
Dangerous Love:Two Can Play This Game

After falling into the trap set by her step mom and sister,Natasha White ends up having a one night stand with a stranger losing her Fiance overnight to her stepsister,Kassidy. Natasha White, strong willed,beautiful and smart lady ,potential heir to the company loses her chance of getting married to her sweetheart Keith as he ended up with her step sister Kassidy. she was rejected by Keith who deemed her a whore ,struggling to keep her family inheritance from her step mom who would not hesitate to kill her,she ends up capturing the fancy of Italy's biggest Mafia leader Luca Marchetti. Luca Marchetti,That name was a threat to the Underground world,he's heartless,a possessive freak ,His Cold aura sent fears in the heart of people,who were even afraid to speak of him, He wouldn't hesitate to spill the blood of his enemies. He built a wall around his heart vowing not to fall for a woman ,he believed falling in love meant been weak and vulnerable for his enemies but not until he met Natasha White who captured his cold heart ,making him believe in love. After discovering that she was the woman who he had a one night stand with,He could not let her go for the second time. Fighting off the monster inside of him who wouldn't hesitate to kill Natasha because she was destroying the other him. Can Natasha fall for Luca?who's whole existence was a danger to her,She wasn't a fan of men who were possessive of their women,but Luca was something else. Can she be able to fight for her inheritance without breaking down? Would she able to forgive Keith who was pretending to be a nice guy but had secrets lurking in the shadows? Can Luca stand and watch the very first woman he loves slip from his hands back to his enemy Keith? Would he be able to tame his wildcat who's heart is filled with revenge ? A/N:Are you looking for an Action filled romance with Suspense ? Just clink on my name follow up for more heart filled chapters. Mature content included,he he.

Jayden222 · Urbain
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35 Chs


Just as she had least expected,the girl Aurora was far  from innocent,she was  more the sly one,acting dumb infront t of her Fiance but when she was alone she turned out to be the chatterbox and a troublemaker.

She ignored the girl not giving her any reply to her statement, turning around to notice the smirk on her bodyguard's face. She knew he heard what Aurora said and he was happy about it.

Nausha didn't know what she did to warrant such hatred from him but she wasn't a cry baby,she won't hesitate to slap the living daylight out of Aurora if the need arises.

"Wow,I should have known that you were one big slut just like the media predicted"Aurora added further,looking at the lady with folded hands while attacking her about her past.

"What?''Natasha couldn't believe what was happening,No,she had always known that anywhere she goes one or two people would definitely recognize her and try to ruin her day.

Like,she doesn't know what she did to the citizens to receive such hatred from them,she was stripped of her inheritance but the only thing they could do about  it was blame her for it.

Accusing her of stealing company funds without any solid evidence that she did it,okay you need to calm down Natasha.

"Oh! don't act all innocent ,we all know what you have been doing behind the shadows' 'Aurora added further,taking a drink from a waiter who passed them.

You need to calm down Natasha,calm down.

She breathed in and out,while holding her anger from taking the best of her at the moment,she had to withstand many temptations but to get insulted by a girl who she was quite sure she's younger than was another thing altogether.

Although,she didn't know the reason Luca hated her fiance she didn't care anymore because she was on the verge of slapping the daylight out of the lady standing in front of her if she pushed her buttons further.

For some reason, she found this suspicious,why is she picking on her without any reasons? For all she cared,it was only a rumour about her but Aurora she figured was looking  for something else.

If not,why is she trying to create  a scene at her  engagement party,for what reasons?

Does she have anything to do with Kassidy?

She doesn't remember having any issues with the girl to deserve such cold feet from her but the lady was uncomplying rather she added more fuel to the tension between them.

"Tell me,how did you get to know him?,is he another one if your constant flings,do you know what he does?"Aurora persisted even after seeing that she was on the verge of getting her ass beaten by the lady due to the way she was glaring daggers at her.

Kassidy would not believe this once she gets to know what her stepsister was up to.

"Shut it"Natasha warned, clenching her fist.

"And if I don't, remember you are in my territory,what are you going to do you cum dumpster!"This time her voice was loud enough that it attracted the attention of everyone In the building.

The next  act shocked everyone because the fianceè's face got turned to the side with Natasha's raised hand still lingering in the air.

There was a silence before the murmurings and  the commotion that followed suit with it because Antonio's men came barging into the hall with their guns cocked pointed at Natasha.

Ethel muttered something over the comms grabbing Natasha's hand and pulling her to his back standing to protect her from Antonio's men.

"Get her out to apologize this instant"one of the men who stood close to Aurora shouted at Ethel who had a smug look on his face before saying.

"And I'm sure you  know the consequences of what you are trying to do?don't push me"Ethel said but their was a threat laced with his words which made Antonios men look at their commander before maintaining their  normal position with the gun still pointed at Ethel and Natasha.

"Let me deal with these ''Natasha held Ethel's hand, pulling him before stepping in front of them.

Her action surprising Ethel,was she stupid or what?

Here,she was on the verge of her brain being blown but she refused to let him handle  the situation.

"Did Kassidy set you up to this?"She asked Aurora who rolled her eyes at her,before turning to her guards.

"Ma'am"Ethel called but she raised her hand silencing him.

This stubborn woman was digging her grave,he was sure of it.

It won't be long before Luca and his men would be here and the last thing he needed was Luca interfering in this,it would only make others have the idea that he has a thing for this stubborn red hair here.

"Apologize now!"

"And if I don't?"Natasha dared turning to the guard beside Aurora,she had had enough for today,it was a bad idea following Luca here.

She would always attract unnecessary attention to herself because of what Skyler caused,it was all because of her.

The guard raised his hand up to slap Natasha who was looking at him waiting for his attack,daring him to continue but it never came,rather she heard  the sound of a gun go off and the screams that followed behind.

"What the …."Aurora's comment was cut short when the hall turned into a complete chaos because she was pushed to a chest while Natasha bent down after Ethel forced her to.

The gunshot was loud enough b that she couldn't make out who it was that  shot the guard that was about to slap here,yeah,you may call her stupid but she wouldn't sit and let some girl insult her.

"Take her out"she heard Luca's voice but it wasn't his normal voice rather it was more deep  and laced with danger which sent chills down her spine.

"Boss"Ethel called when he noticed what was happening,his boss was not longer present rather the other one was now incharge of his body.

"What about you?''Natasha found herself asking but she couldn't make out his face because everywhere was filled with gas which  was thrown by Luca's men to create a dimension for them to leave.

"Get her out noww!!''He shouted at Ethel without looking at her,his voice scared the shit out of her,she noticed something was  off about him.

Was he angry at her?

Is he going to kill her?

She was still deep in thought and she didn't notice when they were out of the building and pushed into the car,the car started and that was when she shouted.

"What about him?"

"Don't worry,he's not dying anytime soon, although you  just  started a war"Ethel told her,trying to hold his anger from shouting at the girl.

She didn't know what danger she had put them In and also what danger she had put herself in.

"What do you mean?"She asked,still looking back insearch of Luca's car,she was worried about him.

No,she was more than worried, although the guard said that he's going to be fine but she didn't need  assumptions she needed to see him.

"We are all in danger because of you!"Ethel shouted at her,getting her angry  at what he just said,it wasn't  her fault.

It was all because their boss won't let her go and now they are blaming her for  putting all of them in danger.

What stupid people.

"Stop the car,"She demanded.

"What?''He asked, looking back at her before turning his attention to the road. She  have gone crazy if she thought he took orders from her.

"I said stop the car right now!''She shouted at him,hitting his head with her purse to earn a groan from him which made him lose concentration,and she used the moment to kick the door open,and jumped before he could do anything.

This  woman is crazy.

How did their boss got attracted to such stubborn and stupid female.

Fucking Canadians.

He got out holding the syringe in his hands,and ran after her,she was going back to Antonio's lair but for what reasons?

"Leave me the fuck alone!"Natasha said when he ran up to her dragging her arm but she elbowed him quick and made to run but Ethel was much faster than her, because she stumped on his leg and fell on the ground.

Ethel cursed,using the distraction to inject   whatever it is he was holding into her neck,feeling her breathing getting slower before she passed out.

"Fuck!"He touched his stomach feeling slight pain from where she elbowed him.

She got moves,he could commend but that wasn't the problem here.

Her life is in danger!

This is getting interesting day by day!

keep the comments coming.

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