
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

Raizel finally departed from the Jura village, Like that he been in his world for a bit of time, and it finally the time for him to go to the main city when the story takes place.

The first week of travel was not simple as he had to pass the gullia mountain, and the mountain was a zone where a lot of monsters was, so the first-week raizel continued to travel and hunt monster along the way. Sometimes he could sleep in a tree and sometimes in a cave, he was really like a caveman.

The second week of travel was more simple as he could travel in Westland, where he could still find some houses or inn where he could demand to sleep for the night and eat with the money he received from kelios, it more comfortable than tree or cave. The only problem was there were a few times he runs into bandits, but with his strength, he dispatched them quickly before robbing them making more travel money.

The third and fourth week he had to take a boat, as he had to traverse the sea, the third week of travel, his boat was attacked with the monster for safely raizel joined the adventurer and quickly defeated the monster, after his accidents the people begin to think that he was a level, 4 adventurers, as the number and strength of the monster who attacked was not something a level 3 could take.

The last week of travel was relatively safe so raizel trained in his cabin. After a week they quickly arrived in the port city of melen, after raizel disembarked he immediately for the direction of orario and after finding that a carriage was going there, he decided to travel with them.

The itinerary was going to take an hour, so raizel just to take a seat and waited patiently, while trying to calm his excitement to truly enter where he could truly influence history.


Approaching the nearest gate, Raizel could see a long line of carriages and people waiting for their opportunity to pass through the gate. There were armored men with polearms stationed around the entrance, and they inspected the identification of everyone entering.

Raizel descended the carriage and joined the queue, he also attracted attention with his appearance, as now he was covered in a cracked small armor and his spear was also in a weak shape, his face was also dark because in his journey in the last two week.

Seeing people staring at him because of his appearance, raizel decided that when he enters the city he could buy some cloth and a new weapon before going the the guild.

After around one hour it was finally Raizel turn to undergo the inspection. Many of the guards showed an expression of regret at the young man who had arrived at the gate, raizel could sense what their thinking of him, they probably thought of him as a low rank adventurer or a young man who had a tragic journey . After asking for his identification they sent him into the side office for processing without wasting any extra effort.

When Raizel entered he see a middle-aged man, he was tall and strong he could even pass as an adventurer.

"Greetings young man, my name is Bard martin. I'm the Officer on duty today, and I heard from my men you are an adventure" while eyeing raizel, from his appearance he could not tell if he was an adventurer.

After giving a last glance at the young man, he gave a gentle smile and asked kindly, "Can I ask for your name and why you are trying to enter the City?"

"My name is Raizel Estrama, Sir. I came to Orario because I want to find a familia to join and because it the only city where strong adventurers gather and where the strong familia are" responded with determination.

Bard, could sense the young man and without wanting to disappoint him just said "It will be rough for you, I hope you succeed. Can you tell Raizel, what are your plans after you enter the City? You must know you can't enter without paying an entrance tax and a temporary pass without identification would cost you 2000 Valis."

Raizel nodded. "Sir, I would like to register at the Guild to receive an identification. For the tax and entrance pass, I can directly pay for it now, as I have some valis from my travel"

Bard was surprised, as he didn't think that someone like Raizel could have money, after proceeding to pay for the entrance pass and the tax, Raizel was directed to enter the city.

After entering the city, Raizel was completely stupefied by the new environment, He looked at his surroundings and marveled at the architectural design of each building. There were people of various shapes and sizes walking around in high spirits. He even caught sight of a young woman with cat ears traveling with a small person which raizel assumed to be a pallum.

As he made his way towards the city center, Raizel continued to look around at the various comings and goings of people on the street. He noticed that even though everyone had unique outfits and appearances, nobody stood out quite as much as he did.

So after thinking for a moment and seeing how much money he still has, Raizel decided to first head to head toward the clothing shop, after talking with some good-hearted people who were not deranged by his appearance he was recommended to change some good at the free market area.

After dozens of minutes to wander he finally find the free market, as he entered the market, he could see a stream of people wearing adventurer cloth, trading and selling their goods.

Raizel surprised to see such amount of people and begin to wander searching for a place to buy his good.

After finding a good store, Raizel entered a small shop.

"Hello, I would like to sell some of my good "

The shopkeepers turned his head in the direction. of the voice and immediately see a small young man in shabby cloth, still even like that he still treated raizel like a customer.

"Hello, customer what would you like to trade?

Raizel was surprised by the professionalism of his shopkeepers, as when he tries to enter more big shop, he was always refused.

Raizel " I could like to sell some of my good" like that raizel took some of his loot and give them go the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was surprised, and immediately become shocked as he appraised the goods, he could see that they come from the monster at the 2 levels.

After thinking a little, the shopkeeper decided to bring them for 50.000.

Raizel after selling his good had finally some money to buy some normal cloth, and even find a good inn with a bath where he could stay.

After finding a good inn in the northern main street that was run by a couple of middle-aged people and their daughter.

Raizel after taking a bath surprised the couple with his true appearance, he was handsome, the only thing that ruined him before was his ruined cloth.

So Raizel decided to find some good clothing shops in the shopping area in the northern main street.

After choosing a relatively good shop, and entering after a few minutes, he left happily, as he finds quite good clothes which suit him.

Raizel was wearing an elegant and form-fitting, consisting of a beige dress shirt, a brown and amber waistcoat, slim black trousers, black dress boots, and black gloves and over everything, he wears a long dark brown tailcoat with dragon scale patterns.

Raizel after seeing that the night arrived returned to his inn as he was tired from the journey.