
Chapter 1

It was just a regular day like any other.

Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, on days like these people like our protagonist, Jake, had to take a break from ignoring the outside world and go outside... to get groceries.

Jake POV

"Zzzzzzzzz". Jake was sleeping (If you couldn't tell) until a stray ray of sunlight penetrated (😏) through the windows until reaching the main man's eye.

"Ugh. Stupid sun."

"At least let me sleep for 5 more minutes or hours"

After reluctantly giving up on going back to sleep getting out of bed, his gaze landed on the digital clock and noticed that It was 10:35 in the morning.

"Damn. I slept quite a lot. Must have been the wine I drank. Last time I go so ham on a party" He said to himself, knowing it was a complete lie.

Now you might be wondering about his family. Well, he had one but they all died of old age about 10 years ago. Plenty of time for him to get over it.

He checked his phone for any notifications and noticed that one of his favorite mangas has been updated.

"Sweet" he said, wanting to read It straight away, but a certain sound that we are all familiar with put a short stop to his exitement.

"Growl" he was hungry. And so he got dressed, did his business in the bathroom and went straight to the fridge.

"Click" he opened the fridge only to notice that It was almost empty save for a carton of milk, a couple eggs and some yougurt.

He closed the fridge and started rubbing his eyes, hoping that what he just saw was not real.

He opened It back only to see that It was indeed real.

"Haaaaa. Dammit past me!"

"Oh well. Now I have to go buy groceries. Well, at lest it's not raining" he said, unable to keep his mouth shut.

*Small timeskip*

And so our protagonist left in his quest to get food for... himself.

*King crimson*

After getting his food he went on his way back home to finaly eat something when suddenly he heard a weird sound.

There were a few people on the way, his age from the looks of it, who heard that sound as well and started looking for what made that sound. A sound that was getting louder and louder.

It wasn't until a large shadow starded forming over them that they finaly noticed what the culprit was.

It was a decently sized plane, that was pretty close to the ground. And kept getting bigger.


The people in the danger zone started paniking and running away.


Most people managed to escape although some didn't and were either crushed by IT or blown up by it. They died instantly.

Now you might be wondering about the people inside of the plane.

After they noticed that they were crashing down and over a city, they started parashuting down. You could still see them falling slowly from the Sky.

The only people that remained in the plane were the pilots that tried to stabilize It.

Moments later, a truck drove down on the road the plane crashed on *honk honk*, but after seeing the plane It started backing up and went another direction. You could hear a long disappearing *hooooonk* in the distance that sounded almost ... Disapointed ?