

Which Holy Grail War should I let him in

warning: there will be some light nsfw scenes in the chapter

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm not feeling well and maybe I'm sick

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It's been about 5 months since I went to the temple and stayed with Shuri and Akeno. At first when I was leaving for just one night, Akeno cried asking me not to leave so I ended up staying at her request.

When Shuri learned that I no longer had parents, she happily accepted my invitation and let me stay with Akeno. Little by little, I got closer to both women and Shuri told me about Baraquiel, her husband.

Shuri told me that Baraquiel didn't spend much time at home because she barely saw him, the last time he came was before I got here.

Akeno became very close to me and at one point during these five months she started sleeping in my bed.

She also asked to take a bath together and that also led to the situation we are in right now, where Shuri insisted on helping me shower and ended up meeting my member again.

Shuri: "Oh my.... so big and great....."

Akeno: "What's a big mom?"

"I-It's nothing Akeno..." Shuri involuntarily gulped while I tried to control my mind and tried to calm down.

"G-Good... I'll start soaping you up Shane-kun." Shuri gasped as Akeno stepped into the tub and plunged into the water.

Ugh, I can't take my eyes off Shuri's chest, damn.. my powers don't work.

Ah ..... I just find it harder every time I see her, despite my thoughts, Shuri couldn't take her eyes off my member. With some difficulty, we both managed to calm down so we could get into the bath.

After showering, I put on my pajamas and went to my room and lay down but as usual Akeno came into my room and got into my bed.

Hours passed and everything went dark, then I could feel someone walking into my room. The person in question climbed into bed and everything seemed normal until I started hearing muffled groans.

I opened my eyes and what I could see was Shuri masturbating in front of me as some of her liquid fell on me.

Well, what else can I expect..... she has a slightly unique personality, I think when I see her fluid start to secrete more than before, maybe she will know that I wake up

Anyhow, as a man, I can't waste this opportunity, I wouldn't be a man if I did. Without waiting any longer, I brought my face a little closer and started licking the bottom of Shuri, who was letting out a high-pitched moan.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep and started licking Shuri's vagina and so on until a large amount of warm water poured down all over me and Akeno's face.

I can feel the bed shake a little because Shuri's body is having small vibrations from her orgasm. Shuri calmed down for a few minutes and I felt like she started wiping Akeno and me's faces and left the room.

The next day, Akeno asked me if anything strange happened last night because she felt like she got wet at night, while the bed jerked. Shuri blushed a lot when she heard what her daughter said, but I just told her that it was her imagination.

From that day on, Shuri came to my room every night and did the same thing for a month. After a month of doing that, she said she would start sleeping with me too, which made the still innocent Akeno very happy.

But now everything changed when Shuri started putting her breasts on my face and I naturally started biting her nipples and sucking them.

Since that night, every morning when I wake up, the whole bed is drenched due to Shuri having a strong orgasm. I think having a sadistic husband doesn't help her quell her lingering cravings.

In the six months I was with Shuri and Akeno, Baraquiel didn't return, I assumed it would be an attack soon. I think as she watched her happy and delighted on Shuri's erect nipples, the beauty squeezed her pillow to keep from moaning.

My relationship with Akeno also has progressed a lot and it can be said that there is still something missing for her to express her feelings.

One night she showed me her fallen angel wings and asked if I hated them. But I just started stroking her wings and told her they were beautiful, that they were like shadows and that I would never hate them.

So our lives were quiet for a while until the attack of Suou Himejima and his party arrived.