
Chapter 1567 Through the Fire and Mist

--- Kamiko --- (Evening Day 11)

They'd done it. The bright silverly wall in the distance told them they had done it… but the journey to get there was more painful then they'd thought it would be. While physically the group was still in fine condition mentally they were exhausted. Constant vigilance in case of the bubbles for Bower and monsters for everyone else meant the group was fairly rung out. Hunter the sole exception to this. She was still aware and in fine condition but everyone else not so much.

This included Kamiko who on day 10 had taken it upon herself to do the carrying for a while. There was an eight hour stint where Meg rested and Kamiko carried the ornery greed demon. It came up when Meg stumbled slightly and Kamiko asked "Um… would you like me to carry you for a bit? Let… let you get some rest?"