
Chapter 13

After finally calming down completely, he looked at his surroundings and noticed that he was safe. He saw that his hands were shaking a little from the massacre that happened. He doesn't know how to feel. On one hand he was glad and the other he was disgusted and afraid. He knows as long as he uses Darkness Embrace shortly he'll be fine but after that. Well now he knows what can potentially happen. So he needs to take control of himself and relax.

After a few more minutes, he gets up and gets ready to head back to the 10th floor. After walking around for an hour since he was lost, he finally found the stairs to the next floor. Just like the first time, the area was covered in fog. Though this time hopefully, he won't have to worry about you knowing who.

He ran in and kept his eyes and ears peeled for anything. He jumped up a dead tree to see if he could see anything from a higher view. He was able to see some orcs in the distance. He saw what he believes to be the hard armored armadillo. He could probably kill it quickly with magic before it reacts but it's not worth it yet.

He continued to survey the area and didn't see any infant dragons. "Might as well face some hard armored's". Akino went towards the last direction he'd seen them and saw their tracks. He followed them quietly and saw 2 hard armored's together and clicked his tongue. This will be a pain for him but let's give it a go. He immediately used Lightning Slash and Fire Lance to attack the wide open one. Sure enough it took a bunch of damage but it wasn't killed. "They are known for their defense". The two Dillo's rolled into a ball and tried to run him over.

Akino had to keep dodging and weaving until eventually, everything was set up. He moved to the right and the two hard armored's crashed into each other and Akino cut off the head of the weakened one. He tried to kill the second but his sword broke on it's body since it was able to roll over quickly enough. Armadillo rolled into Akino and he was thrown hard into the wall. The wall broke and chunks of dirt and rock fell on and buried Akino. Akino was knocked unconscious.

Several hours have gone by before Akino regained consciousness. The first thing he noticed was the potentially broken ribs and then the weight on his back pushing said ribs into the ground. He started coughing out blood and someone heard him. "Is anyone there, we're here to help". Akino kept his mouth shut and wanted to make sure he didn't make any noise. He might need help but he won't ask or beg for it. He tried casting magic but for some reason it wasn't working. He started to panic a bit but then realized he can't muster any more magic since at the last moment he used all his magic power to make a barrier around him before he hit the wall. Otherwise he would of most likely died. He was mind downed.

He gritted his teeth and coughed out more blood. "Over Here" he tried to shout out with what little air flow he was getting. Luckily it was enough and they group of Adventurers found the collapsed wall and put two n two together. "Stay put we're on our way"

From the distance he heard a tiny girl voice saying "Are you sure about this Bell-sama, this could be a trap". The guy named Bell said "Now lili, it's only natural to want to help someone in need, they could be injured". Lili sounded upset from what Akino can hear though he heard another voice say "Over here guys I think I found them". Bell and Lili quickly came over and saw a broken handle of a sword and what looked like a hand sticking out of a pile of rocks.

"Hold on we're here to help you now just hang on". The last thing he saw was a white haired kid before he succumbed to his injuries and passed out.

Bells P.O.V

After we managed to unbury the person, I noticed that I recognized him. I don't know him personally and we've never met officially, but wasn't he the newest member of Miach's familia. His eyes widens when he made that connection and knew he had to do something. Miach has helped him out so much that the least he could do to repay the favor was to help his newest familia out.

Once we were able to pick him up, we grimaced at his injuries and welf could tell that he had some broken ribs. They made their way to the surface while carefully carrying the unconscious Akino. After an hour of rushing they made it out of the dungeon and headed towards Miach's place since he has potions that could help. After 30 minutes of rushing, bell knocked repeatedly on the store's door while yelling to get their attention.

They heard a voice say "Yes, Yes, I'm coming, hold on a sec." the door open and Miach was surprised to see bell but put on a smile and said "well if it isn't bell, how can I help you". Bell quickly said "He needs your help".

Miach narrowed his eyes until he saw who was in need in help and his eyes widens. "Akino, What happened, quickly bring him in". They do as he said and brought Akino inside. Naaza woke up since it was early and said "Lord Miach what's going on". She saw Akino's unconscious bloody body and was shocked that she froze upon the spot experiencing the time she was hurt and unconsciously rubbed her metal arm.

"Quickly Naaza grabbed some potions to help him heal while I grab someone who knows how to heal that we can trust". Naaza cleared her head and did as she was told. Miach said "make sure you keep an eye on him I'll be back".

Miach's P.O.V

I rushed out towards the only place where I know they won't ask questions and can help. After running a few minutes, he finally arrived at his destination, The Hostess Of Fertility. Unfortunately they were closed but this was an emergency. He gently knocked on the door a couple times until the door was swung open by angry looking woman who was very tall. This was none other than mama Mia and she did not look happy. "Who do you think you are knocking on my door this late at night". Miach bowed his head in apology and offered her a bag of money. Mia looked at the bag curiously before looking back at the god.

"What do you want" she said. "My name is Miach and one of my children have gotten badly hurt and we need someone who has the ability to heal. I've heard rumors that the elf that's with you is capable of such a thing and need her assistance. The reason I came here is because this situation is tricky and has to be done in secrecy and I know from your reputation that you could be trustworthy".

"Why the secrecy" she asked. Miach motion for her to come closer and she did. he whispered in her ear and her eyes widens slowly but became determined. "I'll ask her just stay here". A couple minutes later we see a beautiful dressed elf girl wearing a cloak and mask to hide her identity. This person was Ryuu and she is a waitress at the Hostess. "i expect you to be back before morning rush" Mia said. Ryuu nodded and said "lead the way" Miach nodded his head and they both rushed back to his store to try to save Akino's life.

Word Count 1330