
My first nemesis

Hiro, was admired his muscular physique in the mirror while wearing only boxers. "I'm not sure if it's the fighting or my powers, but I'm incredibly toned," Hiro said, flexing his abs and arms. Suddenly, Sephira, appeared behind him, causing him to let out a yelp and quickly dress.

"Sephira, why do you constantly do this? Stop materializing in my room," Hiro exclaimed. "I was merely curious about your daily routine on Earth. And do you always engage in self-admiration?" Sephira inquired, leaving Hiro feeling embarrassed. "No... I need to get to school," Hiro said, but Sephira stopped him. "Hold on. There's something I must tell you..." Sephira said with a blank stare. "What is it?" Hiro asked. "Your zipper is down," Sephira pointed out. Hiro hurriedly pulled it up, only to break the zipper. "Oh, come on," Hiro muttered, grabbing a new pair of pants and flying out of his room.

He landed near the school, concealing himself to avoid being noticed. However, he witnessed several fire trucks rushing towards a burning building. "Hey, Savory! Do you think you can reach those we can't?" the fire chief asked. "I'm on it," Hiro replied, taking flight towards the other burning buildings. Hiro worked tirelessly, rescuing people and ultimately extinguishing the last fire by creating a tornado-like vortex with his body. "I always wanted to do that, but I never intend to repeat it," Hiro said, feeling nauseous.

He started to return to school but realized his clothes were burned. He rushed home, changed, and ran through the school's hallways. However, the principal intercepted him. "Mr. Ellsworth, it's good to see you, but you missed three classes. Detention," the principal instructed before walking away. "Being a hero is such a hassle. And I need a fireproof suit," Hiro muttered, heading towards detention.

In a dilapidated warehouse, Rick Wayne paced impatiently, his eyes fixed on the entrance. "It's about time you showed up. I've got the prototype right here," he muttered to himself. As the door creaked open, John Wayne stepped inside, a young boy in tow.

"Had to bring our lucky subject. Meet Richard. His leg's permanently damaged," John explained, as the boy, Richard, settled into a chair. "Well, you wouldn't have to worry about that with this. You'll become stronger and faster, just like the town's hero," Rick said, a sinister grin spreading across his face. Richard hesitated but nodded reluctantly as Rick prepared a syringe filled with an eerie blue liquid.

With a swift injection, vines of blue light enveloped Richard's body, transforming his slender frame into a towering, muscular figure. He collapsed to the ground, and John's voice quivered with excitement. "Did it work?" "Perhaps..." Rick murmured, as Richard slowly rose to his feet, his leg healed and his demeanor more assertive than ever.

"My leg...it doesn't hurt anymore. Yes! Thank you, Mr. Wayne," Richard exclaimed, grasping Rick's hand in gratitude before striding out of the warehouse. "Well, it worked," John said. "Let's start making more." Meanwhile, Richard strutted through the streets with newfound confidence.

At school, his classmates gasped in amazement. "Richard?" Phoebe exclaimed. "Yep. Like the new look?" Richard boasted. "Yeah, it's...different. Did you start working out?" Phoebe asked. "No, no. There was this program the Wayne brothers were holding, and I was the first test subject. And now I can play basketball," Richard replied, his arrogance evident in his voice.

In the serene ambiance of the library, Hiro meticulously browsed the shelves in search of an elusive tome. As he reached for a promising volume, another hand brushed against his own. Startled, Hiro withdrew his hand, only to discover the gentle touch of Wendy. "I'm... sorry," Hiro stammered, his voice trembling slightly. "No, it's okay, Hiro. You can have it," Wendy replied with a warm smile. Hiro's eyes involuntarily closed, his vision blurring from the intense heat emanating from his eyes.

"Get it under control, Hiro," he silently commanded himself, calming his racing pulse. "Hiro, are you alright?" Wendy inquired with concern. "Ah, yes, just something in my eyes," Hiro replied, clearing his throat. "We could read this together, if you like?" "Sure," Wendy agreed, as they settled onto a nearby table. However, as Wendy drew closer, Hiro's nerves flared, his muscles tensing.

A peculiar sensation coursed through his left hand, and to his disbelief, it began to phase through the table's surface. Hiro swiftly concealed his hand from Wendy's view. "Uh... I have to go. I forgot to meet Richard," Hiro blurted out, hastily making an excuse as he bolted from the library, ignoring Wendy's queries.

Hiro paced through the hallways, concealing his intangible hand. He reached for the bathroom door, only for his fingers to pass effortlessly through the handle. With his other hand, he managed to turn the knob and step inside. "Intangibility? That's so cool! I'm like a comic book superhero..." Hiro muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his face. Unfortunately, his excitement was short-lived as his left foot sank into the solid ground.

"Okay, I need to get this under control before I fall into the Earth's core," he joked, attempting to suppress the growing power within him. Meanwhile, on the bustling basketball court, Richard pleaded with the coach. "Please, Coach, this time I promise my leg is healed." "Okay, but you've got one shot to impress me," the coach warned. Suiting up, Richard took to the court with newfound determination.

As the whistle blew, he seized the ball and swiftly dribbled past the opposition, culminating in a thunderous dunk. "Beginner's luck," sneered Cash, the team's star player. Undeterred, Richard continued to dominate, showcasing his exceptional skills. "That's enough. You're in," the coach declared. An inexplicable hunger gnawed at Richard's stomach, causing him to leave the game abruptly. In the privacy of the locker room, he doubled over in pain, lashing out at the lockers. "What's happening to me?" Richard roared, his body wracked with agony.

Within a ship floating above Earth's atmosphere, Sephira and Baskara were engaged in a crucial conversation. "Have you got the Exordiumnites?" Baskara inquired. "Yeah, but one is lost in deep space, and the other is currently playing the hero on Earth," Sephira replied. "We need warriors like them. I'll track down the one in space, but I need you to bring the other one here," Baskara instructed before abruptly ending the connection.

Left to ponder her next move, Sephira contemplated, "How am I going to get Hiro into space?" Her thoughts were interrupted by an alarm signaling incoming missiles, prompting her to swiftly activate a force field. "So, these apes have decided to seal their fate," Sephira muttered with a wicked smile. Meanwhile, Hiro, unaware of the unfolding events, was at school walking out of the bathroom.

"Ah, did you really have to go that bad, nerd, that you missed the last two classes?" Cash teased, accompanied by his friends. Hiro thought to himself, "(I missed two classes due to trying to figure out my new power, jerk.)" as he retrieved his backpack from his locker. As Phoebe approached him, Hiro sensed her concern. "Hey Hiro, do you know where Richard is?" she asked anxiously.

"No, is he okay?" Hiro inquired. Phoebe explained, "I haven't seen him since his transformation. The basketball coach mentioned he left in pain after trying out for the team." Determined to find their missing friend, Hiro suggested, "Okay, let's split up and search around the school." Using his X-ray vision discreetly, Hiro surveyed the school and noticed the damaged locker room. Swiftly employing his super speed, he arrived at the scene only to find claw marks on the walls.

"Richard, are you here?" Hiro called out, following a peculiar trail. Suddenly, a deep and raspy voice echoed through the room, "Hiro!" Hiro cautiously approached the source, only to come face-to-face with a towering, nine-foot hairy creature. "Richard, is that you?" Hiro questioned, attempting to reach out, but his arm was swiftly seized by the creature. "Hiro, die!" the creature growled, launching Hiro across the room before fleeing into the town, leaving Hiro to ponder the shocking turn of events.

Hiro soared through the futuristic cityscape, his ski mask concealing his identity as he used his enhanced hearing to locate his missing friend, Richard. The sound of distant screams pierced the air, drawing Hiro's attention. With a surge of determination, he propelled himself into the heart of the chaos, creating a colossal crater as he confronted a monstrous creature. "

"Richard, snap out of it!" Hiro implored, his voice resonating with both concern and desperation. The creature let out a piercing roar as spikes protruded from its grotesque form. Hiro swiftly seized two of the spikes, only to be impaled himself through his stomach and leg. The impact sent him crashing into a field of abandoned vehicles. As Hiro lay writhing in agony, the black spikes spread relentlessly throughout his body, immobilizing him.

"What... what's happening to me?" he uttered, his voice strained. Suddenly, the ground shook as army trucks approached, their soldiers aiming their weapons at the helpless Hiro. "Surrender, abomination!" the commander barked, advancing cautiously. "Hey, can we maybe put this on hold for a bit?" Hiro joked feebly, attempting to ignore the excruciating pain.

"After we vivisect you, that creature, and your friend?" the commander replied mockingly. "Not likely." As the commander closed in, Hiro's body was consumed by an intense pain. Sephira, descended from the sky, missiles in hand. "You humans make such a mess," she remarked sarcastically, launching one of the missiles into the air towards the approaching tank. With lightning speed, Sephira retrieved Hiro in her arms and propelled them away from the impending explosion.

"Hiro, what's happening to you?" she demanded anxiously. "I'm not sure," Hiro replied, his brow furrowed. "I was battling my friend... he transformed into that monster... and he did this to me." Hiro's X-ray vision revealed the horrifying truth: the spikes had fused with his bones, spreading rapidly through his body. "This... this is bad," he muttered, a hint of panic in his voice. Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of peace washed over Hiro.

Concentrating intensely, he activated a newfound ability—intangibility—and watched in amazement as the spikes dislodged themselves from his body and floated harmlessly to the ground. "So, you've acquired a new power," Sephira observed, her voice devoid of emotion. "How convenient." Hiro replaced his ski mask and took a moment to reflect. "Yeah... it seems that way." He paused, then glanced at the army truck.

"Why is the military after us?" "I don't know... and I don't care," Sephira answered dismissively. "These fools are no match for us." "I'll settle this with you later," Hiro declared, his gaze hardening. "Right now, I need to stop Richard before they destroy him." With renewed determination, Hiro soared back towards the city, leaving Sephira behind.

In the depths of Delport, chaos reigned supreme as a monstrous creature wreaked havoc upon the city. Amid the pandemonium, Hiro, donning his heroic alter ego Savory, emerged, ready to confront the colossal beast. With a thunderous punch, Hiro sent the creature crashing to the ground. "Get away from here!" Hiro commanded as the terrified citizens fled to safety. "Richard, my friend, I must restore your senses. The world seeks to destroy you," Hiro pleaded, desperately trying to reach his former comrade.

The creature surged forward, its hands transformed into deadly spikes, aimed at Hiro's face. But Hiro, with his ability to become intangible, effortlessly phased through the attack. Counterattacking with a swift punch to the creature's face and a powerful kick to its side, Hiro sent it hurtling into the air. Hovering in the sky, Hiro unleashed his heat vision, only to be met with a shield of spikes blocking his attack.

Hiro's rapid-fire punches and kicks seemed to have no effect as the creature adapted to his tactics. "Its power is growing," Hiro groaned. "I need to find the source." Using his X-ray vision, Hiro located Richard within the creature's monstrous form. Super-speeding to the creature, Hiro attempted to penetrate its exterior, but his efforts were futile.

The creature's deadly embrace tightened, Hiro's bones creaking under the pressure. "Richard... Please fight back... We need you," Hiro implored, his voice strained as the creature's grip intensified. "Let go of my friend!" Richard's voice emerged, fused with the creature's. As the creature loosened its grip, Richard emerged from its depths.

"Hiro! Do it!" Richard urged. Hiro plunged his hand into the creature's flesh, tearing it apart and releasing Richard. vaporizing the gooey substance with his heat vision, Hiro carried Richard to safety. "So, you're Savory and you have superpowers? That's amazing," Richard exclaimed. "I've been meaning to tell you, but your secret identity is important," Hiro responded.

"Yeah, yeah, the first rule of being a superhero," Richard replied. "But how did you become that creature?" Hiro asked. "I was home when Wayne Industries approached me, offering to fix my leg with this strange substance," Richard explained. "It worked, but it also caused me to transform into that monster and attack the city."

In the towering Wayne Tower, Rick, a man of science, sat behind his desk with a satisfied smile. "Well, that was a success of sorts. Next time, we'll increase the dosage for better results," he uttered. "Hopefully, they won't mutate into a man-eating monster again. And look, our friend is here," John chimed in, his gaze fixed on Savory hovering outside the window.

Rick welcomed Savory with a sinister grin, sliding open the window. "Finally, I've been eager to have a chat with you. Where do you stand? This town and half the world belong to us now. You will work for us," he declared. Savory remained silent, his eyes blazing red. "Fine, if you refuse, we can find another guinea pig," John interjected, approaching his brother.

"I'll be keeping a close eye on you," Savory hissed before soaring off, shattering the windows with a sonic boom. "Well, that went as well as could be expected," John remarked sarcastically. "Don't fret; everyone has a weakness. We'll find his," Rick said confidently. In his room, Hiro shed his ski mask. "Should I be excited or worried to have an archenemy?" he pondered, settling on his bed and closing his eyes.

In Sector 68, Commander Reed entered the code that unlocked the door to a hidden chamber. Inside, rows of cages held strange and exotic creatures. Beyond them, in an abandoned rocket testing room, a young woman named Alice hung suspended by chains, unconscious. "Commander, what are you doing here?" Dr. Mason, a man in a white coat, approached.

"How's the experiment progressing?" Reed inquired. "Nearing completion. Project Alice will be operational once we've infused her with the DNA of every extraterrestrial specimen we've collected," Mason explained, gesturing towards a massive vat filled with a pulsating green liquid and a tiny embryo floating within. "Excellent," said Reed. "Soon, we'll possess the most formidable weapon in the United States and crush those alien freaks." With that, he strode towards the vat, his gaze fixed on the embryo that held the key to their ultimate victory.