
Chapter 1619 And Herself for Once

--- Kat ---

Kat had finally, agonisingly, managed to tease out the story of what happened from Kamiko. It was basically like pulling teeth. Kamiko would start, stammer, get distracted, make excuses for other people, bring up secondary or tertiary incidents, come back to the original and main point before backtracking. Kat was surprised that Kamiko had even been able to say everything. She was quite sure that Kamiko had made more than one contradictory statement in that mess of an explanation…

But she got the gist of things. Meg was causing trouble. Obviously. The main incident was one with Brook and Church with Meg making everything worse, and then Kamiko not properly recovering afterwards not just because of the panic but because of the guilt associated with falsely being angry at Church. Even if Church didn't seem bothered anymore and Meg was mostly to blame.