
Daily Life of A Third Wheeler

"Being the Third Wheeler is no joke!' Mendou Kotaro is a third-wheeler of a certain eccentric relationship between both of his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai. Between the forbidden, innocent, and eccentric love that his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai have, Mendou was handed the responsibility, or rather the job of being the third wheeler to keep an eye out so both of them can continue going out until they decide to become public! Will Mendou Kotaro's life still become normal? Or was it never normal all along? A romance-comedy trope but with a twist of action!

Sokiiro · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Life Is A Lottery

Hello. I am Migi Hirode, a simple average student who is now a former member of the track and field club.

I've been in track and field since Gotako decided to join it. It was my mission to impress her, to make her look at me.

Why? Because I love her, that's why.

No need for me to put up a front, but seriously, keep that a secret from her, will you?

I had only moved to this town since I became a middle school.

We were but a simple normal family who won the lottery and became millionaires overnight.

My parents were into finances and investment, and just in a month, they were able to multiply the money we won into something greater, making us richer than we could ever imagine.

But, we had to move out of the town after people began to latch on, and even our far relatives would begin to reach out to us when they never interacted with us before.

And so, we came here to this town where a new life awaited us.

I have been always someone who had no clear goal in sight.

My parents didn't pressure me to do good in school, and they recognize me for the work that I've done.

They were kind, wanting their children to grow without becoming unhappy.

But, was it really a good choice?

I only did average in school, and with almost no one set skill to be improved, I was given the freedom to choose whoever I want to be.

Yet, that was exactly the problem with me. I cannot somehow find, the me who I want to be.

It was until I would meet Namako Gotako in middle school, a girl in our class who would be an already on-point gyaru.

She didn't wear inappropriate clothes nor had her hair bleached, but all she did was call herself one and spoke in a dialect and accent we all could barely understand.

At first, she was infuriating as she made fun of my status as a rich boy, relying on my parents.

But little did I know, it was something I needed to hear from someone. I needed them to infuriate me, to motivate me to move.

Every time she would ridicule something, I would change it and practice it as if it was a skill.

She picked on my table manners, I changed it and made it dandy. She picked on my speech, I practiced it, and made it flawless.

I kept on changing everything she picked on until she had nothing left.

It was like a source of motivation for me to move, and before I could even realize it, I was relying on her words again.

Soon, the last thing that she would notice is my handwriting, but as soon as I changed it, she was fascinated by it, and over time, we would become friends after we slowly forgot the hostility between us before.

The anger and grudge that I had against her for being a snob became love.

It wasn't because of some twisted fetish, but it was because I knew the reason why she picked on every single thing about me.

It was because I had looked unmotivated, lifeless, and almost aimless. She had thought that provoking me was a good idea, and if it failed, she would apologize later on.

She was a genius in that aspect, to think that she revitalized someone like me through that was beyond what a guy like me could do.

It was the time when I began to love doing things. It was when I began to think that I had to impress her to make her fall in love with me.

It was my goal, after all. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't show a hint of that towards me.

I focused on calligraphy at some point in middle school for a year, but she became angry at me and distant.

I didn't understand at first, but she told me that she hated calligraphy.

It was just when I started to love what I do, was also the start of she hated the idea of me doing it.

Or maybe it was just me who thought of that and it was actually a different reason.

I had no idea what to do now, but for some reason, I ended up in a situation like this.


Mendou: [Look, I won another popsicle, sweet!]

Migi: [...]

I was reeled into a convenience store with Mendou and Namako.

He had just said something that somehow sounded profound but I still had no idea how would I even approach Namako.

We're here together, but initializing a conversation with her without arguing or fighting is almost impossible.

Mendou: [Whoa. It looks like she's getting a little hung up on the restroom.]

Somehow, Mendou would bring her up at a weird time, but I noticed that as well.

She was taking a long time in the restroom that would be just on the other end of the store.

Maybe she's still doing her make-up, but I couldn't be too sure.

Migi: [I'll check up on her.]

Mendou: [Eh? You're gonna leave me all alone here?]

Migi: [You're not a girl, man. You can take of yourself.]

I shrugged over Mendou's jest as he tried to imitate a girl's sad expression whilst scanning the popsicle sticks he had finished, separating the wins from the losses.

I just left him and went in the direction of the restroom, but before I could even cross the aisle, I heard voices on the other side.

Random Man: [You look cute! Why don't you hang with us instead?]

It was a voice of a young man, hitting on someone. It wasn't my business, so I just went on and continued to walk.

Mayu: [Ugh! Get outta the way! My friends 're waitin!]

It was Mayu's voice. I immediately recognized it.

Random Man: [Oh come on! Just come with us! We won't bite!]

It was another man's voice. There were two of them! I should call the owner of this place and have them get kicked out but——

Before I knew it, my hand went through the shelf that divided us, grabbing the neck of the first guy.

It felt like I blacked out, and suddenly, I was a different person.

Migi: [Keep your hands... away from her!]

Random Man: [Huh——? Who the f**k are you?!]

I realized it too late, but my grab failed and I received a blow to the stomach.

Migi: [——Khaak!]

I fell into all four as I held my stomach, looking up at the guy.

He didn't look like your average guy. He looked like he was a part of a gang with his outfit that looked like a uniform.

Mayu: [——Migi!]

I heard Mayu scream as she ran over to my side, holding me up by the shoulder. That hit I received was no joke.

It almost shut my system down in just one hit. Shit, this is embarrassing for me.

I failed to protect the girl I like.

Random Man: [I'm Gai of the Five Black Clubs, you f**ker. Do you think you can just disrespect me like that? I'll make you remember my face.]

Pulling me in by the collar, I tried to struggle but his grip was too strong. All of the things I've learned in combat training suddenly vanished, I couldn't do anything.

He raised his hand as if going to do an overhand slap.

My body instantly remembered the pain that I just went through, and before I realized it, I was overwhelmed with fear.

He would slap me multiple times, saying something I can't hear through with the noise of my skin being slapped again and again.

I would only flinch and guard myself with one hand when he winded up for a big one, but...

Mayu: [——Please stop! Don't hurt him anymore!]

I was pushed back and crawled on all fours when I heard Mayu's loud voice, and when I looked up, she was standing between us, shielding me from the gangster.

I can't believe that she was saying please. Where did all her pride go?

Gai: [Haah? What are you? His girlfriend?]

Mayu: [N-No...]

She was responding timidly towards the bastard, I never saw her act this way before.

She was just pretending to be strong when I could see her legs shiver.

Even at this kind of time, it still hurts to be rejected like that. I can't even make myself stand up after all that.

But suddenly, I saw that bastard smirk as he looked at Mayu as if he had an idea.

Gai: [Hmm. I'll stop on one condition then.]

Migi: [———!]

Somehow, I knew what he was going to say.

Gai: [Come with me for today, and I'll leave him alone.]

He laughed. His eyes were full of malicious intent. I could tell. So, I shouted.

Migi: [NO! Don't listen to that guy!]

Mayu: [——Alright. Just don't hurt him anymore!]

Why is she doing all this for me?! Wasn't she hostile to me all that time? Is she really just that kind?!

My throat was suddenly parched as words failed to come out. I was somehow at a loss for words as she easily accepted that guy's condition.

It was like defeat, for me.

Gai: [Ei! Let's go then. Leave that loser.]

The gangster just jumped and wrapped his arm around her, holding her lower bottom inappropriately. I was fuming with anger, but if I moved, my face would hurt, and my stomach would curl up.

I can't do anything.

Why can't I do anything?

All I could do was watch them slowly walk away from me as Mayu looked back at me with those eyes.

Eyes filled with pity. I can't even face her in my state right now.

I'm just a loser.


[Hey. You gangster. Did you just beat up my friend?]