
Damian’s Desire

THE GIANPIERO DYNASTY SERIES (BOOK I) WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A RISING STAR CROSSES PATHS WITH A MAFIA WARLORD AND BLURS THE LINES BETWEEN DESIRE AND LUST? Makua Amadi had only one goal in sight from the moment she ventured into the music industry: thrive and survive the storm. As a twenty-three-year-old beauty with the skills to rival icons, Makua set out her plans to endure the political warfare of the industry and scramble her way to the top. That is, until she met Damian. Second in line to the Gianpiero Empire and renowned as the Viper and executioner of the clan, Damian Gianpiero did not expect his uncanny encounter with a doe-eyed beauty to compromise his latest assignment. So when she proposes a daring deal in the name of shared interests, Damian finds himself entangled in a contract that serves only to draw his desire closer, thrusting her into the world of the Italian mafia and the dangers that loving a mafioso presents.

rosenoirwrites · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter Four


"Who was that?" Chiara asked from her position on my office couch, bare legs propped on the table. She idly scrolled through her phone, peering up as I shrugged on the jacket of my suit and made my way to the door.

"A client."

She rolled her eyes and leaned forward, a sly smirk gracing her lips. "I would know if you had an appointment, I have my ears on the ground."

"Don't you all?" I arranged the lapels of my suit and checked my reflection in the standing mirror, moving to grab my keys. My siblings had a knack for butting into my affairs, mostly Dario, but Chiara seemed to be taking fervent notes from him. "I'm sure Armando has been talking your ear off, hm?"

I caught her smirk falter as she furrowed her brows. "Why would I need to get anything from him? He's like your missing rib or something, he never lets up."

I laughed at that. It was a good distraction to use Armando. It seemed like her little crush hadn't faded just yet. "I'm sure he would, for you." I fixed my cuff links and turned to see a mortified expression on her face. I cocked an eyebrow which she returned with a nervous smile.

"Then are you meeting with that girl," She scrunched her face and folded her arms over her pleated shirt. "What was it again...Sienna? she always rubbed me off the wrong way."

I released a breath and walked up to her, swatting her feet off my glass centre table and kicking her scattered heels aside. "All the girls I meet rub you off the wrong way, Ara. Thankfully, I don't get with them because of your opinion."

"Ouch," She rubbed her feet dramatically, scowling at me. "That's not true. I actually liked that one...um, Makua. She's so innocent and unaware. I can't believe you dragged her into this mess with Ram-"

"Don't cross the line, Ara," I said, feeling the change in her demeanour. I took cautious steps towards the doors, turning back when I realize she was still seated. "Up. I'm not leaving you in here again."

The last time, she'd made her arrangements to the place between the hour or so of the meeting I had. Never again.

"Fine," She got up and wore her heels, brushing the invisible wrinkles of her skirt and flipping her hair dramatically - Sometimes it was hard to believe that she was even a professional. "I'll go spend the rest with my break with my favourite brother — at least Dario makes me feel welcome."

My smile widened as she walked past me. I would probably get an earful from Dario later, accusing me of sending her over to ruin his day or something.

When I was sure she was gone, I made my way to my car and out to her location. Suddenly, the normal air of confidence and demeanour I put up felt deflated. She finally made the call. The way things had gone, I was sure Ara had said something to ward her off. Hell, the whole ordeal must have been a lot for her.

My mind had spiralled from the moment I gave the order. I had witnessed a lot, done a lot — yet, I couldn't stand the sight of a woman I'd barely met in the past, being assaulted by that monster — I wasn't surprised that Leon was looking down at me for it. I didn't need any type of weakness. Especially now.

Yet, I found myself easing into the underground parking lot of Echo Records, finding her at the lot she'd instructed me to arrive at.

I got out of the car and saw her standing idly at a pillar.


She turned to meet me, a small smile making its way to her lips. She nodded and headed towards the car. I moved quickly to open her door, watching as she slid into the seat.

The sweet scent of vanilla filled the space in the car. It felt hard to breathe with her sitting next to me but I kept my face straight and composed. "It's nice to finally meet you up close, Makua."

"Same." Was all she said throughout the ride out of the parking lot and to the place of our meeting.

I chose one of the most secure locations I could think of.

Directly under my district, Tempo Selvaggio was a well-known nightlife establishment in Buskwik and managed by my Capo, Armando. Being a safe space for my men and I to conduct meetings, it was the only place I could think of that would be safe for her and I to talk privately. Without Ramiro's spies - or what was left of them - to interfere.

"Did something happen? Were you approached?" I found myself asking as we turned into the street leading to the club. I felt her eyes linger on my side profile for a moment before she shook her head.

"No, I just... I had some issues with work."

I tried to mask my surprise with a nod of acknowledgement before pulling into the driveway. We both got down and made our way in, the soldiers bowing as we passed and making way for us. The building was empty albeit for the men stationed at the entrance and on the inside.

"Mio Fratello!" I heard Armando's boisterous voice as soon as we stepped in, his large frame making its way to mine. Makua moved to stand behind me, obviously from the look of the man taking quick strides towards us.

Armando's height didn't do the damage — it was his muscular build and loud voice that led strangers to fear him at first glance. That, and the enormity of the tattoos spiralling from his neck to the sleeves of his hands. It gave a clear message to our enemies but still left an imposing message on others.

"You didn't tell me you were coming, I would have lit the whole place up." We embraced quickly and patted our arms when we drew back in greeting. His eyes roamed over me quickly and a playful smile drew on his lips, "Ah, I see you brought a woman with you. I thought Sienna was out of the picture?"

I frowned at that and he straightened up. "I'm meeting a client today. Reserve a booth for us."

"Of course!" Armando turned towards the soldiers manning the pillars we stood beside, and they got the message, moving swiftly. When his eyes met mine again, a crooked smile was playing on his lips. "C'mon Fratello, who is the little damsel hiding behind you? I swear I won't tell a soul." He held his hands up in mock solidarity.

"Even Chiara?" I shot back playfully but the smile on his face vanished and was met with a frown.

"Why would I tell her anything?" His eyes were lit with an emotion I couldn't quite place but I didn't have time to settle on it when the men returned with the key to our booth.

"We'll talk later after my meeting."

Armando smirked and nodded, moving out of the way. "I'll reserve a bottle of Barolo then."

Without thinking, I took Makua's hand in mine and led her to the number engraved on the key. Sliding the door to the secluded room and shutting it behind us, we both took a seat at the opposite sides of the round table.

Under the bright lighting of the space, I was able to look at her properly for the first time. She idly brushed back the curls of her short hair, giving an unintrusive view of her beautiful face. The ambient light reflected off her honey-brown skin, and the clear gloss on her plump lips.

I swallowed hard and placed my hands on the table, offering a bright smile to mask my rising nerves. "So, where would you like to start with first? Questions or the Issues you mentioned earlier?"

She took a deep breath and looked at me squarely. Any evidence of her timidity or fear was masked by the air of confidence that swirled around her. What I didn't expect, was the question that came out of her mouth first.

"Why did you kill Ramiro?"

I should have requested something strong for this. "The hard ones first, aye? Well, My men and I were simply conducting business."

"And business consists of killing people?" She shot back.

"When it's necessary, yes." I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes at her daunting gaze. The look of fear that crossed her features probed me to add, "I have orders, I take them and do what must be done." I refrained from adding that the order didn't include his execution, but that would lead to giving too much away so I waited for her response instead.

"Orders from who?"

I smiled. "Too much information isn't respected in this line of work, dolcezza. The less you know, the better."

She leaned back against her seat and let out a breath. "Why is no publication talking about him being missing then?"

"They will," I muttered, hating the pressure I felt from her hard stare. "Tonight. His body will be found by the shores of Lake George. Ruled as suicide."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

Silence enveloped us as she seemed to process the information. I waited, watching the way her eyes focused on her hands, nervously twiddling them against each other.

"Why didn't you execute me then?" Her eyes found mine in an instant, the confused look riddled on her face. "I might not know much, but I know for a fact that witnesses aren't kept alive."

"It wasn't the easiest decision." She shifted uncomfortably so I added, "You were a victim more or less in this case. He almost..."

I trailed off and her eyes widened. "You heard?"

"Watched." I let out through gritted teeth. "The restaurant had been cleared, we'd silently taken out his men and we could have attacked without any hesitation, despite the casualties. But-"

"You recognized me." She whispered.

"How did you..." Chiara. That loud mouth. What did she tell her? "I guess you spoke to my sister." She nodded but left the question she must have been dying to ask, alone. How do you know me? It would have been a simple question yet I would've found it hard to let on. It would mean recalling that day. Shit. I shook my head to clear it of any images and focused my attention on her.

She was staring at me thoughtfully. Then she let her words out once more. "Can I ask you something?"

At my behest, she continued. "Do you like me?"

"Yes." It was fast, unthought of, yet truthful. I should have expected it but I just let my mouth run off. I hate the way she smiled back at me. Her smile was earth-shattering and ethereal. I was laying my cards out on the table and she was merely showing me a peek of one.

"Then I'd like to propose a deal." She said, her eyes never leaving mine. "You have power. In and out of the entertainment industry. And more than ever, I need that to get what I want. What I could have gotten if you didn't kill Ramiro."

I furrowed my brows, "So you would have let him do that to you, just to get a boost in your career?"

She frowned. "It's not like I have much of a choice. I got into this industry to make it through the best path possible, but I realized something."

She leaned back in her seat, a sad smile on her lips. "I thought that being famous meant that you had the power and control over your decisions and reality. But never in my life, despite what has happened in the past, have I ever felt so powerless, Damian. I may need you more than you need me. But it doesn't change the fact that I need you. Your power, your strength. To at least feel like I have control over my life again."

Tears slid over her cheeks and I just wanted to reach out to her and hold her. Do something other than watch her as she continued, "I don't care if you kill, cheat, loot. I don't even give a fuck about what organization or person you work for. I might sound crazy, but I've seen so much worse. Does it affect me? Yes. But I make do with what I can and move on. If we come out in public as a couple, I can finally break through the barriers in my career....and you and I could spend time together in return."

I watched her in silence as she wiped her tears away and my hands found hers once she placed them on the table. I felt a mixture of longing, joy and anger. Longing for this bad idea of an offer, Joy to be able to spend time with her. And anger at the people who made her cry. I wanted to get all their names. Find their addresses and do what needs to be done. But I let my thumb brush against the smoothness of her hand, not giving a second for my brain to scream at the bad idea spurring out in my mind.

I drew the back of her hand close to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss on it as my eyes held hers. "Then, I guess we have a deal, dolcezza."