
Damaged doors (MHA fan fiction)

Izuku has an encounter with a break-in rapist who's wreaking havoc across Japan, and as time goes on the rapist comes after him more and more. going as far as to hurt the people he loves just to get to him. As the mystery around why the rapist targets him unveils itself, so does other things. This is a no Quirk AU and the story updates weekly

Unknown_s1mp · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Back to square one

'Later that day'

Izuku sat in the house thinking about what happened that morning. What did that dream mean? Why did the police suddenly show up to his door? Everything was making Izuku weary. Izuku decided to eat some of the food Katsuki cooked last night. He pulled out the pork cutlets and rice and heated it up in the microwave. As he watched the plastic bowl spin round and round he wondered about the dream he had last night. Was that really a dream? What if it was real!? He ran upstairs and checked the camera. There was nothing new. He looked at the 2 traumatizing pictures. He didn't want anything to do with them; But maybe it was something the police needed… What was he thinking? He didn't want anything to do with the police. He heard the microwave go off downstairs. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He took out the bowl of now steaming hot food. The warm feeling of the bowl made him feel more safe in his home. He took the first bite of his food and tried to figure out how he was going to balance work and therapy. It would be tough for sure seeing as he works until late but he could manage if he found a therapist who works early in the morning. He took another bite and sighed. It was stressful to deal with all of this at once. Just then a knock on the door disturbed his train of thought. He walked over to the door with his food and answered:

"Who's there?"

The person was clearly trying not to be noticed outside. Izuku walked up to the door, unlocked it, and cracked it. He peeped outside and saw the tired police officer from before but he was with someone. Izuku opened the door to see a blonde-haired detective next to him.

"Can I help you officer and detective?" "You already know me sir, but my comrade here is Takami Keigo. He is the detective. We're here to do a search of your house." "With what warrant Officer Aizawa?"

Sure enough, Aizawa pulled out a search warrant. Izuku let them inside and closed the door. They searched all over Izuku's house, they checked everything. The only thing they never checked was the camera. The detective picked up the camera when Izuku wasn't looking and looked through the photos.

"Say, where did you get this camera from Mr. Midoriya?" "Oh. I got that from a late friend of mine…" "He's dead?" "Yes, Detective Keigo. He killed himself 10 days after graduation…"

Izuku realized why he was asking him these questions: he had that camera. The same one that had the picture of Kirishima hanging himself and Izuku sleeping soundly and unaware. Before Izuku could even speak again The detective was directly behind him. He leaned by Izuku's ear and asked:

"Any reason why there's a picture of him hanging himself on here then? The photo was taken after he died too. He couldn't have done it himself."

Izuku was scared, he didn't know how to explain that.

"I don't know how that got there. But I can assure you that I was told he died by my teacher. He gave me that camera as his dying wish. I hadn't touched that camera until just last night and that's when I found that picture." "Then what about the other one?"

Izuku shuddered and walked quickly away from the detective. He sat on the couch and kept his eyes glued to the floor. The detective walked in shortly after, and crouched down to Izuku's level.

"I'd appreciate it if you cooperated and answered my question Mr. Midoriya." "I'd prefer it if we didn't talk about that picture if you don't mind" "Well I have to know why you'd have a picture of yourself sleeping and how you took it, unless…"

Izuku didn't like this subtle interrogation. He wanted these men out of his house. He was getting more and more anxious for each minute they stayed.

"Did you take that picture Izuku Midoriya?" "..." "You'd best answer. Something tells me that my partner might find something upstairs you'd probably rather he not. And Maybe something you didn't even know was there…"

This guy didn't. Was that even allowed? Why would he plant something Izuku didn't even know to force him into questioning? Izuku had no choice but to answer him.

"No, I didn't take that picture of myself nor did I know that it was being taken at that time." "Thought so. By the way, you might wanna check under your sink in the bathroom, there are eleven there. I took one for evidence. And maybe use something to cover up those marks until they completely go away. Have a good day."

Izuku watched as The detective walked to the foyer and called for the police officer. A minute later they both left the house. Izuku went and locked the door. He looked up at the bathroom door upstairs and started walking up the stairs, but he only made it halfway before someone knocked on the door. Izuku walked downstairs and unlocked the door thinking it was the detective again.

"Detective did you forget something or-"

Izuku looked up at the man standing before him. It was him again. He was back and this time dressed in all white.

"Hello freckled bunny~ I hope you didn't miss me too much…"

Izuku tried to close the door but The man pushed it open with enough force to knock Izuku onto the ground. Izuku tried to run but the man straddled Izuku just like he did the first time. Izuku squirmed hopelessly in an attempt to escape the man's clutches but to no avail. The man kissed Izuku Just as he did the first time this happened. He didn't let Izuku breathe until he was done. Izuku felt weak and helpless, and he had spent most of his energy trying to squirm away earlier so he had no more energy to fight this man back.

"I missed you so~ much freckled bunny… I went through so many people after that night, but none of them satisfied me like you did~" "Please… Don't do this again…"

The man snickered with amusement and carried Izuku up to the bedroom. Izuku tried to squirm out his grasp again but he was pinned to the bed before he could even try. The man took off his shirt revealing his lithe and muscular physique. Izuku tried pushing the man off of him, kicking him. But he wouldn't budge, not even an inch. He ripped off Izuku's pants and threw them to the side. Izuku shivered as the cold air touched his skin. He was scared. He felt a wave of uncomfort rush over him as the man caressed his thigh. Izuku tried to push him off but the man pinned his arms above his head.

"Don't try to resist Izuku~" "P-please let me go…" "I love it when you beg Izuku Midoriya~ keep begging for me ok freckled bunny?"

Izuku cried as the man thrusted into him. He hated this, he wanted him to leave him alone!

"S-Stop it, please! Get away from me!" "Face it Izuku Midoriya, you'll never get rid of me~"

The man thrusted into Izuku again with more force than the first time. Izuku screamed and moaned in pain as the man slammed into his ass rapidly. Izuku didn't understand why this had to happen to him. Why was he the one this rapist was after? Maybe it was his fault? If he had never opened the door that night then he wouldn't have gotten raped in the first place. If he had just checked his phone he wouldn't have gotten raped. If he had just cooked that night none of this would have happened!

"You have such a cute moan, Izuku. I want you to moan only for me ok Freckled bunny?" "Get the fuck out of my life already…"

In response to Izuku's snarky response he spanked Izuku twice. Izuku whimpered and cried.

"You can't talk like that to your master~ I'll have to teach you a lesson Izuku…" "P-please no…"

The man spanked Izuku once more and Izuku cried out in pain. He grabbed Izuku by his hair and whispered into his ear:

"You talk when I say you talk ok?"

Izuku was about to retort but he felt the cold barrel of a gun touch his head and a set of fingers started to trace his opening. He couldn't help but whimper softly and cry.

"Your next words are going to be yes sir. I'd regret having to put a bullet through your head Izuku~"

Izuku had no choice, he was pointing a gun to his head. Izuku truly couldn't get out of this.

"Y-Yes sir…" "Good boy~ now put your ass up…"


Izuku curled up in the bathroom crying on the floor. It's all his fault; He was the naive one. He should have never opened that door, not again. He opened his eyes and stared underneath the bathroom sink, he suddenly remembered what the detective had said earlier.

"There are eleven of them… I wonder what's under here that's so bad-"

Izuku stared in shock, disgust, and embarrassment. There were eleven pictures of Izuku from the first time he got raped, and each of them taken while Izuku was either screaming, crying, or both. He was horrified and he felt humiliated. Izuku stared at the pictures in shock. He must have been too focused on trying to get someone to hear him at that time to notice the pictures being taken. Izuku found an outlier among the various embarrassing pictures. This one had red hair. It couldn't have been…No, there was no way…Izuku quickly sifted through the pictures and looked at the picture, the image immediately burned into his mind. He was in the picture pulling Kirishima's hair so his face would be in there too. Kirishima looked full of despair, he looked like he was desperate to be saved. He needed someone to help him, but no one could hear his subtle pleas for help. All of his pleas, all of his cries, were muffled because of this man. Izuku cried and dropped the photo. As it fluttered to the floor Izuku noticed some writing on the back of it. Izuku looked at the message and staggered back so far he bumped into the bathtub. The message on the back read:

"I hope you liked my little present ;)"

Izuku gathered all of the photos and carried them to the kitchen sink. He pulled out the lighter but before he could set it on fire a hand stopped his. Izuku looked behind himself scared. It was him, again. Did he come back? Did he even leave? Why was he here still?

"I wondered when you would come down here~ I was getting lonely~"

Izuku trembled in the presence of this man. He was Intimidating, he was tall, he could easily overpower Izuku. But the worst part was that he could kill Izuku whenever he wanted to.

"Were you about to burn those? Aww.. but I worked so hard on them~"

The man pressed himself against Izuku, he just kept grinding on Izuku. And Izuku could do nothing about it. Buf suddenly the grinding stopped and the man's attention was away from Izuku and was now focused on the living room.

"Step away from Izuku midoriya and put the gun down." "Oh? We have a few guests Freckled bunny~"

Izuku looked behind the man to see his saviors. It was the detective, the tired cop, the eccentric cop and his friend mina. She stood by the cops with a face full of resentment. Izuku felt ashamed and embarrassed, he didn't want any of his friends to see him like this. The man turned around and held Izuku in a headlock and put the gun to Izuku's head.

"How about we do this instead? I walk out the door and I take Izuku with me. Or you can put down the gun and let me have my fun then you let me leave. Either way I'm getting out of here. It's all just a matter of whether I take him with me or not."

Detective Keigo stood there while the police officers held their guns up looking at him and then back at the man and Izuku.

"What do we do, Detective Takami!? He's got a hostage!" "Officer Hizashi, Officer Shota. Stand down. Put your guns on the floor and leave them there…" "W-What!? Detective Kiego what are you saying!? That we should just let this man get raped while we sit back and watch!?" "Officer Hizashi we are not supposed to question the detective; Now put your gun down." "No! I refuse to let him get-" "I said put it down dammit!"

Both police officers put their guns on the ground slowly and carefully then they both stepped back twice. Mina looked at the police with disbelief. To think that they would stand down just because he threatened to kidnap Izuku.

"What are you doing!? Why are you standing down!?" "Ma'am he has your friend as a captive, this could get bad if we don't-" "It's already bad! Can't you see he's about to be raped!? Would you rather see him get raped in front of you!?" "And what happens when he gets kidnapped!? It could be so much worse right now, do you even care?" "Of course I care! That's why I'm upset! My friend is about to get raped right before my eyes and you expect me to just stand by and let that happen!? No! I'm letting that happen agai-"

The crack of a gun ran throughout the house. Izuku stared in shock and fear. Mina clutched her stomach and fell to the ground. Officer Aizawa took a shirt on the ground, balled it up, and pressed on Mina's wound. The man let go of Izuku and pushed him to the detective.

"I think I've caused enough damage here, until next time freckled bunny~"

Detective Keigo caught him and looked up but the man was gone. He walked to the front of the house but the door was closed.

"Damn it…"

Izuku immediately called the ambulance while curling up on the couch watching Mina fight for her life.

'The next day'

Izuku paced back and forth in the hospital waiting to hear back from the nurse. Mina still couldn't be visited yet so Izuku had no choice but to wait for an answer back. Izuku started to hear quiet murmurs spread across the room. Izuku looked at the hospital entrance, to his shock The detective and the eccentric police officer were standing quietly. Izuku walked over to them and asked:

"What are you two doing here?"

The detective's eyes wandered as he said:

"We're here for you Izuku, but first things first, have you heard back on Mina's condition?"

Izuku shook his head

"Not yet. I've been waiting for 2 hours… Are you sure she's ok?" "We're sure Mr. midoriya."

The eccentric cop looked away from Izuku, he could tell that the cop was irritated.

"Do you have a problem with me, Officer Hizashi?" "Other than the fact that you blatantly lied? No. Not at all."

Izuku was starting to get annoyed. Yes, he lied. But the police can't just expect everyone to willingly tell their traumatic experiences just because they show up at the door one day.

"Some things just aren't easy to admit…" "Like coming in contact with the-"

Izuku covered the officer's mouth, and looked at him sternly. If looks could kill, Izuku was on a rampage.

"Not everyone needs to know my business Officer… We can talk after I hear my friend's condition. Ok?"

The police officer shoved Izuku's hand off of his mouth, walked out the door, got in the police car, and drove off. The detective walked outside of the hospital and stood by the entrance. Izuku walked away from the entrance and started pacing again. The only thing he cared about right now was whether his friend was ok. The feeling of guilt creeping into his mind, he waited patiently for the result.