
Danmachi: the hunt *DROPPED*

rewritten version coming soon!!

Eyydis · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Welcome To Orario I

Today was the day of my birthday. All the children of the orphanage celebrated in delight as this would be the last time they would see me for a long time.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all chorused.

"Thank you everyone." I replied with a warm smile as I begun to hug everyone one by one.

The last two weeks have been tough for everyone. The kids had to eat less than usual because we must do our best to ration our food.

I then approached lady Tsukuyomi and lord Takemikazuchi.

"Congratulations Nagisa." Lord Takemikazuchi said.

"Happy birthday Nagisa." Lady Tsukuyomi expressed her joy but then quickly became depressed again.

'She really doesn't want me to leave. She has been like this for the whole two weeks' I thought as I laughed drily and thanked them both.

"OH! Would you look at that! The party has already begun." A booming voice that announced his presence, came from the entrance as Uncle Bon came into view.

"Uncle!!" The children exclaimed as they stormed him.

"HAIYA!! How many times do I have to tell you kids to watch out!!" He scolded with a friendly tone.

"Alright now line up! It's time for the gifts." He ordered as the unorganised children instantly lined up. Mildly surprising the balding man but quickly began to distribute his goods.

I watched as I saw every child get a gift, and they all smiled upon receiving it without fail. The gifts consisted of books, toys, wooden carvings and a lot more other thing.

"AND! Finally! For the main event!" He exclaimed ecstatically.

"This gift was recommended by lady Tsukuyomi and procured by yours truly! It will help you greatly in Orario, kid." He stated as he went and brought a box wrapped in birthday wrap.

"Lady Tsukuyomi?" I questioned as I looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, it was a hassle to procure it in two weeks as I had something else planned but in the end, I made it!" He said with a wide confident smile.

"Thank you, Bob, truly." Tsukuyomi expressed her gratitude.

"OH! It was nothing! Now kid, here. Open it." He threw me the package and I caught it safely.

I rummaged it a little but there wasn't much sound coming from it. 'What is it?' I thought as I opened it carefully.

After opening it, I peeked inside to see what seemed a white cloth. 'How will this help me in Orario?' I wondered as I took the whole thing out. 

And I immediately understood what he meant upon seeing what it truly was.

A snow-white oversized Haori accompanied by baggy pants, a Haori himo to hold the Haori together. It also had a tight long sleeved shirt.

I quickly turned to lady Tsukuyomi, and she nodded. "Now, go and put it on." I rushed to my room to try on the outfit and soon returned to the group.

"Wow!" Everyone gasped at my appearance. 

Black shirt beneath a white Haori with a white Haori himo securing the Haori, paired with baggy pants and black shoes. It was comfortable to say the least.

"And? How do you like it kid?" Uncle Bob asked.

"It's great!!" I exclaimed.

"Of course, it is!!" He then started to gush. "It's made by the Hephaestus Familia themselves!! Just look under the collar on your back, the logo is there. So, it's fucking expensive. But you'll need it. It offers basic protection against magic as it is made of Goliath skin. So, it's damn expensive you hear! And the dye has properties to keep it stainless. It also has a self-regeneration factor, but that doesn't mean it will heal from everything!! If it's too damaged, then you need to go the same familia who made it, and they'll fix it. It'll cost a fortune though."

He blabbered on and on about the clothes, but I got the gist of it.

"Well then, kid. It's still the middle of the day but we must get going. It will take a while before we get to Orario. And it's better to start the journey early" Uncle Bob said, and I nodded in acknowledgement. 

I then turned to kids of the orphanage.

"Bye, everyone!!" 

"Byee Nagisa!!" The children echoed their goodbyes as I then turned to my training partners.

"Please stay safe, Nagisa-dono" Mikoto said.

"Don't die out there!" Ouka exclaimed.

"D-do your best, Nagisa." Chigusa stuttered.

And Asuka just nodded.

"Yeah, see you guys soon." I said as I gave each of them a hug before turning to lord Takemikazuchi and lady Tsukuyomi.

"You can do it, Nagisa. I believe in you. Stay safe. Here is the list of the gods where you can go to join their familia." He encouraged as he gave me a paper slip. I skimmed through it and was surprised by the number of gods there were on here, but I then put the slip in my bag that I prepared this morning.

'It's all happening so fast…' A sad thought slipped through my mind before I stood before lady Tsukuyomi.

"Be safe and don't do overly dangerous stuff alright, son?" She teased.

"…Of course, mom." I replied as my gaze was firm. Upon seeing my gaze, Tsukuyomi's eyes widened visibly as she quickly pulled me in a hug. 

"But seriously, stay safe." She said concerned this time.

"Of course." I assured her as I hugged her back.

However, I felt a strange sensation on my back but dismissed it immediately as it was only for a moment.

Breaking the hug, I quickly went over to Uncle Bob. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied resolutely.

But just as we were about to depart. We were stopped by an entourage of five people. Four guards and one brown-haired, red-eyed young girl. 

'What is she doing here?! Does this bitch want something from the orphanage?' I thought as me and Uncle Bob quickly stepped aside to make way for her. 

But weirdly, she stopped right before me and turned to me.

And I completely blanked out about what she said next.

"You! Nagisa, right? Become my Fiancé." 

The atmosphere turned to one of confusion as everyone looked at the young lady in disbelief.


[Haruka's POV]

'It's finally time!!' I thought with excitement as I was getting ready to go to the orphanage located behind this mountain.

'I can finally see him once again!! And this time, I'll make him mine!! Hehehe! And there is no 'Haruhime' to stop me and steal him from me!' 

As I was walking towards the carriage, I couldn't help but smile in anticipation. 

The plan to abolish my 'sister' wasn't only to usurp the title of heir, but also to court that boy. Nagisa. 

'Today should be his birthday so it would be perfect! And if he doesn't comply, then I'll just take 'it' by force. I mean this was the only reason I annulled the engagement with that 'thing'. He just isn't handsome enough. I mean how could 'I' marry a pig like that. That should only be reserved for that 'bitch'. 

Nagisa on the other hand is pure eye candy. And with this, I would have completely defeated her in every way. HAHAHA.' I thought with an ecstatic smile I couldn't hide.

Before long, we finally arrived. 

I stepped out and with four guards I climbed up the stairs. 

And finally, I arrived. And there he was, Nagisa with his green hair styled in a way to resemble cat ears with a cute expression adorning his face he saw my figure. His emerald eyes were so wide that they could pop out at any moment.

He wore some traditional attire that I haven't seen, pure white. But I found that it suited him quite well.

'Oh my, he even prepared himself for my confession. How thoughtful.' I thought happily as I walked up to him.

But strangely he moved to the side together with that balding man. I found it weird but didn't question it as I stopped before him.

'Hmm? Oh yes this is a better angle for the others to see. A very smart fiancé indeed.' I thought as I could see that in this position, everyone could see the two of us. Now everyone could witness this important moment.

I then began to speak with authority in my voice. Giving no room for rejection "You! Nagisa, right? Become my Fiancé." I stated.

I could visibly see Nagisa's eyes widen to the max and I laughed a little from his reaction.

'Yes, very cute. This is the kind of husband I deserve.'

However, for some reason he didn't answer. 'I guess it's hard to accept such an offer from an outstanding person like me.' I understood his hesitance. 'So, all he needs is one more little push. Hehehe.' I thought as I leaned closer to him and whispered.

"If you accept, I'll ask father to give the orphanage his support again~." I said slily. 

Of course, I wouldn't do it. But he doesn't know that. And once he comes into the residence. I'm not going to let him leave. He'll be my pet, for the rest of his life. Hahaha.

Nagisa's expression visibly hardened, and I could only laugh. 'Got him.' 

But what he said next shocked me. "I'm sorry miss. But that will not be possible." He rejected my proposal.

'This… 'INSOLENT BEING' rejected MY proposal.' I thought in fuming anger, but I quickly calmed down.

"May I ask why?" I asked as I struggled a little to keep my smile up.

"Because he'll be going to Orario with me, young miss." The balding man next to 'my precious' spoke. 

'To Orario… That's where Haruhime would be sold… But I heard from the Pallum that they were attacked, and she died. So, it's not that he will go there for her. Then why… For the money? Yeah, there is no other solution. They seem to already have everything planned… It would be bad for my image if I force the issue further. Not everyone in the mansion is loyal to me yet and there are already a lot of bad mouths about me. It would be bad to push it further… DAMN!! I haven't thought of such a development. I dropped my guard after getting rid of her…' I thought in annoyance.

After hesitating a little I complied. "Fine, you can go. But the offer still stands. If you find yourself returning, come find me." I said before turning to the two gods, bowing once and ignoring all the rest.

I then returned swiftly towards the carriage. I went inside and sat down.

The carriage was empty but as the carriage started to move, a man showed up before me.

"What is the matter young miss. Did the boy not accept your confession? Should I kill him?" An elderly man in a butler outfit asked.

"No, he's going to Orario. Hire someone to keep tabs on him." I ordered, and the old man bowed before leaving.

Yes, this man was the sole reason I could banish that bitch of a sister. Mother would be proud that I used her gift so well. 

'You will not escape from me. Nagisa.' I thought as I gazed outside 'I always get what I want.'


[Nagisa's POV]

My departure from the east was a bit weird, by that I mean that I got confessed to.

But what was weirder was that her emotions were genuine, but a little too much, borderline obsessive. So, it was quite scary.

Uncle Bob even joked that she was the first broken heart of infinite to come later.

Didn't quite get that but the sailors seemed to understand as we were sharing the story.

but I finally made it. After weeks of sailing. 

'The port city of Orario. Melen.' I thought as I watched over the lake with countless ships coming and leaving the harbour. 

The salty smell of the water tickled my nose as I stood on the ship's deck and leaned over the railing.

"Watch out, kid!!" Uncle Bob exclaimed. "We're going to dock, so stay clear from the rails so you don't fall into the lake." He warned. 

"Yeah kid! Better not fall or the leviathan might curse you. "One of the sailors teased.

I have grown quite close to the crew as I entertained them with some songs when we were bored, and they took quite a liking to it.

"Don't tease the boy, Greg." Uncle Bob laughed. "We're approaching the harbour. Everyone pay attention!!" Uncle Bob started to order, taking charge as we safely docked.

They then threw a wooden plank from the dock so that we could safely disembark.

I slowly got off and went to Uncle Bob so bid my final goodbyes as Orario was only three kilometers from here and I wanted to register at the guild as fast as possible and contact a god from the list lord Takemikazuchi gave me so I could earn money as fast as possible.

"So, this is goodbye. Ain't it kid." Uncle Bob said dramatically.

"Oh, please. You'll see me every month to collect the vallis that needs to be brought to the orphanage." I retorted with a deadpanned look.

"Anyway, until next time, uncle." I gave him a hug and waved him goodbye.

"Ya, ya. Take care and be sure to not kick the bucket any time soon. Otherwise, I'll personally search for your soul in Yomi." He said sarcastically. As he hugged me back and said his final goodbyes.

With this, my next destination has been set—the labyrinth-city Orario.



words: 2268


- receives gift

- thanks parents

- gets confessed to

- rejects confession

- leaves

message: don't be a simp and always thank your parents


(pls donate stones, leave a review and a comment. Hope you enjoyed!!)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Eyydiscreators' thoughts