
Chapter 6 Faking It To Making It

Noah's POV

"Let's talk business shall we?" The man that I'm guessing was Trevor father said while I sat down in the seat. He looked like a powerful man but he gave me a warm smile so at least he wasn't the type of businessman that scowls at everyone.

My leg started to jittery around as I tried to calm my nerves. I don't know what is going to happen but from the looks of it, it's not gonna be good.

The room was quiet until I broke it. "What am I doing here? Why did I get pulled out of my home?" I asked and Mr. Kingston started to chuckle and so did Trevor. So he gets it from father? I guess it runs in the family.

They think it's funny but I'm dead ass serious. When they stopped having their laugh fest he fixed his tie up then placed some papers in front of me.

I eyed the papers then took it in my hands. Right off the back, I knew this was a contract.

"Noah you know that you had an altercation with my son Trevor. The media wants to know what your relationship falls ever since that day you both ran into each other. The media found out about you so quickly and where you stay is because Trevor has never been around someone besides you and they want to know more about the situation."

I slowly took in what he was trying to tell me but I don't see what this got to do with me. "So what does this have to do with me? Can you just tell them that we aren't seeing each other and it was just two people having a conversation?"

"We could but here's the role you're playing. You and Trevor are going to announce that you both are in a relationship to the world." He said and I almost died and went to heaven.

I don't think I heard him correctly.

"Wait what did you say?" I lean over in the chair so I can hear him clearly and he repeated the same statement he said the first time.

I got up from my seat and started to pace back and forth. I didn't want to blow up on the man because he can ruin me just by a snap of a finger.

Be in a fake relationship with his son? Does he know how much I dislike him? Does he know that he needs serious help? "Do you know how much I strongly dislike your son? How is this going to work? He kidnaps me and makes a joke about it!" I said laughing like I have gone crazy.

"I actually saved you but I'm not going to ruin your little rant section." Trevor stated then smiles while waving his hand to encourage me to keep going.

Snorting at his comment, Mr. Kingston glares at his son then looks at me. "I understand about my son's behavior. He has been like that since the day he was born. I assure you that he will treat you with respect. You don't even have to do anything but show your love for each other."

"I don't think Love is in my knowledge." Trevor said bluntly while leaning back in his chair.

"Then find it and put it in good use." His Dad replied to his statement. Of course he is one of those depressed people. What kind of person that doesn't believe in love? He loves his parents right?

"How long do we have to be together?" I ask, hoping it will be a short period of time.

Mr. Kingston leans back in his office chair, rubbing under his chin. "Depends on how the world takes it. It may be a couple of months or longer but don't worry you're getting paid for it." He assured me while taking a piece of paper, scribbling on it.

He slid the paper in front of me and my eyes went wide of how much money to fake a relationship.

This could put Christiana in school, Elle could have a better life and we could move out of New York and start over with our lives. Well right after I graduate college.

Although this isn't the right thing to do. This isn't something that I shouldn't be doing to take an easy path to my problems. We all struggle with things and we just have to accept it.

If I deny it then I'm going to be more stressed by the world wanting an answer. People are going to be stalking me more and I won't have any privacy.

Trevor is going to be a pain in the ass for someone I have to fake a relationship with. He's such a cocky and sarcastic person and I can't just deal with him and his personality. We don't even have to have sexual contact with each other.

Is it a risk to give all my personal life to the open where people can judge and criticize me? I'm not the type of person to be in the center of attention. I know that for the better.

Looking down at the papers and back up at Mr. Kingston, I held out my hand and he understood to place a pen in my hand. Sighing, I wrote my signature on the contract that's going to change my life for the worst.

I made the biggest mistake in my life and I should thought about this more before even agreeing to it. I should have at least told Christiana so we can both decide to see if I should do it or not.

Walking out of the office, I spotted Christiana on her phone and Elle was running around everywhere. When Christiana notices my presence she gets up with a worried expression. "What happened in there?"

I stare at her like I was dead inside. "I think I just signed a contract with the devil." I said and she looked at me with a confused face.

She places her hands on my cheeks. "Noah you're scaring me what happened?" I look at something else but she pulls my face to stare into her eyes. "Look me in the eyes and tell me." She says slowly.

"I signed a contract that I have to be in a fake relationship with Trevor. If I go through with it I get paid a lot of money." I explain to her and she stares at me with no emotion on her face. "Please don't be mad at me I just thought about you and Elle-"

She cut me off then sighs. "I'm not mad at you Noah but I am upset that you would choose this way for us. I know you were thinking about us but we could have found another way." I understand where she was coming from.

A lot of thoughts were going through my head and it was some if I did and if didn't.

I know it's going to destroy me mentally. "Trevor seems like a nice man and who knows-" She starts but I cut her off this time.

"That will never happen and if you ever say that again I will kill you. Besides, he said love isn't in his knowledge." I rephrase what Trevor said.

Before she could reply to my statement the door opens and Trevor steps out. He walks over to us with a wicked smile. Can he not be so happy all the time?

"Well, baby I think it's official!" He said jumping up and down.

"Please don't call me that ever." I said and he pouts at me.

"Wow, babe I thought we had a real connection. You know that we can get a therapist to build a stronger relationship."

That's not going to help knowing we are never going to have a connection with each other. "Let's go I have some people you want to meet." He walks away from us.

When we got off the elevator we went outside where people were already outside the building. The same questions were being thrown at me and Trevor grabs my hand, interlocking with his. I try to pull it away but he grips it.

That made people ask even more questions. Trevor kissed my cheek and that made it worse. Oh my god, why did he have to do that? I turned my head to him and he was smiling for the cameras.

I smile also and we continue to walk to the car. When we got inside the car I hit his chest. "Why would you do that?" I hiss at him.

"I'm doing what I'm supposed to do sweetheart." He said sugarcoating his words.

Christiana and Elle went back to Trevor's house because they both wanted to take a nap. They have security with them so they won't be alone. I don't trust them so I'm texting them every 10 minutes to see if they are okay.

I asked Trevor where we were going but he told me I need to get approval or whatever he means by that.

The driver stops at a really nice house small but nice. The driver opens the door for us and Trevor gets out bowing while offering his hand.

I pushed him out the way and got out myself. "I'm trying to be a gentleman towards my significant other." He said and I rolled my eyes at how he tries to win me over.

"There's no one out here so you can stop it." We walked towards the door and I can hear faint screams coming from the other side. Great now I have to be in a room filled with angry people.

I expect him to knock on the door but he just barges right in like he lives here. "Xaiver, that's not going to look right! I swear to god your wedding is going to look like a circus!" I heard a woman shout.

"You must have forgotten that this is my and Keylan's wedding, not yours." I heard a male's voice said in return.

Walking deeper in the house we came into the room where a woman and man were arguing like a married couple. "Are you guys going to fight or kiss and make up." Trevor asks them and the two people turn their heads towards him.

"Ew, I may have you know I'm happily engaged to my Princess." He said smiling cheekily and the girl huffs, crossing her arms.

"Your Fiancè is going to be my brother in law or that's even right."

"You and Ashor are not even married yet."

"We have been talking about it and we basically are a married couple so mind your business." The girl argued back.

Trevor clears his throat loudly and they both stop arguing for the second time. "Uh hello, your favorite person in the world has arrived." He spins around as if he was an important person to them.

They both stare at him then laugh. "Yeah no." They both said at the time when they landed their eyes on me and I hid behind Trevor.

"Wait, you're that boy that's all over the media!" The girl acknowledges me and I stand there awkwardly from them noticing me.

"Aww, he's so adorable but not better than my Princess." The man said and I was offended by his comment. Who is this Princess that's adorable than me?

"Trevor, did you kidnap him and put him against his own will?" The girl asks Trevor and he scoffs. I would answer that question for him.

"Why is everyone keep saying I kidnap him?" Trevor threw his hands up in frustration.

"Because he looks scared! Poor baby has to deal with you." She said referring to me. I'm just scared that I'm in a room full of angry people.

"Your poor baby just threatened me in the car." Trevor snorts while crossing his arms over his chest.

I just told him that he can jump off a bridge but I don't know what is so threatening about that.

"I would be too if he has to put up with you." She shakes her head then walks towards me. "I'm Juliet." The girl introduced herself. Her hair was black and it was cut into a bob with dark brown eyes. I saw her several times but I'm not sure If I'm right or not.

"Noah." I said, introducing myself back.

"Oh, Xaiver, he got the same eye color as Keylan!" Juilet squeals. I always thought that my eye color is the reason why people like me.

"Keylan eyes are like jewels don't compare him to his." The man said and I almost said something that would have hurt his feelings. I don't why this man is so obsessed with someone competing with his Princess.