some experience with them. Also, for fighting against status ailments such as poison, burns, or paralysis, you should consider investing in a light armor to wear underneath and some enchanted protection. Though..."

Riveria glanced at his furry jacket that did little to cover most of his upper half.

"I can see you have a preference towards more liberating armor choices. In the end, your fighting style is your own. I won't say too much about it as long as it doesn't harm your growth."

He gave a nod of acknowledgement. Bete appreciated someone who knew their boundaries and didn't push too far.

"As for Ais..."

Riveria fell silent, recalling her conversation with Noir a day prior.

One Day Ago, Twilight Manor

⌜ "In short, she's a beast."

That was the conclusion Noir had for the little blonde after a day of training her.

"Perhaps even more than Bete. No, it's more like she's a genius in a whole different way."

Even the Far Eastern swordsman, with his decades of experience, seemed shaken.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you see this, Riveria-dono?"

He held up the splintered handle of one of their practice swords.

"Ais did this in just one day."

". . . !"

"Indeed it was just a practice sword, but you should be aware of the quality of our armory," he continued, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"It's quite strange... It's as if that girl can show us that wonderful swordsmanship, yet when she faces real combat it all amounts to nothing. You should have seen her. Raging eyes. No technique. Just rushing at me like a banshee. Her way of fighting is quite unhealthy for such a young body."

"She... can't use her swordsmanship?" the Elf quizzically asked.

"No. It's as if it's purely for decoration. In fact, I wouldn't even call it her swordsmanship. My theory is that for Ais, that swordsmanship solely belongs to her father. She's simply unable to apply it to real combat. Perhaps in the future, she may be able to apply a few of its ideas to her own swordsmanship, but she needs to craft her own way of wielding her blade."


The High Elf fell into a deep, pensive silence.

"Riveria-dono, I know you care for her so I plead that you treat her carefully when you first start going into the dungeon. Especially the look in her eyes when she attacked me..."

Noir shook his head.

"I fear for that girl if she doesn't get her head straight. Please... watch over her."

This exchange was also a contributing factor to her slight loss of composure after being criticized by Rose.

'I'll watch over her,' she comforted herself. 'I'll make sure of it.'




Goibniu Familia Workshop, Three Hammers Forge

Bete heard the clamorous racket of metal banging on metal before he even saw the workshop itself.

Along with the noisy clangs, he could smell well-stoked coals, sweat, and the metallic-bloody odor of smithing.

"A sword must become another hand!" a gruff voice roared.

"The armor must become another body! Every time we swing this hammer, we insert life itself into that body!"

The small entrance that emanated the shouting was marked by a sign above, carved with what he assumed was the Goibniu Familia insignia: Three hammers crossed over a cross of sorts, the middle hammer engraved with some hieroglyphs.

When they turned the corner, the Goibniu Familia smiths' compact but efficient setup was revealed. Lined up next to each other were individual crafting areas, each equipped with piping red coal, water to cool metals, a forging anvil, and the most important, a burning hot furnace behind them. The smiths all wore smithing aprons and thick gloves, their hair tied back in a ponytail or wrapped up in a bandana.

Each muscular worker had sweat dripping down their bodies from the sheer heat and exertion, but hammered their creations with focus and vigor. The one who was shouting, a man with long, hazel hair tied into a ponytail, stopped his encouragements to turn towards the new visitors.

"Ah! Welcome, visitors- R-RIVERIA LJOS ALF-SAMA?!"

The bearded man stuttered in shock, flinching backwards while rubbing his eyes in disblief.

"W-Welcome to our humble establishment-"

"May we talk to Marcus-san?" she quickly cut him off.

"O-of course!"

The man seemed relieved to have an excuse not to face the pressure from the aloof High Elf.

'Is she that scary?' Ais questioned, taking another look at the Elf. 'Everyone's treating her like the second coming of Jagamarukun.'

Bete, who had both experienced Riveria's power (at least a small part of it) and sensed the abundance of respect and fear on the streets, could at least empathize with the rapidly retreating smith.

"Master! Master! Riveria-sama is looking for you!"

"Hah?! Miss Riveria?!"

There was a series of loud crashes and thumps before a short, muscular man with thick, reddish-brown facial hair made his way out of one of the back rooms.

A deep scent of earth drifted from the short male, deeply embedded in his essence unlike the other human blacksmiths around them.

'Dwarf?' he guessed.

"It's an honor to see you again, Miss Riveria" the man who Bete presumed was Marcus greeted. "Are you here for a personal request?"

The High Elf nodded, repeating what she did for Rose by introducing the two rookies to the unfamiliar blacksmith.

"This is Marcus Powell, a Level 4 Blacksmith for the Goibniu Familia. He handles many of our Familia's personal equipment requests. He's one of the best smiths in Orario."

The Dwarf bowed at her words.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to live up to such high praise, but I will give it my best effort. Should we enter my office? It might be easier to talk there."

Indeed, the tumultuous and constant noise that filled the chamber would make a disagreeable location to talk business.

Marcus led them across the smithy creating wide, disbelieving eyes follwing wherever they went.

"What're you blockheads lookin' at! Get back to work!" he bellowed, slamming his sledgehammer against the floor with no trace of the respect he showed Riveria.

Anyone who had been caught staring at the High Elf flinched and went back to hammering or whatever they were doing, well-trained to obey the sledgehammer.

The smaller room they followed Marcus into seemed to be one set up for visitors. It was definitely cooler than the sweat-filled forge they exited thanks to the many cooling devices set up around the room sending out a pleasantly chilly mist. Bete spotted multiple unfinished weapon designs scrawled on messy parchment and tacked onto various empty spots on the wall. 

Riveria didn't stop for pleasantries and got straight to the point, gesturing to Ais and Bete before she even sat down on the inviting, worn yet plush couch.

"Firstly, I want to request a sturdy sword for Ais here. She recently joined the Familia and I want a weapon that can suit a growing rookie like her. It doesn't need any performance-enhancing enchantments nor should it fight battles for her. It should merely act as a guide."

Marcus nodded, jotting down a few notes on a notepad he pulled out from his utility belt. The papers were yellowish with use and some ends were slightly burnt but the Dwarf didn't seem to mind.

"I understand, Miss Riveria. We get similar requests from other Familia for their rookies as well. It won't be our first time."

Riveria hummed approvingly.

"I also want to purchase a light armor set for her, preferably one where she can move freely. As for Bete, I'll take a strong pair of armored boots and armguards. He mainly fight by hand."

The Dwarf blinked.

"That... certainly unusual, especially for such a young lad. Not unheard of though."

Marcus began to spin the gears in his head, stroking his well-maintained beard.

"I suppose that'll require some different materials. I'll take the mold I use for Pallums and change some details so they can be used for direct combat."

"That would be much appreciated."

"Of course! Nothing but the best for the Loki Familia!" the man heartily declared, waving away her unnecessary thanks.

"Your Familia, the Freya Familia, and the Astraea Familia are out there fighting Evilus so we can stay safe. It's the least I can do."

Bete's ears picked up on the unfamiliar name that was spoken with such hostility, but had enough social sense to know it wasn't the time to ask. Instead, he stored it in his mind to ask later.

After another short nod of appreciation, Riveria added a few more things to the order. "We were also thinking of a few spare weapons. Some throwing knives and a dagger suitable for Bete's size. This requests could probably be purchased at a weapon shop but the quality..."

"Of course! Only products that don't meet our true quality are sent to weapon shops. The real stuff is only available in our smithy," Marcus proudly remarked.

"Weapon shops also exist in Orario," Riveria explained, noticing Bete's look, "but you can only get both the highest quality and personal touch with a blacksmith Familia. Equipment in weapon shops are usually second-hand or unwanted creations from blacksmith Familia. These are essentially your lifeline in the dungeon so we shouldn't skimp on them, even more so for rookies."

'Damn… a rich Elf. I got myself a sugar mommy?'

"That said, do take good care of them. I'll replace them using the money you two earn if you somehow destroy or lose all of your equipment within a few months."



While Riveria and Marcus continued to talk some more about the details, price, and measurements, a sudden intruder burst into the workshop wearing a bright smile.

"Waaah! Visitors!"

She was a petite girl who looked around the age of Ais, light green eyes and reddish hair — a sign that she was somehow related to Marcus.

The blonde didn't seem to know how to react at the overly energetic girl who ran up to her until she was uncomfortably face to face with her.

"You're the new recruit, right?! Everyone in town's been saying that the Loki Familia got two kids as their new members. A few uncles were complaining how it was unfair, but I think it's super cool!"

Her eyes seemed to shine with innocence and honesty.

"Marco," a tired voice interrupted. "I told you not to interrupt Daddy during business deals."

The little girl lowered her head, looking guilty.

"I know, Dad... but I was just curious! Ooh, you're the other recruit right! I heard you were a Demi-Human! Are those Cat People ears? No, based on your tail, you should be a Werewolf! That's amazing!"

Marco seemed to be someone who got easily distracted, immediately going back to interrogating/chatting with Ais who sent him a desperate look requesting help. Of course, Bete pretended he didn't see her.

Her father, who seemed much too used to her behavior, merely sighed and muttered an apology to Riveria.

"I'm truly sorry about this. She's a young lass and-"

"I perfectly understand, Marcus-san. Based on her looks, she should be a Half Dwarf?"

The blacksmith confirmed her guess with a nod.

"Yes, my wife is a normal human. She works during the day so I take Marco with me to the forge. She's got a knack for crafting and has a sharp mind. so I wanted to get her started early with the Familia since Goibniu-sama approved... It's just that she gets too excited sometimes. Again, I apologize."

Riveria softly smiled, watching the two girls interact.

"No need. I also think this is a good opportunity for Ais. She's lacking friend her age... friends in general to be honest, but this is a good start."

While the two young girls interacted, Bete sat on the corner of the couch and listened in on Riveria and Marcus who had finished deciding prices and were now moving on to discuss materials.

"So what did you have in mind?" Marcus asked. "I can offer a 1-1 adamantite to mithril composite alloy to make up 20% of the base. It'll be costly, but they're both children which should lessen the required materials. The rest will be a mix of processed iron and monster drops from the Middle and Lower Floors."

Riveria pondered for a few seconds, then shook her head.

"I don't think we'll need mithril for either of them. Perhaps for future equipment, but neither of them are ready to use enchantments. It would only hinder their growth."

"Hmm. So just adamantite. I can add some orichalcum for the-"

"Why don't you just order the strongest thing available?" Bete suddenly cut in. "Or like, whatever's within the price range. Is there a need to talk this much? Can't you just make it all with mithril or adamantite and whatever?"

They both blinked at his questions. Then, the Dwarf began to chuckle.

"Sure kid. Here, try this on for size."

With an entertained smirk, Marcus picked up a random glove from a nearby shelf and tossed it towards Bete.


The Werewolf sank like an anchor, pulled down by the strange, immense weight of the small piece of armor.

"Ha!" Marcus barked out a sharp laugh.

"You get it now? That's the difference between a piece of good equipment and suitable equipment. That single glove might be an amazing magic armor that could save your life, but that doesn't mean shit if you can barely lift it. That's why we do all of this detail work — to knock out all the kinks. It has to be durable, yet it has to be light enough so that a Level 1 rookie can use it without too much trouble. How durable? How much weight does this guy consider 'comfortable?' It might sound ridiculous, but I was even once asked to make a fashionable piece of armor. That guy wouldn't take it unless it matched his golden hair. Making a personal equipment is a lot to ask, and it requires a specific balance of materials. I can't just shove a bunch of mithril in there and expect it to be fine."

Bete stumbled across the room while his arms trembled from the glove. They were about to give any second now.

"O-okay, I get it," he answered with a tinge of red dusting his cheeks. "Now take back your stupid glove."

With another low chuckle, the Dwarf lightly hefted the piece of equipment and racked it back where it came from. He then turned towards Riveria and recommenced their talks. The Elf herself had a similarly humorous glint in her emerald eyes.

"Now, back to what I was talking about, if mithril is not to your liking, then we can try..."

However, their conversation was far from Bete's mind, the Werewolf having found another thing to steal his attention. To be more precise, another person.

Watching the entire scene at the entrance of the room with a calm, steel gaze was an old man with a sharp nose and long, gray hair curling down behind his back. Of course, you couldn't be a worker here without a beard. Around his mouth and chin, a similarly long, gray beard stretched down to his lines of abdominal muscles. 

Speaking of those muscles, the Werewolf had no idea how such an old looking man was ripped as hell. His grayed hair contrasted with the slim body that looked like it was made of well-sculpted shards of pure muscle.

Soon, the man slowly walked out towards another direction. Feeling compelled to chase after the strange man who he assumed was a blacksmith, Bete snuck a look back at the rest of his group.

Riveria was still deep in conversation with Marcus and didn't seem like she would be done for a while. On the other side of the room, Ais was struggling to contain and overexcited red-haired girl who was starting to take out her original prototype sketches.

'Seems like it won't hurt if I leave for a minute.'




The room Bete followed the old man into seemed similar to Marcus's. Various swords, each one looking more shiny and powerful than the last, were racked against the wall. A round lamp was strung from the ceiling to illuminate the surroundings, and a bookshelf contained multiple unorganized books.

"So?" the man asked. "Why did you follow me?"

The Werewolf wasn't too surprised that he noticed. He wasn't exactly trying his hardest to be stealthy, and it wouldn't really matter if this man was who Bete guessed he was.

"You looked like someone important," Bete honestly admitted. "And a good blacksmith."


The man pulled up a wooden, four-legged stool and sat down with a grunt.

"I am Goibniu," the man simply revealed. "The God of this Familia."

". . . Yeah, I figured."

The God raised a brow.

"Was it the appearance?"

"Nah, I just have a good nose for these kinds of things."

"Hm. I'll have to take your word for it."

Bete entered the room fully, looking around for anything else that made the God's room different than the others'. He couldn't find anything.

"Goibniu-sama... do you have some time to discuss something?"

The God continued to stare at him.

"Let's hear it."

The Werewolf paused, honestly expecting some kind of reluctance to deal with a young boy like himself.

'I had a whole speech ready and everything!'

"You're not... gonna treat me different? Because I'm a child?"

Goibniu held a steadfast gaze, peering into his amber eyes.

"My Familia provides the highest quality armor and weapons that we can make, regardless of age, level, or race. Each piece of equipment is created for their specific owner, and being a child is merely another factor."


'I like this guy. Stark contrast to our Goddess.'

"So?" Goibniu asked. "I imagine you have a request of some sort?"

"You could say that."

The young Werewolf pulled out a couple of ruffled parchments from his bag. Each one had a similar drawing: a round orb that seemed to glow with power. However, the truly fascinating part lied in the messy notes in the margins. What Bete had drawn on the papers was a rough sketch of an original prototype invention — one that even Goibniu himself hadn't seen before.

For Bete, it was an idea he had been grappling with for a long time, even before he arrived at Orario. 


Goibniu sharply inhaled.

The drawing wasn't exactly great. It was all over the place and showed signs that the artist wasn't someone experienced with crafting and smithing. However, the idea was solid. If only he had someone more experienced to guide him...

The elder God closed his eyes in thought, thinking of a few different things. Finally, he shook his head.

"While it does seem feasible, I do not have the time nor the resources. Moreover, this invention would only be useful to a select few."

'Damn... in the end, it's still...'

However, Goibniu continued to surprise Bete by providing an additional bit to what he was expecting.

"Still, it's quite a novel idea. I recommend you find Tsubaki Collbrande, a promising Level 4 from the Hephaestus Familia. She's... quite a personality and would appreciate this idea of yours much more than any child of mine. I can guarantee her quality and kindness. She won't treat you wrong."

Bete sighed a little in disappointment at the rejection, but at least he got an idea of where to start.

"Thanks anyways."

Goibniu nodded and gestured Bete back to Marcus's workshop.

"They should be closed with the deal soon. Go back for now. I have a feeling I'll see you around, boy."





I don't exactly know when Tsubaki reached Level 5, but I'm assuming she's probably Level 3 or 4 currently (9 years before canon) or at least before the Great Feud.

Thank you for reading~

Took a few days to work on some later parts.

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