
Danmachi: The Crimson Flash

A bored god that is forgotten by everyone. He considered his divinity and eternal life a curse. A curse that haunted him throughout the countless years. For the sake of entertainment, he decided to abandon his godhood and live as a mortal to a random world. As he was creating his mortal body, he found two fragmented souls that interests him. 『Maybe I should use the souls of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi together to create the ideal mortal body for me.』 However by continuing this, he would totally abandon being a god and all of his godly powers which no gods were willing to risk but not him. 『No need to worry about saying goodbye of my divine body. I'm a forgotten god and not the strongest anyway.』 This story consists of 'Danmachi' anime with some factors of 'Naruto' anime and other masterpieces. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover (source:Pinterest.) Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own Danmachi and any related materials.

Plagiarist_Astre · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Ryuu's Tale

(#A/N: Reading some readers sincerity of liking my fic and wishing for it to continue, I changed my mind and decided to continue as a form of my gratitude. Well I could just drop this anytime anyway if I would not like some pathetic fools again.)

While thinking about the trouble that he will encounter after his return to the campsite, Alex entered the forest depths as he followed the direction where Bell swiftly escaped in terror.

Alex continued to walk in a strange, quiet forest surrounded by almost identical trees and crystal fields. The trees were sparsely arranged.

Lights penetrated the gaps in the branches and leaves, illuminating the surrounding. As Alex was continuously moving forward, he gradually meet two familiar figures. One was Bell who he was trying to follow, to escape being in trouble while the other one was a familiar elven acquaintance.

Even though she wore a different attire than the uniform of the Hostess of Fertility, the beautiful face was recognizable, that it was Ryuu.

Her current attire includes a green flower-shaped hood, a white sleeveless top underneath, and green bloomers. She also wears a pair of long, brown gloves and boots with a white sash around her waist where she keeps her wooden sword and a pair of short swords.

Alex also noticed that her hair was wet indicating that she had just recently taken a bath somewhere. Ryuu who was leading Bell around, was surprised when her eyes laid on Alex. She didn't expect that she would encounter him in the middle of the forest of the 18th floor.

'Why does every time I see him, it felt like he changes in our every encounter.'

Ryuu thought while raising her brows. Also, she had a favorable impression towards Alex. During her arrival, she and the team who was on their way to rescue Bell was informed that it was Alex who had saved Bell and his team when in their direst needs making it easier for them to reach the 18th floor. Seeing the two figures, Alex warmly smiled.

"Good to see you here, Ryuu~san. Also, Bell...You've really gave me a hard time following you all the way in this place."

Bell gave an embarrassed smile as what just happened wasn't something he could be proud of.

"Fancy meeting you out of nowhere, Uchiha~san."

Ryuu stated with her usual tone. Even though she was surprised, it wasn't shown in her expression. Seeing that she had a bouquet of flowers in her hands, Alex became curious but didn't questioned.

"Um, Ryuu~san..."

"Yes, Uchiha~san."

Scratching his head, Alex softly spoke.

"Mind if I tag along? You see, its kind of lame to roam around the forest by myself."

Hearing his simple request, Ryuu nodded.

"I don't mind. I think its fine for the two of you to follow me."

Showing a little pained expression, she continued.

"Though you might have known about my past...We've already come this far. There's no point in hiding anything at this stage. Follow me."

Saying that, Ryuu moved forward. Even though she's looking the other way, the pained smile on her face was clear. Following the caped elf, Alex and Bell found that Ryuu must know this area extremely well.

She's walking with purpose as she makes sharp turns at specific trees and crystals as if following a set path. They walked for about twenty minutes without encountering any monsters before arriving at Ryuu's destination.

What greets their eyes after emerging from a narrow tunnel through the trees is a graveyard. There's a small open space surrounded by thinner trees and absolutely stunning crystal formations.

A series of wooden crosses, broken tree branches held together with string, are lined up in the clearing and bathed in the crystal light shining through the canopy above.

"Mama Mia occasionally gives me time to bring them flowers."

Ryuu goes to each of the grave markers and carefully sets a flower in front of them. She reaches under her cape to the small pouch and withdraws a bottle— she pours a little bit of wine onto each of the graves.

"Ryuu~san, what is this place—?"

Bell solemnly asked.

"All the remains of the womens who fought by my side. My Familia."

She quietly looks back as she speaks.

"Another with my knowledge of my past emerged. It's only a matter of time before you guys find out...I would not regret telling you myself."

She says it's a bit selfish of her and continued.

"My name appears in the Guild's blacklist."

Then she says something unbelievable.

"My position as an adventurer has been revoked. There was a time that a bounty was placed on my head."

By hiding her face, Alex somewhat understands why.

"I once belonged to Astrea Familia...She is the goddess of justice and order and I idolized her from the day we meet."

That's how she was known by the alias 'Gale Wind'. A hooded adventurer shrouded in mystery whose full name was unknown.

"Apart from activities in the dungeon, my Familia took it upon itself to eliminate those who try to rob Orario in peace. For that reason, we made many enemies."

She says that as recently as five years ago, Orario was inundated with an "evil" that threatened the city.

Swearing upon Astrea's crest, a winged sword of justice, Ryuu and her allies fought to purge the city of cancerous and protect those vulnerable to it.

"Until, one day, a Familia had taken up arms against us set a trap in the Dungeon. I was the only one to escape alive. Unable to retrieve their bodies, I collected what articles I could and buried them here."

Listening to her tone with clear sorrow and sadness, the two humans looked at the graves with complicated eyes.

"They were fond of this location."

Ryuu says that they would casually joke, saying if they died, they wanted to be buried here. Ryuu looks toward the ground, her lower lip quivering.

Ryuu continued her story of revenge. Attacks under the cover of darkness, ambushes, traps. She used all manner of sneak attacks to eliminate them one by one until the Familia responsible for the destruction of Astrea Familia was wiped out.

A large and influential group in Orario was torn out by the roots and utterly elimated at the hands of a single elf.

"My actions had nothing to do with justice but filled with the lust of revenge. I tracked down each member and erase them along with anyone connected to them."

That's what landed her on the Guild's blacklist. In her quest for vengeance, she not only earned the hatred of not only adventurers but merchants, smiths and townspeople. They were the one who issued the bounty.

Not caring about those matters, Ryuu keep moving forward until her quest was complete. With all targets eliminated, Ryuu didn't feel accomplished but she felt empty.

Even though her revenge was complete, her goddess gone, and friends dead, there was nothing left for her in this world.

"Covered with blood and dirt in the sides of the road...It was a fitting end for someone who had committed atrocities such as I."

However at that moment, Syr had found Ryuu in that back alley and saved her.

"After rescuing me, Syr convinced Mama Mia to employ me as a waitress...I also keep my dyed hair."

Since she always worn a hood during her adventure, the chances of her being discovered were very low as long as she changed the color of her hair.

"I apologize for soiling your ears...In short, the elf before you two is a shameless, violent criminal."

She looks at them with the same calm expression even though she's confessing all her crimes.

"Ryuu~san...Please stop degrading yourself. I'll get mad at you."

Unable to handle that Ryuu was belittling herself, Bell burst out. Her sky-blue eyes opens a little wider.

"That was....very clever."

Only slightly but her lips soften. Her usual ice-cold expression just warmed up a little. She heard Bell continued on expressing his genuine feelings. Hearing the naive boy's words, Ryuu felt complicated in her chest.

"Ryuu~san...You are someone great. I think people could understand and sympathize with you. Right, Alex?"

Alex who was simply listening without releasing his comment, nonchalantly replied.

"I don't really mind about it."


Bell and Ryuu was surprised hearing his indifferent expression despite hearing a sad story of Ryuu. Looking at their expressions, Alex asked in confusion.

"Did I say something surprising?"

Bell was speechless and while Ryuu was silent. While Bell was riled up in hearing her, Alex had no change in his emotion. Even though Ryuu was silent, she wasn't offended by his attitude.

On contrary, she expected that Alex will start treating her with desdain after discovering that her hand was tainted with blood. Unlike Bell who was innocent, Alex knew better than Bell how cruel the reality is.

The two of them heared Alex sighed. Not wanting to be misunderstood by them, Alex clarified.

"I'm an avenger driven by hatred. I have done many dirty and shameless things for revenge. I am unworthy of your goodwills, is probably what you think, right, Ryuu~san?"

Ryuu widened her eyes, surprised that Alex had pointed out what she was thinking. She felt that she was not worthy of being called an elf and to receive the goodwill and kindness of others. She has done too many bad and unworthy things for revenge.

"Ryuu~san. I and Bell knows little thing about Astria Familia or about your past but...What does it have to do with you being unworthy?"


Ryuu felt touched and puzzled. As she was about to reply while squeezing the words from her shaky throat, Alex continued.

"It might not be my place to say this and this might sound cringe but, this was just my personal opinion...You have done the right thing."

"I have done the right thing?"

Ryuu was confused after hearing his reply. Bell too was somewhat eager to hear the words of Alex who was usually keeping his silence and rarely spoke with them.

"The moment those people caused the death of your comrades, they were guilty of death. In this world, if you kill someone...You should also be prepared to be killed."

Alex sounded indifferent but Bell and Ryuu also knew that in the face of power, the strong preys the weak.

"Forgiving them is only something a noble person like heroes do. The reality of our world is not so good just like in the fairy tales."

In this world, there were many remarkable heroes on the surface thousands of years ago. They made countless epics with morals and blood, drove the raging monsters back in the dungeon.

Almost every child in the present grew up, hearing their tales. Ryuu naturally understands his intention and her eyes once again widened in surprise.

"Cranel~san, Uchiha~san...you two are kind."

She closed her eyes. Even though the two had different reactions and replies, she felt their sincerity.

"You two are humans worthy of my respect."