
Chapter 393 Right… but the Socks?

"Thanks for that, but we probably should get to testing these socks. You can tell me more later" said Kat.

"Oh right. Of course… do you want to put them on then?" said Kamiko looking a little guilty. *Don't look like that Kamiko, it was my fault I even asked the questions, you aren't in the wrong here. Still, I really should be the one to put the socks on just in case… but hopefully she won't think this means I'm blaming her. I don't want to make it into a big deal though… we shouldn't be talking too much.* 

"Sure thing. I'd rather you didn't get hurt so just in case" responded Kat, hoping that little bit of comfort would offset her previous comments. It had… mixed results. Kamiko handed over the sock without looking quite as guilty but she was certainly pouting now.