
Damsses: age of beginnings.

for 10 000 years, peace was the only thing the world has ever known. it all changes when a young man finds himself to be chosen by the gods to stop zarkus, a God of pure evil whose only desire is the extinction of all life

Nicolas_Bonhomme · Fantaisie
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Damsses, a world where peace is the only thing anyone has ever known. Growing united as one. Magic, was forever there, shaping the world around them until the father of sins entered their world.

His hatred of his mother, the goddess of gods, corrupted the world around him, bringing pain and suffering to all. For the lucky ones, death.

For One thousand years, Zarkus ruled over all of Damsses. Hope forever a distant memory now only shrunk to a mere word. All of the world fell into slavery and oppression. In this dark time, suicide was the main cause of death.

Rebels from every kingdom tried and tried again to kill the demon that ruled over them, leading only to unspeakable suffering.

In the dark castle, on the hilltop behind the city of Dorgo, Zarkus lived the greatest years of his life. A ten feet tall man in black torn robes. His body seemed to be made of shadowy smoke. The helmet covering his face has black smoke emanating from it. His gauntlets are made of black steel, they resemble hands of a dragon, with nails as sharp as razor blades. He spends most of his time Feasting on the flesh of the world and drinking the blood of the dead. Prayers were made all over the world but it seemed like none of the gods was listening. Until One prayer was answered. They chose one of every race in the world. Nine guardians with the task of killing Zarkus. All gained the powers of gods and grew together learning to use their powers. Travelling the world, killing all shadow orcs on site. Little by little, the scale of war was tipping in their favour. The more they fought the more men raised together against evil. Together they managed to get to the steps of the city named Karenör. There, the most brutal and memorable battle of history took place. One billion warriors from all corners of the world fighting as one, after one thousand years of suffering alone. The massive wall protecting the dark castle puts down its large gate. What looked like a field of shadow orcs ran out in a seemingly never-ending wave of shadow legions.

The battle was fierce. Bloodshed on both sides like no one ever saw before. The seas were flooded with blood and giant fields were infected with death. Mountains of corps emerged across the rocky valley surrounding the kingdom of Dorgo. The guardians used their magic to its full extent, fireballs raining down on the enemy, lightning storms and summoned magical creatures killing all. After three days of fighting, they reached the dark castle. The air was heavy and nearly unbreathable and the stone floor broke with large flames immerging from the depths of the world. The final confrontation began.

The guardians threw everything they had at him but he had much more power than they did. It was for them impossible to deal with Zarkus in front of them and the shadows at their back. One of the guardians had an idea. They pushed Zarkus with everything they could throw at him, little by little making him back up into the castle itself. Once inside they sealed the door magically so it could not be open again. They could now focus on Zarkus. They struck again and again. Zarkus remained too strong. The guardians were thrown onto walls. Hope slowly faded in their hearts. It is at this moment that Emanuel, the human guardian put all of his power into a giant ball of light. He then used his soul as additional power, the ball rushed to Zarkus and created what we now call detonation magic.

The large mountain now levelled to a massive crater. The other guardians ran to safety barely making cover. One of the guardians lost a leg to the blast. They created domes of magical energy, protecting them. Not all in time. they woke all they could see was a giant hole of ash around them. Zarkus was dead. Finally, Damsses could find peace once more. The world evolved around magic to solve every problem and fix all the destruction.

Every year since that day, the world celebrates the greatest hero Damsses has ever known. Now ten thousand years late, most have forgotten the pain that gave them peace.