
Daily Life Of The Grand Lord

Gu Shang was an illegitimate son of the Gu family who was a smear to their reputation since he was a birthed by accident after the clan leader got drunk and had his way with one of the maids. Since he was young he had always been bullied by his half brother and abused by his family until he was framed for a crime he did not commit and was drafted to war against the Wei empire to lead a bunch of criminals as human shield for the empire. Seven years later, Gu Shang returns to the Capital, but this time not as a bastard of the Gu family, but as the Grand General of the Immortal empire's army who wields all military power and is only one rank below the emperor and eight ranks above every other official. In the Imperial capital, Gu Shang must protect the empire from the neighboring empires and sect, the schemes of the ministers trying to impeach him, the threats from the ancient sects and families whiles also protecting the current dynasty even though the emperor is weary and fearful of him and is finding ways to get rid of him. Gu Shang is surrounded by enemies on all fronts, but his biggest headache is how to deal with his wife's. Liu Feifei is his first wife, a captain of the Capital guards who is fierce and strong willed, Gu Shang was forced to marry her on behalf of his half brother who chicken out of the marriage because of how cruel Liu Feifei was. Ling Mei, a princess of the immortal empire who was bestowed to him by the emperor as reward for his meritorious deeds. She's smart, cunning and beautiful ( She was actually sent by the emperor to spy on Gu Shang's every move) Yue Yie a queen of a lower kingdom who only married Gu Shang to form an alliance in order to protect her kingdom, she's proud and unyielding.

Sky_Piecer · Autres
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75 Chs

The Grand General Is Already In The Capital

Warning: Very Long Chapter Ahead

At the Gu Clan manor, the Gu clan leader was bowing respectfully to an old man in milky white silk robes.

The old man had grey hair, but there were still a lot of black hair, making him look energetic.

He hard sharp eyes and a small scar above his eyebrows making him more imposing.

Right now he sat in his study practicing calligraphy, he's stroke were calm and delicate which was in large contrast to his sharp and fierce appearance. He was Gu Shang's grandfather, the old clan leader.

He had abdicated to his son a few years ago, but still retained his position in court, since he was the only first rank official in the family.

"I heard that your bastard son was here, two nights ago. I hear he acted quite arrogantly in front of our manor. Why is he still alive?

He asked calmly whiles still concentrating on his strokes with his brush.

"Father, he's still young and he came to ask for his mother, I didn't think it was a big deal, and With the arrival of the Grand General coming, I decided to put a hold on it.

Besides the Gu family blood also runs through his veins" The Gu clan leader cautiously answered.

When the old man heard his son, he twisted the brush in his hands, breaking it in two.

"What?.. What did you just say again?!" He asked as his eyes narrowed. The scar above his right eyebrows made him look more intimidating.

"Do you seriously consider that bastard of yours, a member of the Gu Clan?!" He asked.

The clan leader immediately got down on his knees and began to beg, " Forgive me father, it was a slip of tongue, I'll have it done immediately" He said bowing his head.

The narrowed eyes of the old man began to soften.

"That more like it" He said taking a new brush and continuing his art.

"The bastard of yours is no member of the Gu Clan, but a smear to our reputation. He serves as a living prove of your mistake.

He's never been one of us, I only left him to live this long because, he was the stone that was used to sharpen Gu Lin.

As for killing him, carry on the plan after the Grand General arrives" The old man said before stopping his strokes and looking outside seemingly contemplating on something.

"The high ranking official in the court have reached an agreement. Tomorrow all the expert from the major clans will be gathered at the gate.

The clan leader was surprised, "Father why?" he asked.

"Tomorrow if the Grand General refuses to submit to the officials and prove to be difficult, he'll be....."

The old man made a gesture of slithing throat.

The clan leader could not help but widen his eyes in shock, weren't they being to cruel.

"But father, he's protected the borders for so long, won't killing him put the empire in peril" the clan leader asked.

"Since ancient time, there's been countless great generals, and just when we thought we'll never get anyone to succeed them, a brighter one's appears.

This time will be no different, If he can't be a loyal dog, then he'll be a useless dog.

And the Imperial clan don't need useless dogs, If he falls. A thousand more will rise in his place.

But" he suddenly paused and narrowed his eyes.

"Unlike those useless old things who've never left the imperial capital walls, I've had the honour to travel across the various prefectures.

And what I know is that, the noble families there are some of the most stubborn and unyielding families I've ever met.

Those in the capital don't even come close, but this arrogant aristocratic families actually submitted to the Grand General. This tells me he's no regular Jung" He said with his eyes still narrowed.

He was right to think so because, the aristocratic families outside imperial Domain were indeed arrogant.

They might not be as powerful and rich in influence like those in the capital, but unlike those in the capital, they could have their own private military.

This gave them the foundation for their arrogance, they sometimes even disregard imperial decrease because they knew the emperor was powerless against them.

All the empire troops were stationed at the borders. And it wasn't like the emperor could deploy his royal guards to the prefectures.

It would leave him defenseless.

Because of this, they were arrogant and unruly.

But the Grand General was able to conquer them, and not just one but all eight of them.

Something was definitely not clear in this story.

"Shu Li, Gu Li" he called out to two men, who immediately appeared before him kneeling.

The two were the Sky Lord experts of the Gu Clan.

"Tomorrow when you join the experts of the other families, don't attack blindly if things get messy.

Await my signal before you make a move" 

"Yes, my lord" The two men replied.

The Gu Clan leader just stood there as docile as a lamb.

Tomorrow was going to be a day full of uncertainties, but if there was one thing he was sure of! 

It was that, the political landscape of Imperial Domain will change significantly tomorrow.

But only tomorrow can tell, if was for the best or worst. He sighed whiles looking at the starry sky.

It was beautiful.

In the capital the night was restless, as most people didn't sleep. There were those who wished the Grand General well, and those who wanted to gobble on his power.

Other wise clan Lords and ancestors who were wise, were instructing their subordinates to wait for their orders before making a move, the foolish one's slept, because they believed in their strength, or it was just blind arrogance?


The sunlight of the morning shone brightly on the capital dispelling the foggy mist of dawn, the flowers bloomed, birds chirped and sang.

The orange sunlight shone brightly on the tall and large Imperial capital walls which were long enough stretching towards the clouds in the sky.

The walls had golden metals on them, so when the sun shone on it,

It reflected the orange ray sunlight above the capital creating a spectacular scene.

A golden halo shined brightly on the capital, extending to the clouds, creating a beautiful boundary of clouds and orange sunlight.

It was a kind of scene one would never get tired of seeing. 

At the Liu manor, Gu Shang woke up to see Liu Feifei donning on a golden armor, specially made for ceremonial functions.

"Stay at home and don't go out causing any trouble" She said sternly as she glanced at Gu Shang harshly.

Today was a very critical day, and thought she didn't know what the High Clans were planning, she knew it wasn't going to be a shinny day.

And her intuitions were rarely wrong.

They had breakfast before the old general and Liu Tan father left, of course not without sternly warning Gu Shang to steer away from trouble to which he smiled wryly.

Stay away from trouble? he was the main cause of the trouble, that is from another perspective.

The three people left the house and immediately headed to the Main entrance of the capital.

It was crowded with Court officials and several guards, who casually stood there chatting.

Liu Feifei joined the capital guards who were stationed there neatly, to welcome the Grand General.

The Capital guards was also a branch that the Grand General controlled, but for some reason he had never interfered in their affairs for the past seven years.

Qing Ying, Mr Xu, Gu Lin, Zhang Feng, Zhou Qiqi, Shen Bi Ru and Fatty Su were also present along with some people from the younger generation.

They all stood with their family members.

There were also a group of five young people in green and white robes that Liu Feifei, didn't know.

They were probably from the Imperial academy. There were three men and two beautiful women.

A young and handsome man also stood alongside Qing Ying wearing blue robes with the insignia of a half moon of his chest.

He looked extremely arrogant and had his nose raised to the sky, looking down on everyone.

Just then.

A golden carriage adorned with precious jewels arrived, it was being pulled by six ferocious looking Lions which looked like a miss breed of Lion and horse, they looked strange but magnificent.

The carriage was followed by guards wearing golden armors and with helmets attached with horn, from the top of their noses to their chins were covered in white silk that had a golden dragon coiling itself like a snake with it's head raised.

That was the insignia of the imperial family.

An imposing looking man in golden robes which had golden dragon patterns and embroidery stepped out of the carriage.

He hair was neatly tied with a golden dragon hair clip, making him look sharp and authoritative. He looked young and energetic almost like that next door uncle who always looked vigorous no matter the time of the day you saw him.

He was the ruling emperor of the immortal empire. The moment he stepped down, all the people present immediately went on their knees and clasped their hands.

"Welcome your majesty!" they all shouted. But of course the higher ranking officials didn't do that and only slightly bowed their heads not kneeling.

They were supposed to, but didn't.

The emperor nodded and said authoritatively, "Rise my subject!"

The higher ranking officials couldn't help but sneer, of course this was the only place he could act mighty.

"Hasn't the Prince of the north arrived yet" He asked.

"Replying to his Majesty, the Grand General is yet to arrive" replied the city walls commander.

Oh? the emperor simply replied.

Just then someone shouted, "Look" pointing beyond the large opened golden gate.

Dust rose in the sky, as if a desert storm was approaching the capital. Horses neighed, as men donned in full black armor gear approached the gates.

The ground trembled as the walls shook, almost like an earthquake.

All the people opened their mouths in shock, what was the meaning of this? was the Grand General bringing the whole northern army or what? The high ranking officials looked at themselves. 

They could all see the surprises written on their face. The Grand General was going to be a hard nut to crack.

The Cavalry arrived Infront of the city gates before stopping, it was then that people got a clear view of the men.

They wore black armor from their head to their toes, whiles wearing black helmet with black ponytails attached to it.

Their faces were all covered with silver masks which fitted perfectly with the helmet. They wore capes of different colors to show their ranks. They held purple flags with the insignia of a purple Qilin.

One of them stepped out of the troop of people, sitting on his dragon horse majestically.

There were slight difference in his armor since it had two silver Qilin heads on each shoulder, along with a golden cape and mask.

The emperor assumed he was the Grand General, but just before he spoke. The man removed his golden mask and spoke.

"I'm not the Grand General!" He's answer confused everyone present.

"Then where is he?" The second chancellor asked impatiently, they had prepared everything today to get the Grand General, it would be a joke if he didn't show up.

The man ignored him completely, as he continues to sit on his dragon horse nonchalantly.

The emperor understood something, before saying, "Where's the prince of the north?"

"He left the main unit and hea

ded to the capital three days ago, today should be his third" he answered.

The crowd was shocked, the Grand General was already in the capital?

End of this long chapter 


Hihi Interesting, don't you think.