
Chapter 1458 The Burning Lab

--- Kat --- 

*Lily? Any preferences?*

[I'm sure I could learn a lot from all the other stuff… but just get me the notes. I don't care enough about anything else and I certainly don't want to risk what might be in them. Heck, if this guy was crazy enough to mess with the corpse worms who knows what else they were into. There could be diseases or something else horrible in one of the cupboards. So just get the notes and burn the rest.]

"Well, Lily is on board with 'Get the notes and burn the rest' how does that sound to you?" suggested Kat.

"I would recommend opening all the cupboards quickly and without breathing, then grabbing what we want before backing up and allowing me to burn the rest of the room out," said Hunter.

"Right. Best to be safe. Um… should I just do that then? My regeneration can probably stand up to whatever gets thrown at me," suggested Kat.