
Chapter 14

After arriving at Miach's place, they led Ryuu to the room where Akino is. Until now only Naaza and Miach know what Akino is, so it's no shock when Ryuu sees the silver hair and can sense his aura that he was a moon elf. Now Mama Mia and Ryuu both know and luckily they can keep their mouth shut. Silver hair isn't all that unusual but it's the aura that gives his race away. Thankfully only other elves can sense this aura.

Ryuu immediately ran towards Akino and began her spell "The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you" Noah Heal. A green light surrounds Akino's body and begins to heal it further. Akino coughed up blood a few times but luckily he will survive. It took over 20 minutes for the magic to finish its course but it was a success.

"Now all he needs is time to rest and properly relax" Ryuu said. Everyone left after a while leaving Ryuu alone with Akino. After looking him over, see saw something that shocked her to her very core. He was wearing a necklace. Not just any ordinary necklace, but one that looks similar to hers. She shakily reached out to her own necklace and put it next to his. She saw that it looked like two pieces were cut apart and when she put them together, they fit like a glove. She started to cry tears of loneliness, sadness, but most of all happiness. She was reunited with her childhood friend.

Last she heard of him was that his village was slaughtered and that there were no survivors. She thought he was dead this whole time and she lost a big piece of herself that day. Now that she knows he is alive, she vowed to protect him at all costs and became very protective of him from now on. She gently ran her hand through his silky smooth hair and watched out for any problems he might have left.

It's not everyday, you are reunited with a thought dead friend. She lost her previous familia due to Evilus and she got her revenge by killing all of those who were involved. Unfortunately, morning came and she had to return to the Hostess but at least she knows where he is now so that's enough for her.

A few days passed and Akino has finally woken up. He felt his body over and noticed no discomfort. He realized he has most likely healed with potions and magic because he knew he was in bad shape. He clenched his hands hard in anger at his defeat. He should have been more cautious and not so cocky. He should have retreated when he saw two of them but he was arrogant and thought he could take them. That oversight nearly cost him his life. A lesson he will soon not forget.

After a little while, Miach came in and noticed that Akino was awake and was happy but concerned. He asked Akino about what happened and Akino hesitantly explained everything, including the losing control of himself. He expressed his fear of losing control again. They discussed this for a while before Miach suggested he update his status. Here are his newest stats.

STR: A-875

END: S-925

DEX: A-850

AGI: A-890

MAG: S-910

New Skill:

Shadows Pierce- Can turn shadows into a weapon to pierce and dissect monsters to pieces. (Think of Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

He was extremely happy with his status. Now he just needed to fight an infant dragon to level up. He is now more prepared than ever. Though he is gonna take some time off the dungeon to learn how to control his anger better and use Darkness Embrace longer. He figures he needs to meditate while using Darkness Embrace to confront his darkness. This is what he will be working on for the next month. He won't stop until he has some control over it. His limit is 5 minutes. His goal is to increase it to 15 by the end of the month. It will be hard but worth it.

Word Count 705