
Danmachi: The Black Hole

Life was weird. And turns out, it could get weirder. Now, all I have to do is survive, no matter what it takes. Because no matter the world, there will always be one standing on the top, and that would be me. I would make sure of it. _ I don't own anything of the story, I just own the OCs if there will be any. Will diverge from Cannon eventually but some events will still happen if a little different.

Develish_Beta · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I'm pretty sure that pondering how stupid someone could be was not what normal people thought while running through Floor fifty-seven, to get to the next one.

Lefia was the one to fall down to floor Fifty-eight, and Bete, Tiona, and Tione followed her to provide support, Leaving only Finn, Gereth, Ais, Tsubaki, Roul, a level four from the Loki Familia who followed us, Welf, and I to fight through the monsters.

I spun in the air, pulling out my dagger from the purplish dragon's head as it turned to dust and continued running.

"We're almost there! Riveria, start changing! Bell, Ais, clear the path!"

At Finns command, Ais and I shot forward, two shadows forming next to me as their own Kusarigama started flying through the air, Blaze coating them as more monsters cut through the scales.

Daggers coated in air sliced through a lion looking monster, cutting it in half down the middle as the exit finally came in sight.

Riveria's chants echoed through the staircase as we ran.


She nodded as one of my chains coated in élenchos wrapped around her waist. as soon as we reached the exit, a large horde of Violas came in view, along with dragons flying above, near the ceiling, and in the middle of it all, the missing members of our group were fighting for their lives.

As Riveria slammed her staff down on the ground, freezing over the surface along with the monsters unfortunate enough to be on it, I turned, and threw Ais forward, her rapier cutting through a few dragons as she landed in the middle of the group.

My shadows rushed forward, clearing the path as we neared them too.

"Bell! I think this is way above my punching range!"

I chuckled, burning away Violas as we finally reached Lefia, Bete, Tiona, and Tione.

"You're not here to punch, you're here to cancel out any magic."

I informed him, cutting through a dragon, turning it to dust, as Riveria started chanting again.

"The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction."

More red dragons came out of the floor, bursting through like plants, roaring, only to be cut down immediately by the shadows.

My chains spun in the air, avoiding any of my allies and burning through any monster that they came in contact with, the Kusarigama at the ends slicing through the bodies of Violas.

" The horn of battle sounds aloud, the cruelty of conflict will envelop all. Come, crimson flames, the ruthless inferno-"

My eyes darted around the battlefield even as my daggers made quick work of a dragon that tried to shoot fire at me, the only one covered in flame.

Providing a quick boost to Bete with Blaze, allowing his next kick to break the neck of another red dragon.

My armor parts shifted with my every movement, the freedom of movement proving useful as I twisted at an awkward angle to dodge the maw that would swallow me whole and cut the long neck of the overgrown lizard.

"You are the avatar of hellfire. Sweep completely, bring a close to the great war. Burn them through, Sword of Surtr - my name is Alf. Rea Laevateinn!"

Finally finishing her chant, the ground cracked at Riveria's feet, spreading through the battlefield as everything heated up.

I jumped back as fire burst from the ground, Landing next to the others as the monsters on the floor were wiped out by admittedly mediocar magic...

Though, this must have been one of the more powerful spells...

I really needed to fix my perception of strength, didn't I?


"I don't get it, Bell, how is your armor not damaged at all?"

Welf muttered as he was sitting cross-legged like everyone else as Tsubaki sharpened the weapons.

I shrugged, not my fault I was hard to hit... Wait, it technically was... Nevermind that.

"Are you sure you will be fine with your weapons Bell?"

Ais Tiona asked, looking down at the Kusarigama in their holsters on my thighs

I nodded in confirmation.

"My enchant magic, burns away any poison before it can damage the blade itself."

Tiona made an "ooh" sound before nodding and rocking left and right.

I turned to Riveria who was sitting with her eyes closed a question on my mind.

"By the way, why do you keep chanting your magic? Does it give it extra power boost or...?"

I stopped when I spotted everyone looking at me like I was the dumbass here.

"... You have to chant your magic... that's how it works..."

Tione pointed out, cocking her head to the side with a raised eyebrow.


Well, no wonder it was weak as hell, they never bothered to modify any of it...

I sighed and looked up to the ceiling for a moment in thought, I thought Welf was chanting because he was primarily a blacksmith, but I guess I was wrong.

"Is that not how you do it?"

Ais asked, walking over from where she was sitting next to Tsubaki and sitting down next to me. In response, I just raised my hand and Blaze flared around my palm, forming into a small ball above it, before shifting into a flower.

Ais blinked at the flower of fire for a moment and I extended it to her. She reached out to grab it, and held it in her hand, her eyes wide, probably from the absence of any burning sensation.

"... Smooth..."

I elbowed Welf in the side.

"Agh, come on!"