
Chapter 165 Tied to a Chair 

As Kat hit the floor, she felt the disgusting feeling of Thyme's teleportation wrap her up and carry her away. As she travelled though, something strange happened the feeling of wrongness was worse this time, but as she travelled the sickly green distorted.

Kat only had another moment to ponder the strange distortion before she was thrown out somewhere and hit the ground face down.

"Ah, hmmm, well" said Thyme from somewhere "Can't have our winner face down in the dirt can we. Just one moment"

Kat felt something light touch her back, but no improvement in her condition. "Hmm, ooh" Thyme clicked their tongue. "Well, that certainly wasn't what I was hoping"

Thyme clicked their fingers and Kat felt something wrap around her. Vines wrapped around her pulling her up into a sitting position, and then secured her head to the back of the chair. As this was happening more vines positioned her legs, so they were crossed.