
Chapter 889 Xiang Shakily Returns!

With the shocking confirmation of Yang's true nature, the conversation moved on. They ended up discussing their own respective childhoods and some random anecdotes along the way. This kept up until later in the afternoon when they heard a great gasping, like that of a dying fish attempting one last time to live. Looking over towards Xiang however revealed that it was in fact, just the cultivator waking up. 

He saw all three of them sitting around near a dimming fire and stumbled his way over, collapsing into the tree that was… well it was somewhat nearby at least? Xiang was at least ten metres away from the rest of them but it was the thought that counts. "Are you alright?" asked Kat, trying not to be too loud… but with how out of it Xiang was, she erred on the side of caution and it ended up closer to a yell.

"Mrghmln" mumbled Xiang.

He was not ok.