
Dangerous Paths

(SHANNON MESSENGER OWNS THESE CHARACTERS) I had always thought Biana's looks made her stand out when I first joined Sophie and her little squad of friends. But as I started to get to know her better..... all I can say is, I don't just have a silly crush that I can just keep inside of me until it ends. No. This is something else. Something that has multiple outcomes. Can I suck it up and tell her? But even If do get the courage(not likely), will I be able to go through the despair of her reaction? when she doesn't like me back? But..... other people might like Biana too......... all I can say is, if I go down this path, I'm going to end up hurting more people than just myself.....

Eyob_Alene · Livres et littérature
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5 Chs

A bunch of unexpected thingies

As I got up and went down the hall, back to the room I had been at earlier, I saw Sophie and Fitz talking very quietly.

Nobody else was looking at them so It felt like I was eavesdropping on they're conversation. I saw Fitz leaning a little closer to Sophie and I turned away, thinking they were going to kiss. But as I was turning around, I noticed somebody looking directly at me.

It was Keefe.

But he didn't give me his famous smirk that annoyed me to death. Instead, he had a hurt look on his face. He looked really lonely. He almost had the same expression on his face as Biana had when she looks at Keefe and Sophie talking together.

The only difference was that Keefe tried to hide it. Bottling up his emotions. Kind of like what I do. Except I don't joke around all the time.



I glanced back at Sophie and Fitz and saw them staring into each others eyes again. Now, I understood Keefe. But that doesn't mean I like, him I thought quickly, not letting myself have anymore kind thoughts about Keefe anymore.

I need to fix this.

But how? It's not like I can just go up to Sophie and tell her to like Keefe so...

The better, more smarter, thing to do is to help Keefe get through this. Maybe Sophie will realize how amazing Keefe is. (don't tell him I said that).

I walked over to Keefe and sat next to him. I didn't start firing questions or anything because I wanted him to get comfortable with me there, and maybe even explain exactly how he's feeling to me.

I cleared my throat and said, "so, are you just going to sit there and act like nothing is wrong?" Keefe glanced up and said, "Even if, there's something wrong, why are you, here?

"You were expecting somebody else? maybe even a special someone....?

Keefe's face fell. "Was it that, obvious?" I answered almost immediately. "Of course! I would give somebody an award if they could make it more obvious." Keefe scowled at me. "This is no, time to be making jokes", he warned. "If that's what you came here to do", he added.

"No, I came here to talk to you about Sophie and Fitz". Keefe bit his lip and glanced at Sophie and Fitz, who were, Once again, staring into each other's eyes. He turned back towards me and said "fine" I was surprised he had actually agreed. He glanced back up at me and groaned, "what did I just agree to?" "Don't worry, it'll help. I hope", I added

This is pretty much a sum of what Keefe told me: He wishes Sophie wasn't so oblivious to the fact that he liked her so that he wouldn't have to actually tell her on he his own.

but he's also glad she's oblivious to this or it would probably end up causing problems with Sophie and Fitz who clearly, liked each other.

I was about to leave Everglen when Linh stopped me on my way out.

"where are you going Tammy?", she asked. "Can you please, stop saying my name like that?", I asked. "You just don't want Biana to know that your a big softie on the inside" Linh joked. I felt my face burn.

"Anyway, that's not what I came here to ask", Linh said cheerfully. I sighed "Just get it over with", I mumble.

"I came here to remind you that were staying here for the night, but since that trap- I mean talk- I set up for you and Biana didn't go as expected, I guess we can go home.

I blew a sigh of relief and held up my crystal to the light. I grabbed Linh's hand and was about to step into the light when Linh whispered her last words before we broke apart and were carried away by the light.

"Aren't you going to say goodnight to your love?

I rolled my eyes and let the light carry us far, far away.

A/N- (which means 'Authors note)

Hey guys! I would love it if you guys would comment if you like the story or not but it's fine if you don't, I'm just curious. I think I might be able to update tomorrow -but I don't think I can update anymore today since I've updated 3 times today. Have a good night! 😘😘