
Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version

Sarcastic and alexithymic: that was my former self, living a life marked by indifference and cynicism. My death, as degrading as the life I led, should have been the end, an eternal rest which, in my view, would have been more than sufficient. However, it seems that the heavens had different plans - or perhaps, they just possessed an extremely cruel sense of humor. With what should have been my last breath came, to my surprise and dismay, a new lease on life. Reborn in a world where magic, demons, angels, and fallen entities are not mere products of fantasy tales but a tangible and dangerous reality, here I am, reincarnated as an ordinary human. Lost in this strange new world, one question persistently hammers away at my mind: Why couldn’t I have simply remained dead? What's the purpose of being pulled from the void only to be thrown back into existence, and into a place as absurdly surreal as this? Why, of all possible fates, did I have to be reincarnated? Prepare yourself for a saga where the supernatural and dark humor coexist, where powers, artifacts, mystical creatures, and characters from various animes and mangas make their appearances. However, at the heart of this enigmatic and irreverent narrative, we find ourselves immersed in the universe of High School DxD. Embark on this disconcerting and often hilarious journey as I attempt to unravel the mystery behind my inexplicable reincarnation.

Kuroto_Tennouji · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Volume I - Chapter 9

I headed to my room, and upon arrival, sat on the bed, placing a candle on it.

"When did everything go so wrong?" I wondered to myself, opening the system and navigating to the inventory tab. There was only one item inside: a Tutoring Ticket. I reached into the translucent, ethereal window, my hand disappearing as I did so. Feeling something like paper, I grasped and withdrew my hand, akin to submerging it into water with the system responding like actual water, creating small waves. Out came a small chromatic ticket with a large purple star in the center. I held it tightly, contemplating whether I should proceed.

"If I am to be controlled by something, let it be by no one but myself," I murmured, the words escaping my lips like a silent, resolute vow. With a decisive motion, I tore the chromatic ticket in half.

The moment the paper parted, a profound and unfathomable silence engulfed the room. The small candle on my table ceased flickering, its flame frozen in time, suspended in an eternal, unmoving dance. As if responding to my act of defiance, reality itself started to crack and fracture, disintegrating into fragments of existence that vanished into darkness.

I found myself in an environment that defied logical description. The ground below mirrored a starry sky of indescribable beauty and unimaginable colors. It was a celestial vista, one that could never be witnessed on Earth.

In front of me, a status window materialized, floating in the air with an ethereal glow. Words and numbers danced on its surface, forming a menu of options and information.



Hello Player, welcome to the Dream Realm. Here you'll be guided by the tutor of your choice. Remember, tutoring time is limited; for additional time, another ticket or a tutor pass is required, which allows the tutor to enter your Dream Realm as needed. More information is available in the store.


Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen): A highly respected and powerful teacher in Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo is known for his unparalleled strength and ability to teach complex techniques understandably. He can help unlock and refine magical and physical abilities, providing a solid understanding of both theory and practice.

Merlin Ambrosius (Data Corrupted): - Merlin is a legendary figure with deep knowledge of magic and strategy. Though specific details about his abilities and history are unavailable, she is known as a wise counselor and powerful mage.

Archer (Fate Series): A servant of the Archer class, he possesses extensive knowledge of magic and long-range combat skills. His experience in various battles makes him an invaluable strategist, able to help navigate complicated and dangerous situations.

Yoriichi Tsugikunil (Demon Slayer): A master swordsman whose Sun Breathing technique is immensely powerful. He can offer superior combat skills and a deep understanding of energy control, with a focused and disciplined approach to training.

Reinhard van Astrea (Re:Zero): As the Sword Saint, Reinhard is an unstoppable force on the battlefield with exceptional knowledge in combat and tactics. He can be a strict mentor, instilling a sense of duty, honor, and determination.

Kakashi Hatake (Naruto): With extensive knowledge in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, Kakashi is a balanced mentor who can provide a solid foundation in various forms of combat and strategy, in addition to imparting important values like teamwork and sacrifice.

Aizawa Shota (My Hero Academia): A prominent teacher at U.A. High School, Aizawa has exceptional combat skills and specializes in enemy neutralization techniques. He can provide intensive training, focusing on the development of unique abilities and improving endurance and strength.

Toshinori Yagi (All Might) (My Hero Academia): As the former Symbol of Peace, All Might has unparalleled experience in combat and protection. He can be an inspiring source and guide for developing combat skills, providing motivation and valuable advice.


As words and numbers flowed before my eyes, I felt a strange mix of excitement and trepidation fill my chest. Each name listed was familiar, echoing through the thin lines between reality and fiction, illuminating potential paths of power and understanding.

I stood there, immersed in the silent, glittering vastness of the dream realm, carefully weighing my options. Each tutor offered unique skills and knowledge, leading me towards the boundaries of the impossible and the extraordinary.

With my eyes fixed on the gently glowing names, my mind wandered, pondering the endless possibilities each choice presented.

Whether I liked it or not, these were simply the best teachers I could ask for.

Yoriichi was considered even more powerful than the demon king himself.

Aizawa possessed a unique individuality of nullifying other individualities.

Reinhard was simply monstrous, blessed with so many gifts and having a blessing that made him one of the best possible teachers.

Besides the various icons I would love to converse with or even learn from, like All Might or even Archer—or should I call him Shido?

But for some reason, I felt a strange sentiment towards the name Merlin Ambrosius, something akin to a need.

Although this wouldn't influence my decision, given my current state and characteristics, there was only one person I would want to teach me how to control and tame what I possessed. If not him, who else? In heaven and earth, I alone am honored.

The decision was made. The window disappeared abruptly, replaced by a blinding flash that forced my eyes shut. I felt the world spin and whirl around me before gradually slowing to a complete stop. The warmth of an invisible sun brushed my face, and a nostalgic voice, unheard for years, filled my ears.

"Haha, I honestly can't believe you picked me over her," the voice mocked, amused by the situation. "I hope you won't have any trouble with her later, Kuroto."

Slowly, I opened my eyes to find the ironic, familiar smile, the blindfolded eyes, and platinum hair that could belong to only one man: Satoru Gojo.

"What do you mean by that, and how do you know my name?" I inquired, somewhat on guard, yet also exhilarated. I'd always harbored a secret wish to meet him, and it seemed my dream had finally come true.

"Wouldn't it be strange if a tutor didn't know his student's name?" He replied with a playful tone, as if stating the obvious. "But I suppose you didn't come here just for small talk, did you, kid?"

He was absolutely right. Questions could wait. What mattered now was learning from him, understanding my cursed energy, and honing my skills.

I bowed deeply, determination clear in my voice, "Gojo-sensei, please accept me as your student."

He burst into laughter, holding his belly while observing my expression. "Oh, kid. It's not like I have much of a choice." He approached, circling around me, evaluating. "But you have potential. It will be interesting to polish this rough diamond."

Reviewing my emotional state momentarily and focusing on his charismatic figure, I said: "I need to understand my cursed energy, sensei. There's something within me I can't control, and I feel like you're the right person to help me."

Gojo nodded, his face taking on a more serious expression. "Well, let's start with the basics, then. Cursed energy isn't something you can simply wield without understanding it. It's an extension of your emotion, of your being."

With a gesture, he summoned a pulsating sphere of dark energy. "This is cursed energy. It's fueled by negative emotions, fear, anger, hatred... The more intense the emotions, the more powerful the curse."

I stared at the sphere, feeling the pressure of the energy emanating from it. "How can I control it, then?"

Gojo smiled. "Ah, that's the question, isn't it? First, you need to understand yourself, your emotions, and feelings. Only then will you be able to master this energy."

With a confident and casual smile still on his face, Gojo began explaining.

"So, Kuroto, cursed energy, at its core, is a manifestation of negativity. Fear, hatred, pain – these fundamental human feelings shape and empower it. But here's the crucial part: to effectively manipulate it, you need to have total control over these emotions."

He paused, ensuring I was absorbing each word. His blindfolded eyes somehow conveyed an intense gaze, forcing me to pay attention.

"Let's begin with circulating cursed energy," he continued. "Picture the energy as a continuous current, flowing through your body. You need to learn how to direct this flow, channeling it where needed."

He paused, observing me attentively. "This requires intense concentration and focus. You should be able to feel each part of your body, understand how energy moves and flows within you."

Gojo then proposed a practical exercise. "Now, I want you to do something similar to what Itadori had to do. Let's test your ability to manipulate and concentrate your cursed energy."

He presented a small and seemingly fragile object in front of me. It looked like a candle, with a flickering flame dancing on top. "Your task is simple. Channel your cursed energy into the flame, but cautiously. The goal is to strengthen the flame, not extinguish it. Show me that you can feed and nurture with your energy, without letting it destroy."

The exercise seemed straightforward at first glance, but I soon realized the inherent challenge in the task. I had to delicately balance the intensity of my energy, avoiding any excess that could snuff out the flame.

Sitting in a lotus position, I focused my attention on the small flame before me. I could feel the cursed energy within me, pulsing and stirring, ready to be released. With deep and controlled breaths, I began to direct the flow of this dark and volatile energy into the flame.

"So, boy, I noticed you have a lot on your mind, huh?" said the silver-haired blindfolded man, sitting in front of me while I was trying to concentrate.

"Isn't the point to focus on keeping the flame alight? If we start talking, I won't be able to concentrate," I replied without opening my eyes, trying to maintain the flame's intensity.

"I understand... you're carrying a heavy burden, kid," murmured Gojo, his typically playful tone now tinged with rare sobriety. "However, letting those feelings take hold of you will only make you weaker. You cannot control others' actions, only your own."

I tried to focus on the flame and the energy circulating in my veins, but Gojo's words brought a flood of emotions to the surface.

"Sensei, it's just... I feel like I'm being pulled in different directions, used as a tool by everyone around me," I admitted, my voice shaking slightly. "On one hand, I want to protect those important to me, but on the other, it's painful to be constantly manipulated and put in danger."

There was a pause during which I could feel Gojo's intense gaze on me, even with my eyes firmly closed.

"I see. That sounds... familiar," Gojo said, his voice low and thoughtful. "But Kuroto, distancing yourself from everyone is not the solution. You'll only feel more alone and empty."

"But it would be easier," I murmured, almost to myself.

"And since when is the easy path the better one?" Gojo retorted, a trace of irritation in his voice. "Isolating yourself won't make things better, Kuroto. You'd just be running away from your problems, not facing them."

I took a deep breath, trying to absorb his words. "But Sensei, how do I do it? How do I balance my own will with the need to protect those I love? How do I deal with others' expectations and manipulations?"

Gojo was silent for a moment, pondering the question. "It's a delicate dance, Kuroto. You must learn to stand your ground, to set your own boundaries. Don't let yourself be pulled in all directions. Remember, at the end of the day, you are the master of your own fate."

"It's easy for you to say, sensei. You're so powerful that even the big shots in the jujutsu world fear you and what you can do."

"Ah, Kuroto," Gojo replied, his tone becoming darker and more introspective for a moment. "Power is not a panacea for all problems. In fact, sometimes, it can make things even more complicated."

He straightened up, his blindfolded eyes somehow conveying a piercing look, as if he could see directly through my soul.

"You see, being powerful means you have more to lose," he continued, his voice low. "And it also attracts more attention - not always the good kind. People may start to depend too much on you or, conversely, begin to fear and

  conspire against you."

He paused, as if pondering whether he should continue. "I too have lost people who were important to me. I had to make tough decisions, sometimes sacrificing my own well-being for the greater good. And I wasn't always understood or appreciated for it."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I listened. Gojo Sensei, as powerful and confident as he was, clearly carried his own set of burdens and pains.

"And do you think it was worth it?" I asked hesitantly, my eyes fixed on him.

Gojo hesitated for a moment before answering. "Was it worth it? That's a complicated question, kid. I've saved many lives, protected many people, but at the cost of much personal pain and suffering."

He smiled, though there was a certain sadness in his eyes. "But, you see, we can't afford to regret or question every action we take. We must move forward, learn from our mistakes, and do the best we can with the information and skills we have at the moment."

Gojo stood up, stretching. "Living is a complicated process, Kuroto. You'll make choices you'll regret, lose people you love, and face countless difficulties. But each experience is a lesson, and each lesson makes you stronger and wiser."

He winked at me, reverting back to his usual playful demeanor. "So, don't stress too much, okay? You're learning and growing. And I'm here to assist... well, at least for the time being."

His words, though straightforward, echoed profoundly within me. Even though the weight of expectations and responsibilities still pressed on my shoulders, Gojo's words offered a different kind of strength and comfort. With him by my side, I felt empowered to face any challenges that might come my way.

"Thank you, Gojo Sensei," I murmured, my voice filled with genuine gratitude.

He nodded, smiling. "You're welcome, kid. Now, let's get back to training; we have plenty of work ahead!"

The flame flickered and twinkled under my erratic concentration, extinguishing more than once. Each time this happened, I would hear Gojo's light, amused laughter followed by a gentle yet firm pat on my head.

"Focus, Kuroto," Gojo chided, a teasing tone in his voice. "Don't let your mind wander. You need to be present, here and now."

I tried again, channeling my cursed energy into the flame. However, thoughts and doubts kept invading my mind, causing the flame to waver and die again. Another soft tap landed on the top of my head.

"You know," Gojo started, folding his arms and giving me an evaluative glance. "Sometimes, our greatest battle is not against external forces but against ourselves. You're fighting yourself, Kuroto, and that's hindering your progress."

I sighed, frustrated with myself and the predicament I was in. "It's hard, Sensei. It's hard not to think about everything that's happening, about everything that's at stake."

Gojo nodded understandingly. "I get it, I really do. But you need to learn to quiet those thoughts, to focus on the present moment. If you can't do that, you'll never fully control your cursed energy."

He stepped closer, looking straight into my eyes. "You have potential, Kuroto, but you need to learn to trust yourself, to believe in yourself."

"I... I'll try, Sensei," I promised, looking back at the candle in front of me.

"Don't try," Gojo responded, echoing the immortal words of Yoda. "Do, or do not. There is no try."

With that thought in mind, I took a deep breath, expelling all lingering thoughts and doubts. Then, with renewed determination and focus, I channeled my cursed energy into the flame once again.

This time, though, it was different. The flame didn't flicker or waver uncertainly. Instead, it glowed brighter and steadier under my energy's influx, illuminating the surrounding darkness with its warm, steady light.

"Well," Gojo murmured, a smile of approval on his lips. "Looks like you're getting the hang of it."

Focusing, I noticed the flame remained constant and vibrant, its light mirroring the renewed determination within me. However, as time seemed to stretch on, a nagging thought started to bubble in my mind: How much time had passed?

"Sensei, how long has it been since we started?" I inquired, my voice carrying a trace of apprehension. Deep down, I was worried that time was running out, that the window for learning and honing my skills was closing fast.

Gojo, however, shook his head, waving off my concern with a casual hand gesture. "Relax, Kuroto. Don't worry about time. Actually, barely an hour has passed since we started."

"An hour?" I murmured incredulously, my eyes widening with surprise. It felt like much more time had elapsed, each minute stretched and expanded by intense focus and concentration.

"That's right," Gojo confirmed with a nod. "Time doesn't flow the same way here as it does in the real world. So, stop worrying about it and focus on the task at hand."

I nodded, trying to push my concern about time away and focus back on the flame before me. However, now aware of the peculiar flow of time in this space, it was hard not to feel disconcerted.

Noticing my struggle, Gojo stepped forward, his blindfolded eyes somehow finding mine with an intensity that made me shiver. "Kuroto, time is a construct. What matters here and now is what you do with the time you have. So, use it wisely."

His voice, firm and unyielding, brought a sense of clarity to my cluttered mind. He was right. Being obsessed with time wouldn't help. Instead, I needed to make the most of every moment, use every second to improve and grow.

Taking a deep breath, I centered myself once more, my attention returning to the flickering flame and my cursed energy. Under Gojo's watchful eye, I continued to practice, to hone, lost in a cycle of learning and growth as time, immaterial and irrelevant, continued to flow at its own enigmatic pace.

With the flame stabilized and my cursed energy flowing in a controlled manner, I felt a sense of inward satisfaction. Gojo, noticing the newfound control, flashed an approving glance before standing up, the atmosphere around him shifting.

"Well, Kuroto," Gojo began, his tone light, but his eyes— or rather, the space covered by his blindfold— glowing intensely. "You're ready for the next step. How about a sparring match?"

The proposal took me by surprise. "A match, Sensei?" I retorted, uncertain. Gojo was not just a talented Sorcerer; he was a force to be reckoned with, possessing power that I could barely comprehend. How could I hope to face him, even in simple practice?

However, Gojo just waved for me to stand, a playful smile crossing his lips. "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

Cautiously, I got to my feet, my cursed energy rolling and bubbling within me in anticipation. As I braced myself, I noticed something peculiar— my cursed energy began to heat up, a fierce warmth emanating from its core. Upon focusing more, I saw the energy change, turning into black flames surrounded by a crimson aura.

Gojo, watching the transformation, nodded approvingly. "Interesting... Very interesting, Kuroto. Your cursed energy is unique."

"Sensei, what does this mean?" I asked, both fascinated and slightly apprehensive about the change.

"It means that your cursed energy has unique characteristics; the heat it emits is one example, and there might be other properties we're not aware of yet," Gojo replied. "Have you considered coating a cursed object with your energy? Or maybe even shaping the energy into a specific form?"

Gojo's words sparked a flicker of inspiration within me. Theoretically, I could use my cursed energy to enhance my attacks, create a shield, or even shape it into a weapon. The possibilities seemed endless.

"Shaping my energy..." I murmured thoughtfully. "Is that possible?"

"With practice and concentration, everything is possible," Gojo affirmed. "Let's try."

Under Gojo's watchful guidance, I began to experiment. I focused on my cursed energy, feeling the heat and power within it, and attempted to mold it into something tangible. Initially, it was challenging; the energy resisted my attempts to control it.

However, as time passed, I started to feel a connection, a growing understanding of the energy residing within me. It was wild and uncontrollable, yes, but also a part of me, an extension of my being.

As I focused, I felt the energy begin to respond, moving and changing at my will. With a sigh of satisfaction, I saw my cursed energy form into a sharp, black blade with crimson flames dancing on its surface.

Gojo watched with interest. "Well done, Kuroto. It seems you have a natural talent. Now, let's see how you utilize it in combat."

With the blade of cursed energy in hand, I prepared to face Gojo in a sparring match that promised to be as challenging as it was educational. Anticipation and excitement bubbled within me, and with a nod from Gojo, I advanced. The training had just begun.

I moved towards Gojo, gripping the blade of cursed energy I had just formed firmly. Each step echoed with determination and focus, while my mind raced through possible tactics and strategies to use against an opponent of Gojo's stature.

However, Gojo remained impassive, watching each of my movements with a calm, calculated gaze. His face bore a playful smile, almost as if he was amused by the situation.

I attempted a quick strike, swinging my blade at him with a mix of power and agility. However, with an almost disdainful ease, Gojo dodged, his movements fluid and graceful like water flowing through a stream.

"You need to focus, Kuroto," he advised me, his voice light yet firm. "Cursed energy is powerful, but without control and intention behind it, it's useless."

I nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. Focusing more intently, I channeled my energy into the blade, feeling it pulsate and vibrate with renewed power. Then, I struck again.

This time, Gojo seemed to take my attack more seriously. He moved to counter, and what ensued was a whirlwind of moves and techniques. Each strike I delivered was deftly blocked, but I could feel myself improving, learning more with each attempt.

"There you go!" Gojo exclaimed suddenly, dodging one of my stronger attacks. "You're starting to understand. Cursed energy isn't just a tool; it's an extension of you, of your will and emotions."

I took a deep breath, allowing his words to permeate me. Feeling a newfound sense of understanding and connection with the energy within me, I lunged forward, the blade slicing through the air with a sharp hiss.

Gojo defended, moving with grace and speed, but there was a glint of approval in his eyes. The fight continued, each move, each attack and defense, teaching me more about mastering cursed energy and about myself.

Eventually, Gojo stepped back, signaling the end of the sparring session. "Well done, Kuroto," he said, his tone full of genuine satisfaction. "You've learned quickly. Keep it up, and you'll be a formidable cursed energy user."

Exhausted but exultant, I thanked Gojo before falling into reflection. There was still a long way to go, but under Gojo's guidance, I felt I could master cursed energy and perhaps uncover more about the mysterious power within me. And with that silent resolution, I continued my training, mind and heart focused on the uncertain but promising future ahead.

Gojo let out a short, relaxed laugh, his gaze falling on me with a mix of amusement and consideration.

"Using the Infinite Void here would be somewhat excessive, don't you think?" He tilted his head, eyes behind the blindfold almost visibly squinting in amused contemplation. "This is a place of learning, Kuroto. If I were to unleash all my power, would you really learn anything?"

He had a point. If Gojo were to employ his most potent technique, I would probably be so overwhelmed and intimidated by the sheer force of his power that learning would become secondary - or even impossible.

"Moreover," Gojo continued, crossing his arms and gazing into the distant horizon, "training is not just about learning to wield raw power. It's about control, understanding, and reflection. The Infinite Void is an expression of my comprehension and control over cursed energy. You are still on the path to attaining that level of mastery."

He then turned his gaze back to me, the corner of his lips curving into a smile that was half playful, half serious.

"You are here to learn, to grow. And to do that, you need to be challenged, pushed beyond your limits. If I make things too easy for you, you'll never truly grasp what it means to be a cursed energy user."

Gojo stood up, stretching slightly before looking down, pinning me with a gaze that was intensely focused and resolute.

"Let's continue, Kuroto," he said, determination burning behind his words. "You still have much to learn, and time is ticking away."

I inhaled deeply, feeling fatigue in my bones and the burn of cursed energy still softly pulsing through my veins. But there was also determination, an iron will forged in the heat of battle and tempered by the wisdom of Gojo's words.

"Yes, sensei," I replied, rising and bracing myself for the next round of training. Each step, each lesson, brought me one step closer to control, power, and ultimately, understanding.

Under the watchful eye and careful instruction of Satoru Gojo, I felt ready to tackle any challenge that might come my way.

Time seemed to slip by swiftly, with hours melding into days. There were no notifications from the system indicating the remaining time.

With every new lesson, I felt exponential growth in my ability to manipulate and control my cursed energy. Gojo-sensei challenged me in ways I could never have imagined, and every time I felt I had reached my limit, he unveiled a new perspective or technique that broadened my understanding of the world of curses.

Despite all the progress, there were moments of frustration when the energy felt uncontrollable, consuming me from within. During these times, Gojo exhibited surprising patience, guiding me through the emotional storm and helping me find balance again.

At a particular moment, while practicing a complex kata that Gojo had taught me, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. My legs gave in, and I fell to my knees on the reflective ground, sweat dripping down my face.

"I feel like I've been here for days, sensei," I gasped, looking up at Gojo, who wore an impassive expression.

He approached and squatted beside me. "The Realm of Dreams has its own perception of time, Kuroto. Here, time isn't constant like in the real world. It might feel like you've been here for days, weeks, or even months. But in the real world, only a few hours may have passed."

I took a deep breath, attempting to grasp this revelation. "So, all this training, all this progress... Is it real? Or is it all just an illusion?"

Gojo smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "The training is real, the skills you've acquired are real. What you learn here, you'll take with you into the real world. The distorted perception of time simply allows you to train more intensively."

This was comforting to hear, but exhaustion still weighed on me. "I need to rest, sensei," I admitted, closing my eyes.

Gojo nodded. "Sure, rest. When you're ready, we'll continue."

"Sensei, could you teach me some Japanese in the meantime?"

Gojo looked at Kuroto with a raised eyebrow, evident surprise on his face. "Japanese? Not something I expected to hear from you, especially in this context."

Kuroto scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. "I've always had a special affection for Japan. Always wanted to live there, to know its culture, its history... And learning the language is the first step, right?"

Gojo smiled, his posture relaxed. "It's an admirable approach. Sure, I can help with that. But first, tell me: what fascinates you so much about Japan?"

Kuroto thought for a moment, his eyes taking on a distant look. "Maybe it's the unique blend of tradition and modernity. The respect for ancient traditions while simultaneously embracing technology and innovation. And the landscape... mountains, temples, bamboo forests, and bustling cities. It seems like a country of contrasts."

Gojo nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, Japan is indeed a land of contrasts. I grew up there, as you know, and have always been fascinated by its rich tapestry of history and culture. From samurais and shoguns to the technological advances in Tokyo. It's a place that can be both quietly spiritual and frantically modern."

Kuroto smiled. "That's exactly what I want to experience. And, of course, the cuisine. I've heard the food is unparalleled."

Gojo laughed, a playful glint in his eyes. "Ah, you're not wrong. From fresh sushi to steaming ramen, Japanese cuisine is indeed one of the best. And then, of course, there are the traditional festivals, the changing seasons, the cherry blossom celebrations... It's a feast for the senses."

There was a pause as the two got lost in their own memories and dreams.

Then, Kuroto inquired, "Sensei, what was it like growing up in Japan? I mean, for you, personally?"

Gojo sighed softly, appearing contemplative. "Growing up in Japan... it was an experience. I was fortunate to be exposed to both sides - the tradition and the modernity. I was trained in the ancient arts, in the traditions of the Gojo family, but I was also a kid who played in arcades and roamed the bustling streets of Tokyo."

"What about friends? Family?" Kuroto asked with curiosity.

Gojo hesitated for a moment, then shared, "I had friends, of course. And family. But, as you might know, it wasn't always easy. Being who I am, with the abilities and responsibilities I hold, always had its costs."

Kuroto nodded in understanding. "I get it. Challenges exist, no matter where you are or who you are."

Gojo grinned. "Exactly. But all in all, it was worth it. Japan is my home, and I'll always cherish and honor my heritage and culture."

Kuroto returned the smile, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Gojo-sensei. It means a lot."

Gojo gave Kuroto a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Anytime, Kuroto. Now, shall we begin those Japanese lessons?"

Kuroto laughed. "Yes, please!" And so, under the vast sky of the Dream Realm, the lesson commenced.

Gojo, with a gentle smile on his face, began teaching Kuroto the basics of the Japanese language: the hiragana and katakana characters, some basic words and phrases, and straightforward grammatical structures. To his astonishment, Kuroto was an incredibly adept student, rapidly soaking up the information, almost instinctively.

"Alright, repeat after me: こんにちは (Konnichiwa), which means 'hello' or 'good afternoon'," Gojo instructed.

"Konnichiwa," Kuroto echoed, his pronunciation nearly perfect.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Very good, Kuroto. You have a keen ear for languages. Let's try something more intricate."

After various other words and phrases, it was clear Kuroto held a remarkable affinity for learning Japanese. His progress was so rapid that Gojo couldn't help but compare him to another of his diligent pupils.

"You know, Kuroto, you remind me of Yuji Itadori in some ways," Gojo remarked offhandedly.

Kuroto looked at him, intrigued. "Oh, really? How so?"

Gojo crossed his arms, pondering. "Well, like you, Itadori picked things up quickly. He had an uncanny ability to internalize and apply new information and techniques almost instantly. Plus, he also had notable resilience and determination."

A modest smile formed on Kuroto's lips. "It's a great honor to be likened to someone so skilled."

"Don't sell yourself short, Kuroto," Gojo replied with a smirk. "You have your unique set of skills and talents. I'm eager to see just how far you'll go."

The two carried on with the language lessons, with Gojo introducing Kuroto to more complex expressions and nuances of Japanese. Kuroto, for his part, absorbed each piece of information with zeal and diligence.

As the hours passed (or at least seemed to in the Dream Realm), Kuroto became increasingly fluent, even able to converse with Gojo in Japanese with relative ease. Gojo couldn't help but feel a certain pride for his pupil's progress.

"You've done exceptionally well, Kuroto," Gojo said, pleased. "If you keep this up, you'll become proficient in Japanese in no time."

Kuroto bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Gojo-sensei. Your teachings have been immensely beneficial."

"Well, I'm here to help," Gojo responded with a casual wave. "But remember, learning a language is never-ending. There's always more to learn and practice."

"Understood, sensei," Kuroto nodded, resolved to keep improving.

Time in the Dream Realm was elusive and fluid. What felt like mere hours, in a blink, morphed into days. Days melded into weeks, and before I realized it, months had passed. Gojo's ever-present company became a grounding force in a place where time seemed meaningless. His guidance, quirky humor, and invaluable teachings had become an integral part of my routine in this ethereal space.

Suddenly, a notification materialized before me, floating in the air like a hologram:

[Time remaining: 5 minutes.]

I glanced at Gojo, eyes widening slightly, realizing our time together was nearing its end.

Gojo, noting my expression and the alert, gave a small smile, his gaze filled with that familiar mix of amusement and seriousness. "Well, looks like our little time jaunt is wrapping up, huh?"

A rush of emotions hit me - gratitude, sadness, determination. "Sensei, I can't thank you enough for all you've taught me."

Gojo waved a hand, dismissing my thanks with a playful smirk. "Ah, cut it out. It was fun. And, anyway, you turned out to be a surprisingly good student. Made me break a sweat a couple of times!" He winked.

"What should I do now?" I asked, eager for any final nugget of wisdom or advice.

Gojo leaned in, getting eye-level with me. "Keep training, keep learning, and most importantly, keep living. Face challenges head-on and don't be afraid to stumble. And remember," he paused, locking eyes with me, "you're stronger than you think."

I took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Thank you, Gojo-sensei. I'll never forget this."

He nodded, pulling back with a serene smile. "For my own sake, I hope I don't see you again. If you pop up here once more, that crazy one might skin me alive."

"Wait, who are you talking about?" He had mentioned something similar when I first arrived, but I hadn't given it much thought then.

"No time, Kuro. And remember, keep training and don't slack off."

"SENSEI! WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY-" Before I could demand more from him, I found myself back in that cold, stark room, as if I had just woken from a deep slumber, with the sun just beginning to rise.

"That silver-haired... what did he mean by that?!"

Sorry for the delay, everyone. It's now precisely 4:50 AM, and I'm translating the English version of the chapter even before posting it in Portuguese to express my gratitude to all who are reading the work. I hope you are enjoying it, and I apologize if the chapter seemed a bit slow-paced; we'll continue. I attempted to post the last chapter of the week by Sunday or even tomorrow if I can manage, but I hope a 5k-word chapter will excite you all! :D Thanks, and good night to everyone! :D

Kuroto_Tennoujicreators' thoughts