
Damaged doors (MHA fan fiction)

Izuku has an encounter with a break-in rapist who's wreaking havoc across Japan, and as time goes on the rapist comes after him more and more. going as far as to hurt the people he loves just to get to him. As the mystery around why the rapist targets him unveils itself, so does other things. This is a no Quirk AU and the story updates weekly

Unknown_s1mp · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

A dangerous deal

Izuku walked with his mom to the new house where a dusty blonde haired realtor stood waiting for them. He looked like he was tired and desperately needed a coffee or a nap.

"Hello my name is Yokumiru Mera I'll be your realtor today. You must be Ms. Inko and Mr. Izuku." "Yes sir, I'm looking for a house for my mom and she insisted that we buy a house in Nagano despite what happened last time." "Izuku I know you're not giving me sass right now…" "No ma'am."

The realtor chuckled and led them inside the house. It was beautiful on the inside. The living room was spacious and clean. The kitchen was large enough to fit ten people, and the dining room was large enough to fit a 12 chair dining table set. It was a beautiful house. It had 4 bedrooms and 3 ½ bathrooms. It was like the perfect house, but Izuku was still uneasy about letting his mom stay there in Nagano.

"How can I be sure that my mom will be any safer here than where she was before? What if the house catches on fire again? What If someone breaks in?" "This house has a Nagano Safety System installed. The NSS will trigger and send a distress signal to the nearest Nagano police department, Nagano hospital and Nagano fire department depending on the situation." "T-that seems reliable I guess. But that doesn't stop people from breaking in." "That's where officer Yagi comes in."

Izuku turned behind him to see Detective Keigo and a 7'3" tall man with prominent blue eyes and very blonde hair, but nothing compared to the amount of muscle he had. He was intimidating, his presence alone made Izuku feel unnerved and afraid.

"W-who is that guy Det-detective Keigo, and w-when did you get here?" "Scared you a little, didn't I mister Midoriya?" "N-not necessarily…" "Haha. Oh, sorry detective. He gets a bit shy around bigger and taller people." "Really? How long?" "Since he was a kid! He even used to be scared of me!" "Mom… You're telling them too much…" "Oh hush! Mr. Yagi, I think my son will surely warm up to you, just let him get used to your height." "Yes ma'am! I do tend to intimidate a lot of people when I first meet them, but I swear I'm a good guy!"

His booming voice rang throughout the entire house, only made Izuku more afraid. Izuku quickly excused himself to the bathroom and locked himself inside. He wanted to throw up but he couldn't. He just felt a feeling of unease in his stomach, like he couldn't trust this man with his mother's life one bit. He heard a knock on the bathroom door and he opened it slowly. Officer Yagi was on the other side standing nervously looking to his left. Izuku opened the door fully and scooted over as far away from the door as the small bathroom allowed. Officer Yagi closed the door as Izuku pressed himself further against the wall as much as the small bathroom allowed.

"O-officer…" "Mister Midoriya…" "S-sorry, I always get like this. I don't trust people I don't know either…" "It's ok, I don't expect you to trust me immediately. I mean it is your mother afterall." "I'm glad you know…" "You don't have to be so rude about it…" "Oh, I'm sorry for being given a reason not to trust strange and unknown men!" "You're acting like a brat right now…" "Move out of my way Officer Yagi, I'm leaving this damn bathroom…"

Izuku got up and walked along the wall expecting Officer Yagi to move out of the way, but he didn't move an inch from where he was standing. Izuku was starting to get upset and annoyed, he was standing right in front of the door!

"Are you deaf or did you just not take the hint? I said move!" "I don't think I will." "What do you mean 'I don't think I will'? You were already untrustworthy when I met you ten minutes ago, But right now you're acting like an asshole. You know why I acted so weird to you in the first place…"

Without warning Officer Yagi locked the door and pinned Izuku to the ground harshly as Izuku screamed at his sudden and quick movement.

"L-let me go! Let me go r-right now!" "Now that I look at you more closely…"

Izuku was scared out of his mind. The officer had already started licking his lips, his eyes filled with lust. Izuku considered the option of kicking him but suddenly a pounding on the door followed with someone saying:

"Officer Yagi. Out. Now."

Izuku was relieved when the brolic officer stood up and walked to the door, but the officer turned around one last time and winked at him, eyes still filled with lust. Izuku felt a final chill go through his spine as the door opened and detective Keigo dragged the perverted police officer away angrily. Izuku stood up and quickly walked out of the bathroom before he threw up. He walked out and looked to his left to see the police officer getting harshly scolded and to his right his mom was signing a contract for her to move in immediately. Izuku walked up to her after she finished signing the contract.

"Mom, I don't trust that man one bit. He doesn't seem very... Responsible." "Why do you say that Izuku?"

Izuku pointed over to the officer getting scolded by the detective. The officer wasn't paying him any mind and instead found it more interesting to look at the ceiling instead. He stared at Izuku as Izuku and Inko stared back at him. As soon as Inko looked away he winked at Izuku again sending more feelings of unease and worry through his body. He quickly looked away from him without a second glance. Why did he look at Izuku that way? It was weird, it was frightening, and it made Izuku uncomfortable. Inko looked at Izuku concerned, she wanted to know what was making Izuku so tense about that police officer.

"I just really don't trust him mom…" "I can't trust him either if he's making you this skeptical. But why are you so skeptical about him, Izuku?" ".... I just get the feeling that he's no good mom. I don't want him watching over you…"

Izuku didn't want his mother to be without protection obviously, but she might as well be unprotected rather than horribly protected.


Izuku had finished helping his mom move all of her things inside of the house and he had to head back to his house to change out of his casual clothes and into his work clothes for him to get to work before his shift started. He walked out of his mom's new house and saw the patrol car parked outside. He grimaced as he watched the police officer chuckle and sit back in his seat ready to go to sleep. Why couldn't Izuku just ask the detective to look over his mom? Why did it have to be that pervert? Izuku walked over to his car and unlocked it, reluctant to leave his mother behind in a new and dangerous world. Just as he went to open the door a hand appeared in front of him keeping the car door shut. Izuku looked behind himself to see Officer Yagi standing behind him. Izuku turned around and pressed himself against the car door in a sad attempt to stay away from the perverted officer.

"D-didn't you get the hint earlier? Leave me alone…" "Why should I? You can't seem to stop staring at me anyways~" "Just get away from me…"

Izuku scowled at Officer Toshinori as he tried to force his hand off of the car door. After a minute of Izuku's hopeless attempts of trying to force Yagi's hand off of the car door he simply ducked under his arm and entered from the passenger side. The officer knocked on the window but Izuku ignored him. He continued to ignore him as he put his car into drive, but then Officer Yagi had opened the car door and held it tightly knowing Izuku couldn't close it.

"Are you crazy!? You could have ripped my car door off!" "It's your fault for leaving it unlocked." "Let my car door go, I need to get to work or else my boss is gonna get bitchy…" "You can't talk about your boss like that, he only wants the best for you." "Ha Ha, very funny. Now let my car door go. I need to get home so I can change into my work clothes." "I'd love to come watch you~" "W-What the fuck is wrong w-wi-with you!?"

The police officer started to climb into the car as Izuku frantically searched for the door handle until they both heard Inko say as she walked over to the scene:

"Would you stop harassing my son!? Poor boy's just trying to go do his job and you're not being responsible by doing yours!"

The police officer sighed heavily and scoffed as he got out of Izuku's car and into his own angrily. Izuku crawled over to the passenger side and thanked his mom profusely for getting that perverted excuse of an officer away from him. He said goodbye to his mom one last time before he headed to work.


Izuku got back to his house tired and upset from his excruciating day at work, but He had Inu to cheer him up now, so he was pretty content. Suddenly, Mitsuki had called Izuku and he answered immediately. She may have been more lenient with Izuku than she had with Bakugo, but she never liked to be kept waiting.

"Hi Izuku! Guess what knucklehead decided to finally visit me!"

Izuku could hear Katsuki scream at his mom from the background while his dad tried to calm him down.

"Shut up Katsuki! Anyways, I heard that your mom moved back to Nagano! I want to visit her and see her new home, mind telling me her address?" "Of course I don't mind aunt mitsuki. Can I ask you a favor?" "Anything you need Izuku!" "I know how my mom is, so whenever she's in a tough situation she won't let me know until it's over. I need you to check on her for me at least once a day, I know that she tells you everything and I'll be busy at work." "Oh, Izuku… I know you've been worried about your mom since the fire, but she is a strong woman. Not invincible, but she is a damn strong woman. You don't need to worry about her, plus even if she has an NSS she'll still keep her gun in her house."

Izuku was shocked, but convinced nonetheless. But there was still something he was afraid of beyond a reasonable doubt.

"Well, then I'll have to change the favor I asked for." "How so?" "There's a patrol officer outside her house, or at least supposed to be outside, 24/7" "Wow, was the arsonist situation that bad?" "Yes… Anyways, that patrol officer is, umm how do I say it?" "Weird, irresponsible, arrogant…" "And perverted, but how do I say all of that in one word?" "That's not important right now honey, why do you think that way about him?" "He keeps staring at me… and whenever he talks to me I feel like he's staring at me with some level of lust…" "Oh my… What about your mom?" "That's the worst part, he acts like she's a nuisance; Like protecting her isn't important. He's already been scolded by the detective because of this. After I helped mom get everything inside and I was heading to work he cornered me at my car, he even went as far as to open the car door when I tried to ignore him. That officer nearly climbed into my car until my mom had to tell him to leave me alone and to stop harassing me. He sighed heavily and scowled at my mom afterwards." "That's horrible… what do you need me to do?" "I still want you to go over there, but I want you to watch the officer's behavior while you're over there." "So kind of like a spy?" "You got the gist of it." "Don't worry Izuku. I'll make sure that your mother is safe."

Izuku thanked Mitsuki profusely and hung up the phone. He was happy that his mom had a friend like Mitsuki, someone who cared for her as much as he did. He laid back on the couch and sighed and leaned back on the couch staring at the ceiling. Inu jumped on him and wagged his tail while snuggling with him. Izuku laid with Inu and fell asleep easier than he had for the entire week.


"Welcome back Midoriya!" "Kirishima…"

Izuku walked up to Kirishima and hugged him tightly. It hadn't been long since Izuku saw him in his dream, but it felt like a lifetime had passed.

"So… Your boss is quite the umm…character." "Oh, you don't need to tell me twice. Apparently he knows somehow…" "Maybe the people at your door told him?" "People at my door?"

Izuku woke up to the sound of his doorbell ringing and Inu barked the more it rang. Izuku got up and lazily walked to the door as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Who is it?" "Mr. Midoriya? It's Detective Keigo. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Izuku opened the door and poked his head outside. He looked at the detective dazed and opened the door to let him inside.

"Sorry, I went to sleep a bit early so I'm still feeling a bit groggy. Come in, can I get you anything to drink?" "No, I don't need anything *Achoo!* Did you…get a dog recently?" "Oh, yea I did. He's right at your feet actually."

The detective looked down at his feet and saw Inu snuggling against his leg.

"Quite the affectionate dog you have there *Achoo!*" "Are you allergic?" "Yes, but not fatally allergic."

Detective Keigo walked into the living room and sat down as Izuku put Inu upstairs.

"So, how have you been holding up?" "Why do you ask, Detective?" "Just wanted to know…" "Fine then… Life is normal in a sense. Work is work, and I'm just as busy as before…" "Has he turned up at all since the fire?" "No, and I pray he doesn't turn up in my life ever again." "Reasonable, and while we're on that topic, what's your decision?" "I'll do it if I'm not being used as 'bait'. I don't want to be just some tool. I'm not testifying either." "I'll see what I can do."

The detective stood up and walked out of the house with a serious look on his face, like he was deep in thought. Izuku had a sinking feeling about going along with this plan of the detective's, but it was the only way… right?